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What Constitues a Regular

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:32 am
by Boomer
Several years ago one of the ladies at the Mustang referred to me as a regular. He statement caught me off guard as I didn’t view myself in that light. I probably visit the Mustang several times a month sometimes for lunch and sometimes to party. With all the knowledge on this board I am curious what defines a “Regular”?

Re: What Constitues a Regular

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:38 am
by SixT9er
If you’re in there a few times a mint I consider that a regular. I’m sure there are ppl who come less and are considered that also. Probably depends on the impresssion you leave

Re: What Constitues a Regular

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:09 am
by MrTShirt
If the girls see you more than others, you are a regular.

Re: What Constitues a Regular

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:11 am
by Cobia
Does 62 parties with the same lady make you a regular or how about 105 parties with the same lady ?

( asking for a friend )

Re: What Constitues a Regular

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:21 am
by MrTShirt
Cobia link wrote: Does 62 parties with the same lady make you a regular or how about 105 parties with the same lady ?
( asking for a friend )
You have the right kind of friends.

Re: What Constitues a Regular

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:31 am
by SixT9er
Cobia link wrote:
Does 62 parties with the same lady make you a regular or how about 105 parties with the same lady ?

( asking for a friend )
Again, depends on the impression you make! Lol

Re: What Constitues a Regular

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:04 pm
by FumbleNutts
Cobia link wrote:
Does 62 parties with the same lady make you a regular or how about 105 parties with the same lady ?

( asking for a friend )
Damn, you're sounding like brother Surf with Roxy Gold and their 77 parties  ;D

Re: What Constitues a Regular

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 2:23 pm
by rachelvarga
If you come to see a girl regularly, then you are a regular.

Re: What Constitues a Regular

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 4:00 pm
by Ironman
Boomer link wrote: Several years ago one of the ladies at the Mustang referred to me as a regular. He statement caught me off guard as I didn’t view myself in that light. I probably visit the Mustang several times a month sometimes for lunch and sometimes to party. With all the knowledge on this board I am curious what defines a “Regular”?

You book the same lady more than twice.

If you are making a point to try and book with the girl every time you are in her current are her regular. You don't need to book her a 100 times to be her regular. But if she can get you on a mattress more than twice then its obvious you like her and you are making a point to go back to her. You have become her regular rather you know it yet or not.?

Re: What Constitues a Regular

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 4:05 pm
by SixT9er
You’re regular if you’re getting enough fiber...

Re: What Constitues a Regular

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 4:40 pm
by Ironman
SixT9er link wrote: You’re regular if you’re getting enough fiber...

?? Good one.?

Re: What Constitues a Regular

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 11:15 am
by Boomer
I have certainly found my way into some of the ladies bedrooms more than once. Heck that’s what it’s all about right!  “A Regular” perhaps but I still feel I have more bedrooms to explore before I earn that title.  ;D

Re: What Constitues a Regular

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 2:41 pm
by Dr. Who
I've had several ATFs over the years and all of those ladies told me the same thing, that if a customer repeats, she considers him/her a regular.

We can probably turn the table and say that our favorite ladies that we party with each time we visit are our regulars too.  ;D 8)

Re: What Constitues a Regular

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 3:16 pm
by billwh
Rachel Varga link wrote: If you come to see a girl regularly, then you are a regular.

So what do you think, Rachel, is it nice to have regulars, calling for appointments rather than waiting in lineups wondering if you will be picked? Doesn't that show that you've had success that guys are coming back to see you?

I'm sure the answer is obvious; but for me as a customer it was always nice to have a regular, too. The lineups can be daunting; you've got several ladies standing in front of you, and maybe nobody really makes a strong impression. I'd rather go back to somebody I know.

Re: What Constitues a Regular

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 11:23 pm
by rachelvarga
Well I don't do lineups much. I don't mind really but I get to talk to people beforehand in the bar and that helps me decide if I want to party with them because I don't party with some people.

Being an Independent Contractor without a set paycheck makes it hard to budget so knowing when I will have client helps me plan out things in my life.

Although I treat every client the same or in another words,  if it's just a handjob, it's going to be the best because I try to keep my level of service consistent with all clients. Getting to know them makes that easier and familiar faces make things even more natural. I honestly like my regulars. I am probably too generous with my time outside of the party but that's just me. I'm talking about communications.

So yes regulars are great not just because of money. It's less worry about the future and the parties can only get better because I know the person and they know me which in the end makes for a great experience for both them and I.

Re: What Constitues a Regular

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 11:47 am
by Goldie
Cobia link wrote:
Does 62 parties with the same lady make you a regular or how about 105 parties with the same lady ?

( asking for a friend )

It makes u a stud!

Re: What Constitues a Regular

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 7:27 pm
by Funmonger
I've considered myself a regular and so would she of one girl i usually only see two to four times a year. I guess being considered a "regular" is between the two people involved, like so much of this LPIN business.

Re: What Constitues a Regular

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:00 am
by billwh
Rachel Varga link wrote: Well I don't do lineups much. I don't mind really but I get to talk to people beforehand in the bar and that helps me decide if I want to party with them because I don't party with some people.

Being an Independent Contractor without a set paycheck makes it hard to budget so knowing when I will have client helps me plan out things in my life.

Although I treat every client the same or in another words,  if it's just a handjob, it's going to be the best because I try to keep my level of service consistent with all clients. Getting to know them makes that easier and familiar faces make things even more natural. I honestly like my regulars. I am probably too generous with my time outside of the party but that's just me. I'm talking about communications.

So yes regulars are great not just because of money. It's less worry about the future and the parties can only get better because I know the person and they know me which in the end makes for a great experience for both them and I.

I think you have a really great attitude. I'll bet it shows when you are with a guy.