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FredT Hired to Buzz Las Vegas Airport Tower

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 8:11 am
by MrTShirt
You heard it first here:

FredT will buzz the Vegas tower hourly to keep the controller awake. ... story.html

While the controller could have been drunk or high, I suspect she was having a medical issue.

Many critical occupations require more than one person to be on duty at the same time to deal with these kinds of situations.  What about potty breaks as well.  Alternatively, trains have a breaking system whereby the engineer needs to periodically "register his presence", or the brakes go on.

The good news appears to be no one else was injured from a resultant accident.

Re: FredT Hired to Buzz Las Vegas Airport Tower

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 10:20 am
by FredT
A LOT missing there.  I know if I heard a controller acting like that I would simply reach over, flick the radio to "approach" and talk to someone there about what I was hearing...  The situation would have been over in 30 seconds, not 30 minutes. 

Re: FredT Hired to Buzz Las Vegas Airport Tower

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 5:19 pm
by wayne208
I hope Fred is using a B 17 to keep the person awake ... I also agree it was probably a reaction to something they took .. Instead of Having Fred waste the Gas why Not Have him Use a Cattle Prod .. I bet that will keep the person awake or put them to Sleep  8)

Re: FredT Hired to Buzz Las Vegas Airport Tower

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 1:12 pm
by raving loon
Yeah I'm not ready to throw her under the bus just yet. It does look bad that she's no longer with the FAA, but given the lack of info I won't be casting any blame just yet. That said if it was a legit medical issue I think she has a good case for a wrongful termination lawsuit or perhaps getting back with the agency in a different capacity.

Re: FredT Hired to Buzz Las Vegas Airport Tower

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 2:24 pm
by FredT
wayne208 link wrote: I hope Fred is using a B 17 to keep the person awake ... I also agree it was probably a reaction to something they took .. Instead of Having Fred waste the Gas why Not Have him Use a Cattle Prod .. I bet that will keep the person awake or put them to Sleep  8)

Cattle prod????  Hmmmm  Well she SOUNDED young and perky........  Maybe a fun graveyard shift.  (It would certainly keep her awake in any case)  8)