Weed Users...Missing Out On The Good Stuff

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Weed Users...Missing Out On The Good Stuff


Post by MrTShirt »

Interesting discussion on effects of marijuana and blood sugar.

https://criticalhealthnews.com/health-n ... etresponse

Note that there are health benefits from the non-THC substances that you don't get from smoking weed.
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Post by Mikey »

Damn T, I don't see what I'm missing out on after reading this:"Data published in the July 2013 issue of The American Journal of Medicine demonstrated that, in a survey of 4600 men and women, participants who identified as marijuana smokers showed lower insulin levels than their nonsmoking counterparts. They also had higher levels of HDL ("good" cholesterol). This came as no surprise to the researchers. Three prior studies had shown that marijuana users are less likely to be obese, have a lower risk for diabetes and have lower body-mass-index measurements. All this despite the fact that the potheads appeared to indulge in more calories. Murray Mittleman, an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and the lead author of the study wrote, "the most important finding is that current users of marijuana appeared to have better carbohydrate metabolism than nonusers," continuing "Their fasting insulin levels were lower, and they appeared to be less resistant to the insulin produced by their body to maintain a normal blood-sugar level."" Seems as though it's a healthy habit.
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Post by Mikey »

The recommended treatment is smoke 2 joints.

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Post by MrTShirt »

Now Mikey, what your doing makes you look 40.  What my article pointed out is that if you add the rest of the good stuff, you can look 20.
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Post by billwh »

I smoked my first joint in 1968. I've done it off an on ever since, more lately since they've legalized recreational marijuana in several states. There is still a "reefer madness" type mentality through much of the USA, as evidenced by the fact that it is still federally classified as a Schedule I drug, up there with heroin and LSD. For that reason, it hasn't been fully researched, but what research HAS been done has shown that there are several health benefits found.

So it's kind of odd that at least half the states allow medical marijuana, meaning it does have health benefits, which is in opposition to the federal view that it is dangerous and has no medical value (Schedule I). The solution will be when the federal government takes it off the schedule. Canada has recently legalized it and sells it at dispensaries all over the country.

I hate to even call it a "drug". To me, it's a psychoactive herb, that gives you a "buzz"; takes you on a sort of mental vacation for a couple of hours. I like to use it a few hours before bedtime while I watch movies or listen to music. It's really no big deal as long as used responsibilty. I've used it for 50 years now and don't see that it has harmed me in any way.
Last edited by billwh on Sat Oct 20, 2018 4:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Chicagobob »

That new dispensary stuff is bullshit weed.  It smells like skunk and the buzz is like taking 'ludes.  No fun at all... I'm going back to street weed. : :)
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Post by wayne208 »

I Lived in Humboldt County -so I Have No Idea what the Bad stuff is Like .. Cal State Law Is very Lax on Weed . Unless You have More than 15 Plants ...
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Post by billwh »

Chicagobob link wrote: That new dispensary stuff is bullshit weed.  It smells like skunk and the buzz is like taking 'ludes.  No fun at all... I'm going back to street weed. : :)
  Bob, it all depends on which strain you get. I've tried about 25 different strains and there were just a few a didn't care for, and a few I really liked. You can buy by the gram, which is  pretty small amount if you just want to try it. I really like Grape Ape, Lemon Skunk, and maybe my favorite, Girl Scout Cookies.