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Some of the crazy shit you have seen or heard in a brothel

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 4:06 am
by Slednx
Over the years, I would say it has almost always been business as usual during my visits to the huts. Well.....almost I said.

1. During an afternoon in the parlor at the Old Bridge, I heard it! The howls coming down the halls of Tom the Howler. Too funny!

2. Was there one night at Bunnyranch when Hof had a big biker removed mid party from the room and ranch.

3. One stuck in the memory banks was having to stop at the bridge before the old Mustang Ranch and telling sheriff's deputy to let me pass, I was going to Old Bridge. This was after the feds confiscated and eventually closed Conforte's two ranches.

Seen a couple of catfights between ladies break out, those are always a treat. Most that have been around have seen one of those though, right?

Re: Some of the crazy shit you have seen or heard in a brothel

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 12:11 pm
by RoxyGold
Slednx link wrote: Over the years, I would say it has almost always been business as usual during my visits to the huts. Well.....almost I said.

1. During an afternoon in the parlor at the Old Bridge, I heard it! The howls coming down the halls of Tom the Howler. Too funny!

2. Was there one night at Bunnyranch when Hof had a big biker removed mid party from the room and ranch.

3. One stuck in the memory banks was having to stop at the bridge before the old Mustang Ranch and telling sheriff's deputy to let me pass, I was going to Old Bridge. This was after the feds confiscated and eventually closed Conforte's two ranches.

Seen a couple of catfights between ladies break out, those are always a treat. Most that have been around have seen one of those though, right?
I miss Tom! He was a cool dude :)

Re: Some of the crazy shit you have seen or heard in a brothel

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 1:42 pm
by billwh
I used to frequent the long-gone Cottontail ranch. One of the women told me the lady manager would go out late at night and piss on the steps to bring good luck (more business). I thought of this when I was walking up the steps.

Re: Some of the crazy shit you have seen or heard in a brothel

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 4:12 pm
by CronusWalker
I remember being in the parlor of the Love Ranch in Moundhouse when Homeland (INS) did a surprise inspection of all the girls at all the houses in Moundhouse. We were not allowed to leave, all the girls had to come out to parlor and be nose counted, and the rooms were all checked for anybody else in the house. All sheriffs cards were checked and all foreign nationals had to produce documentation showing they were in the country legally. They didn't find anything wrong, it was a knee jerk from the loud oratory given by Harry Reid to the Nevada congress about how it was time to make prostitution illegal in Nevada. After his speech there wasn't a single person that clapped for him, so He pulled some strings to find something to hang his hat on. It fell flat as there was nothing to find.

Re: Some of the crazy shit you have seen or heard in a brothel

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2019 11:51 am
by RoxyGold
I think Cronus wins on this one! :)