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Why no threads congratulating those with will power, moderation and self control

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 2:32 pm
by Slednx
I grew up in a family that taught responsibility, moderation and self control. I used it throughout life including drinking alcohol. Why must the congratulations always only come to those who go off the deep end and don't exhibit those traits?

Our society today is always so quick to call everything an addiction. Just look at the "opioid epidemic", seems everyone nowadays can just blame their addition to heroin on the dentist who gave them a script for Percocet for them pulled wisdom teeth or that bum knee the doctor gave you some Vicoden for. Yeah, blame the doctors! What about the rest of us who used them responsibly?

It has all become a joke.

Re: Why no threads congratulating those with will power, moderation and self control

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 3:46 pm
by wayne208
Sled I could not agree with You More .. Now days No One takes Responsibility for there actions ..  :(

Re: Why no threads congratulating those with will power, moderation and self control

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:02 pm
by Goldie
Don’t even get me started on the complete absence of personal responsibility that is becoming the foundation of society.....

I’ll tell ya, 10-15 years ago the Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Hospitals (JCAHO) promulgated the notion that pain was the 5th vital sign, and that we HAD to manage it. It was malpractice not to. No reason for anyone to be in pain...we were pushed hard to medicate aggressively.

Now big stunner we’ve got a bunch of addicts and it’s not their fault. No one is capable of saying, “gee...this is becoming a problem, maybe I should see someone.”

The real sadness is that now with all of the regulation, it’s so hard to prescribe the stuff that the people who really need it (and yes, there are people who do) can’t get it, and the real abusers will find another way to bypass the system. Our lawmakers always make a ton of new rules to throw at a problem...but the rule followers are never the problem!

Ok, end rant.....back to Rombauer...

Re: Why no threads congratulating those with will power, moderation and self control

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 4:55 am
by SixT9er
Goldie link wrote:Our lawmakers always make a ton of new rules to throw at a problem...but the rule followers are never the problem!
This goes to so many subjects these days it’s ridiculous! Guns, Sex, prescription drugs just to name a few. Laws only affect the law abiding citizen and they are not the problem!

Re: Why no threads congratulating those with will power, moderation and self control

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 4:23 am
by Mikey
Wow, I see all you right wing Trumpetts endorsing Sled's comments, and yet our current POTUS had an entire cadre of lawyers and "fixers" to keep his business and personal actions from ever being known. Yet you admire and endorse him? If we all followed Donald Trumps example, we'd take responsibility only for "good things", and bury our misdeeds in shell-companies and dummy corporations.

Re: Why no threads congratulating those with will power, moderation and self control

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 4:35 am
by SixT9er
Mikey link wrote: Wow, I see all you right wing Trumpetts endorsing Sled's comments, and yet our current POTUS had an entire cadre of lawyers and "fixers" to keep his business and personal actions from ever being known. Yet you admire and endorse him? If we all followed Donald Trumps example, we'd take responsibility only for "good things", and bury our misdeeds in shell-companies and dummy corporations.
Really Mikey?
Go pound your political agenda somewhere else please. No one has mentioned Trump here

Re: Why no threads congratulating those with will power, moderation and self control

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 6:43 am
by Cobia
OH we go again with the political shit from mikey.  Go dig up another new name and take it to the hate board as you have done so many times.

Re: Why no threads congratulating those with will power, moderation and self control

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 1:00 am
by Prospector Bob
Damn Mikey! Whatcha trying to do? Turn this forum into another fight club? This is a site where we can enjoy our favorite subjects (sexy Ladies) without being subjected to someone's political bullshit. This is a mellow place, don't ruin it with your snide political remarks. You hate Trump - we get that - but you don't have to keep harping about it. Once was enough...

Re: Why no threads congratulating those with will power, moderation and self control

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 7:23 am
by rachelvarga
There won't be a fight club.

Re: Why no threads congratulating those with will power, moderation and self control

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 4:11 pm
by wayne208
Thank You Rachel  .  I do not want a Fight Club Here

Re: Why no threads congratulating those with will power, moderation and self control

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 4:41 pm
by MrTShirt
Rachel Varga link wrote: There won't be a fight club.
:(     :(     :(
Here I was all excited about being in the ring with VanityAffair, RoxyGold and Rachel all at the same time.

Re: Why no threads congratulating those with will power, moderation and self control

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 5:25 pm
by rachelvarga
Yeah it's not necessary. If conversations are getting that nasty then it's time to step in.