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Current News and Views


Post by rachelvarga »

Who's Online and What They Are Doing Deactivated
I turned off the function that lets you see what boards other people are looking at and reduced the threshold for who has been online to 1 minute. Here's why. Other girls and I have had messages like, "Hey I saw you are online, but you haven't answered my email." It is no one's business what posts you are reading, but mostly though, this was done because some people just can't let shit go. Girls bring their concerns to me, and I have to take them serious, and I do.

Independent Girls
Unless a girl has posted something that shows she is an independent, then please don't accuse them of that. People got huffy when I used Jade as an example, but the truth is that anyone of you would know because her website showed dates she was working in Seattle. I have seen her on the other forum, and they may allow that, but we cannot let that happen here because it jeopardizes our standing within the framework of the law. The other side of this is accusing them and hurting their reputation without evidence is unfair. I will be cleaning these things up in the weeks to come.

Dennis Hof
There is an ongoing sexual assault investigation, and that concerns the welfare of other girls. I'm sorry, but I am not going to cover that up or ignore it like other forums. I am not interested in whether or not his feelings are hurt; I am interested in the welfare of other ladies. Sorry, but I'm not going to turn my back on them. I will possibly make a section just for this so people that don't want to see it all the time won't have to. What should it be called?

Hof Girls
Girls can come here and defend him if they like or just come and participate in other things, the forum is open to them, and my personal view is not in any way a determining qualifier on membership. If a Hof girl is here and is NOT engaging in the debate about Dennis, then DO NOT provoke them. They have a right to be here, and the truth be known they are really in need of a place that doesn't try to manipulate them. Dennis talk stays in Dennis talk posts. Remember this; they are not Dennis, so don't treat them as they are.

Vanity is right about the amount of negativity right now. I don't think it's negative but I understand the view that it can color people's view and there is enough bad news in the world as it is. I don't want to censor people. I think it should be separated and not be put in front of people that don't want to be a part of it. Basically I want my cake and eat it too. Is it to or too Bob? My personal grammar consultant.
Last edited by rachelvarga on Mon Dec 24, 2018 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SixT9er »

I’d just say that having who’s on in the last minute makes the board look like there is no traffic. So most online when it was 60 min was 60-90 now that stat will show much lower.

I’d suggest 10-15 min and keep the ability to see what others are doing turned off

Still feel there is no need for a separate Dennis section as this is just a cycle. It does disturb me to think Hof Ladies are being treated poorly just because they work at one of his houses. That nonsense needs to stop
Last edited by SixT9er on Wed Sep 19, 2018 5:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dr. Who »

Another alternative is to let the ladies know that they can hide their online status by changing that setting in their profile.  They'll show up as hidden to other members when they're logged in. 
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Post by rachelvarga »

Actually I would just turn that off totally. There is no need to know who is on at what time. Whether or not it looks like there is traffic is not a concern because I doubt that factors in participation. I would be okay with it should the number of people.
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Post by MrTShirt »

Girls online:  When they post, you know they were online.  Beyond that, what value is it knowing they or a guy were online?  Either they will answer or not answer their email or PM or whatever.  If they want the guy's business, they will respond.  If they don't want the guy's business, they will avoid him.  Life is simple.

Independent girls:  How does one know they are illegal?  Does using a media other than a ranch sponsored forum indicate illegal?  How do we know a guy's accusation of a girl being illegal is true, or is the guy lying to get "even".  Do we list guys who go illegal?  Do we expect Rachel to charge a subscription for the forum so she has money to hire investigators to follow around all the ladies.  The only practical approach is the current approach - keep this site supporting legal activities and avoiding illegal activities.

A Dennis Hof category:  One could start it, but when do you turn off that category, five weeks later? five years later? never?  Maybe a better approach is to add a more general category or topic, and then let such material roll to the background as time goes on.  After Hof disappears, there will be others like him.  Any hateful actions by some towards others need to be highlighted, but the question is the format used.

Hof girls:  There are only a few "Hof girls".  The majority are girls that work at Hof houses.  Plus, they could have or will work at other houses as well.  (There are a few girls that crave the attention of Hof, and will sellout other girls to achieve Hof's attention.  Sooner or later they will find themselves being sold out by Hof.  Life's lessons come slowly for some.)  Most people work for someone, and it is only common sense being careful what is said about one's boss.  Why is that a mystery too difficult for others to understand.  The girls who work at the Hof houses could easily end up elsewhere.  I have said numerous times that all girls and all guys ought to visit all the houses.

Suggestion:  How about a subdomain for all interested girls to post their profile and even a calendar?  (I feel a rush on books on web design happening.) 

Too.  Right Bob.
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Post by Slednx »

While you're at it, make a rule that if a member announces they are quitting the board, they can't come back!

If I had a dime for all the people who announced they were leaving the other board , only to go back posting in a week or month later. Some
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Post by rachelvarga »

I understand that people get frustrated and if they feel that way they should pm. Maybe their issue is valid.

People go back because their friends are there and have nowhere else to go but now they can come here.

I have had a few say it's just like SIN. At that point I don't think they will be happn anywhere.
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Post by Banginit »

Rachel Varga link wrote: Actually I would just turn that off totally. There is no need to know who is on at what time. Whether or not it looks like there is traffic is not a concern because I doubt that factors in participation. I would be okay with it should the number of people.
Agree you need todo whats right...its ur ship...I support it...Bang
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Post by Vanityaffair »

It is what it is. Everything surfaces to the surface sooner or later. We shall see. Let the dominoes fall where they should fall.
XO Vanity
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Post by Chicagobob »

Que Sera, Sera!  8)
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Post by rachelvarga »

How do you know a girl is independent?

The law is that you can't advertise anything illegal and must be for legal services in the county they will occur.

People are always using something to get a girl in trouble so that's unreliable. I have to read the posts and make sure it's a legal ad. We girls know who is doing what but again that's rumor.

If someone posts an illegal ad here or is using the forum while placing illegal ads elsewhere then there is a problem.

Some people got mad that I used Jade as an example. On her site she posted dates for when she was in Seattle. Pretty clear cut. I really get tired of hearing about some girls. Most of you have no clue to what some are like and I just have to roll my eyes when you defend people as so caring and loving when in reality they are cruel and calculating.
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Post by SixT9er »

I think the need for a separate Hof forum has been eliminated...
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Post by rachelvarga »


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