Those That Suffered

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Those That Suffered


Post by rachelvarga »

I just heard that Dennis is dead.

I don't feel sorry for him or anyone that enabled him or cheered him on while he was abusing and traumatizing girls. People like Suzette who for years said nothing and let it all happen. Girls that promoted him on television and in media I have no pity for.

My feelings are with those that suffered. Girls assaulted, raped,  and put out in the night when they said no. Those are the ones that I feel for. I know they will never have closure but I hope they have some relief knowing that the monster is gone.
Last edited by rachelvarga on Sat Nov 03, 2018 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by HD »

Impressive. I never can feel anything but remorse if a person dies. Even if a person was hitler, a dead person always has a measure of my sympathy.

Well, his actions in this life might be judged in the next, if y’all believe in that sorta thing.
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Post by SixT9er »

I’m not mourning him...
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Post by TC »

I try not to speak ill of the dead, I don’t know, it’s not a morality thing it just makes me feel unsettled for some reason. I guess I feel like I’m imposing myself on others grief? I loathe Donald Trump with every fiber of my being but if he died I would feel bad for the living people affected by his death. That’s where I am with Dennis.

I feel bad for the people he harmed, and I feel bad for those experiencing loss because they are also in pain. However if I worked there and was directly negatively affected by him I might be singing a different tune.
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Post by interested bystander »

Despite what others might think I didn’t dislike Dennis as a person, he was very charismatic.  I did hate the things he did to a lot of the girls.  I’m sure Rachael knows more instances than me but I had several friends who were mistreated by him in one fashion or another. 

It will be interesting to see what happens to the brothels.  The licenses are non-transferable so someone will need to apply for a license for each of the houses.  Whether that can happen before his estate goes through probate I don’t know. 
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Post by Funmonger »

Plenty of questions.

I never had many dealings with him and everything I heard about him was from my hearing it somebody else and not my witnessing him doing anything.

I met him a couple of times and he once made an exception and comped me a half price party before the time was to start. So I never really had cause to bad mouth him myself. That said, I was never impressed nor happy to hear the stories of things that people said he did to them and others. I found those pretty bad a times.

I hope those who know or feel that he took advantage of them can get some closure and peace. Holding on to resentment is difficult.
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Post by Vanityaffair »

Rachael I agree with you 100 percent.  Those that suffered need the recognition right now. That’s what matters at the moment. I know and I’ve seen also Rachael so I feel ya. Sometimes we have to let go of things that really bothered us or hurt us. So we can go forward. Otherwise they will eat at us.
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Post by rachelvarga »

We are taught that when a person dies we should automatically feel bad, and we do. Death that affects us is usually close so we feel for people so we feel for others. There is nothing with what you said. There is no one way to approach these things in life,  and morality changes from culture to culture. I feel that some people don't deserve to have anyone mourn them because of their evil.
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Post by HD »

Harm and trauma caused by someone is real. If some find solace in someone’s passing, well...let it be so. I can’t know the rage of someone who had been assaulted sexually, as that’s never happened to me. I can feel badly about fills whose livelihood has been affected by someone, because that certainly has happened to me...
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Post by rachelvarga »

Ironically he died in the same room that Lamar Odom almost died in.
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Post by Vanityaffair »

No Rachel I would not expect you or any of us who was hurt by Dennis to mourn. Absolutely not.
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Post by MrTShirt »

In summary, the famous people and the customers who Dennis was trying to impress will see him as a great guy.
However, those who worked for him, and were used and abused by him will see Dennis in an entirely different light.  It all depends on who and where you were.
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Post by SixT9er »

I've been pretty clear on my opinion of Dennis the Legal street pimp Hof, I’m certainly not going to change my opinion now that he’s dead. There are too many victims of his to let him off the hook. Something that is driving me a little crazy is seeing things written by people who in the past talked about the negative things, said how he had done bad things but now are saying what a Great guy he was etc!

I can understand those who don’t want to speak ill of the dead so don’t speak at all! Don’t start giving him credit for being a great guy etc when you’ve called him essentially a monster before. Just don’t say anything!

I was txting with a friend who personally knows a couple Ladies Dennis assaulted, and my friends comment was that even with his death Justice still wasn’t served. I hope that with his death at least a little closure can take place for all the Ladies he’s Taken advantage of over the years in knowing he can no longer do it to anyone else.

Who knows where LPIN will go from here but I think it’s biggest detractor is no longer here and that can only help it!
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Post by TC »

I just want to clarify I've got no love for Hof and I've been extremely critical of him and those feelings still stand. I just didnt feel right saying ding dong the asshole croaked before the body was even cold.

My resentment of him died when he did. But I never met the guy so it's easy for me to say. The people he hurt have every right to be glad he's gone.
Last edited by TC on Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MrTShirt »

The Mighty Peanut link wrote: I just want to clarify I've got no love for Hof and I've been extremely critical of him and those feelings still stand. I just didnt/don't feel right saying ding ding the asshole croaked.
One doesn't want to let a dead man still have a grip on them.  They want to move on and enjoy life.  That is the best revenge.
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Post by Ironman »

The Mighty Peanut link wrote:

I just want to clarify I've got no love for Hof and I've been extremely critical of him and those feelings still stand. I just didnt feel right saying ding dong the asshole croaked before the body was even cold.

My resentment of him died when he did. But I never met the guy so it's easy for me to say. The people he hurt have every right to be glad he's gone.

I think 99 percent of us understand whear you are coming from. He is gone now RIP MR Hof.

I am sure he is probably already picking out a cloud to open the first MLBR in Heaven. ?As long as they don't do another Cathouse TV series.?
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Post by rachelvarga »

Sorry but there are no clouds in Hell.
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Post by SixT9er »

Rachel Varga link wrote: Sorry but there are no clouds in Hell.
I was thinking the Heaven destination was optimistic. I just don’t know if I’ll let him into Hell with me
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Post by TC »

It seems for a few the grief has subsided as arguments arise regarding who slept with Hof more times, who was the last (ever) to sleep with him, and who among them was "daddy's one true love". There's also a debate over who is talking to the press and if the exclusive gossip was recorded without permission. (Source: twitter)

So I guess for those who hate him, this is his legacy. And for those who love him, this is his legacy.
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Post by Ironman »

Rachel Varga link wrote: Sorry but there are no clouds in Hell.

Rather its up town or downtown. I am sure he is already scoping out locations & talent scouting.
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