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Party Killers

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 4:35 am
by SixT9er
What has happened in parties that has ruined them for you? It's understood that some parties don't work just because lack of "Chemistry" but  others because something happened during the party. Looking back at your not so good parties what besides lack of Chemistry caused them?

First not Fresh! Very important the Lady be fresh especially with my party parameters. This has only happened twice but it was basically game over right away.

Inattentiveness: Again something that's happened a couple times. The Lady was just going through the motions. Some are obvious like when the Lady gets into a steady unenthusiastic rhythm while riding you and then proceeds to look at herself in the mirror and play with her hair as in "Does it look better this way or that way? Others are less obvious but you know when they are happening and they make it hard to enjoy the Beautiful Lady you are with

Rule change mid party: This has only happened once but it ruined the entire party. 20 min into the Party the Lady says I can't do something that I had cleared in negotiations as being acceptable and had already done in the first 20 min. (it was nothing extreme)

What has ruined parties for you?

Ladies please respond also so that we may learn what not to do

Re: Party Killers

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 10:56 am
by MrTShirt
Into the party, when the girl said that touching her nipples hurt.  (I continued with other things though.)

No word of caution before.  However, I was her first party, and maybe her last.  She only had a couple more days in her tour, and she never came back.

Also, due to cancer in her family, she had all breast material removed and C cup implants.  Never knew if that situation/procedure had anything to do with the pain.

Re: Party Killers

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 11:25 am
by Cobia
MrTShirt link wrote: Into the party, when the girl said that touching her nipples hurt.  (I continued with other things though.)

No word of caution before.  However, I was her first party, and maybe her last.  She only had a couple more days in her tour, and she never came back.

Also, due to cancer in her family, she had all breast material removed and C cup implants.  Never knew if that situation/procedure had anything to do with the pain.

Maybe she was scared since she had seen problems  but she should have told you ahead of time and I would have been fine with that.

Re: Party Killers

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 12:27 pm
by Chicagobob
A big party killer is one that I had last year at KitKat with a beautiful lady. Neither one of us were at fault we just didn't talk enough before going into the party. We basically bored each other, haha! 

I love giving oral and she just tolerated it. It just wasn't her thing. She was into straight vaginal sex but that's not my thing. She was Vanilla and I am Rocky Road! 

It wasn't that she was not accommodating to my requests, it's just that she wasn't excited about them.  She was actually a pretty good lover, but our styles were worlds apart.

Re: Party Killers

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 12:41 pm
by Cobia
yeah. it makes a huge difference if they don't enjoy it.  I also hate it if they  fake  it.  I have been lucky with my choices so for , only one didn't enjoy it but she didn't fake it so that is a +.  Still just like partying with a dead person.

Re: Party Killers

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 3:05 pm
by rachelvarga
Cobia link wrote: yeah. it makes a huge difference if they don't enjoy it.  I also hate it if they  fake  it.  I have been lucky with my choices so for , only one didn't enjoy it but she didn't fake it so that is a +.  Still just like partying with a dead person.

If you know they are faking then they either don't give a shit or just aren't very good. You can't orgasm over and over and over in a day and not be burned out. It's like trying to jerk off 5 times in an hour.

Re: Party Killers

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 6:16 am
by Glennster1
MrTShirt link wrote: Into the party, when the girl said that touching her nipples hurt.  (I continued with other things though.)

No word of caution before.  However, I was her first party, and maybe her last.  She only had a couple more days in her tour, and she never came back.

Also, due to cancer in her family, she had all breast material removed and C cup implants.  Never knew if that situation/procedure had anything to do with the pain.

Also the no playing down there, which was not discussed prior to agreeing to party.

Re: Party Killers

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 6:31 am
by Aubrey Huff
Biggest party killer for me was hygiene.  Had partied with a girl at MLBR 10+ times.  Got ready to go down on her............stank-o-pottamus.    Haven't partied with her since. 

I do know that if I was in the middle of party action and someone said "Baby, give me $200 or $300 bucks more for X" and was upselling during the party, I would just get up and leave.

Re: Party Killers

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 12:05 pm
by FumbleNutts
Yes, burping in the face would not be cool. Now I've had a lady burp on Little Freddie, but that did not bother me  :)

Hygiene thing has only happened to me one time that I can think of, but I had to do one of those down.....kiss around the thighs, then whoops, back up to the headlights  ;D

A mood killer one time was a lady told me to be careful "down there," because she's a little ticklish, so take it slow. Well, when I finally made my way down there she says, "no, I'm just too ticklish down there today."  :(

Re: Party Killers

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 7:59 pm
by Funmonger
One time I couldn't get off with a blow job in a rushed party anyway so I said how about finishing me by hand. So the girl said "ok, let me go get my gloves." Back she came with these snow white gaudy gloves. I'm thinking "are you fucking shitting me?" About then she said "It is for my own protection" as in her protection. Check. Got it. What a great waste of money. As far as I'm concerned she could have continued with the blow job but this one started badly anyway. She was just too clinical for me and overly cautious and seemed to have a bit of OCD. I never mentioned her name because she is technically correct, covered only. No more though, thank you very much.