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The Pleasurable Roxy Gold @ Sagebrush Ranch

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 9:33 pm
by Bigfoot
    Just when you think you seen and done it all in a brothel, you meet a girl that makes you feel like you have a lot to learn, and school is in session with the pleasurable Roxy Gold.

    Earlier this year there was a scheduling conflict with a girl I was going to party with so I had an hour to burn.  I had never visited the Sagebrush before so I decided to walk across the cult a sac and check it out.  I was pleasantly surprised  that the first girl I see standing at the bar was the beautiful Roxy Gold.  I've heard many stories about this legend and I was glad I would finally get to meet her.  Roxy greeted me with a smile and had a very cheery attitude.  Roxy Gold had been on my radar for quite some time and I offered to buy her a drink.  We had a nice conversation at the bar and she gave me a tour of the Sagebrush.  I left for my appointment with a feeling I just met a girl that I soon wouldn't forget.

    A month later another scheduling conflict and remembering why I hate making appointments, I yet again headed over to the Sagebrush.  Even though I have a list of girls I would like to party with at the Sage, this time I was on a mission.  Sadly somebody was on the same mission that evening and Roxy was already booked.  And as I left, I think I saw a '74 Dodge Monaco in the parking lot.

    In December I went to the Sagebrush Ranch to see which girl wanted to be on Santa's naughty list. Standing next to the bar was the sexy Roxy Gold in a Christmas sweater and not much more... naughty list approved.  She greeted me and asked if I had any particular girl I would like to see. There was only one girl on my mind and her smirk at the end of her question made me think she knew it.  Even after I told her I was there for her, she still took the time to introduce me to the girls at the bar.  We then left the festivities in the bar and headed to Roxy's room.

    Booking the party was very stress free and quick.  I got the feeling that no matter what your budget, Roxy will make it work and leave you completely satisfied no matter the time or activities.

    Now at this point I have to disclose I'm a gentlemen, so I don't kiss and tell... but...  sometimes a party is just too good to not brag about.  The party started with Roxy removing what clothes she did have on in a slow sexy manner and that will be the only time I will use the word slow to describe Roxy.  As soon as Roxy's amazing body touched the bed we were off to the races.  I've had parties where the dial gets turned up to a ten, Roxy starts her parties at around a 12 and that dial only goes one direction from there, up. A warning to the faint of heart, Roxy has a sexual energy I've rarely seen.  When you think you've done and seen everything in the bedroom, Roxy will take you to school and rock your world like it's never been rocked before.  When ever a girl asks what I want my response is I'm pretty vanilla but just do what you want with me.  Roxy took the latter part of my answer and ran with it.  Even in basic positions, she would add her own special twist to make it feel like it's the first time doing it.  From now on when a guy tells me missionary is boring, I will know they've never had the pleasure of being with Roxy Gold.  Roxy knows how to please a man so don't ever try to second guess her when she suggest something in a party.  I could go on for hours on this part of the review but days later thinking of the party still makes my head spin and makes it hard for me to put what happened into words.  But if I could, all those words would praise the awesome women that is Roxy Gold.

    In conclusion, if you weren't paying attention, Roxy Gold rocked my world.  I've never met a women that is so sweet and kind outside of the bedroom and so exciting and high energy in it.  The first rule for my parties is if the girl is happy, I'm happy.  Roxy's first and only rule is she is already happy to the tenth degree and her goal is to get you to her level.  A goal she definitely reached with me and an experience I will never forget.

Re: The Pleasurable Roxy Gold @ Sagebrush Ranch

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 5:00 am
by RunningSquirrel
Awesome review. Always nice to see extended props for the amazing Miz Roxy G. I'm sure iSurfer, Chicago Bob and FumbleNutts will chime in, too.

Re: The Pleasurable Roxy Gold @ Sagebrush Ranch

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 6:29 am
by MrTShirt
Trust, but verify!!  I want to queue up.  :P

Re: The Pleasurable Roxy Gold @ Sagebrush Ranch

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 10:05 am
by Chicagobob
She is The Gold Standard of LPIN.  I've had 25 parties with Roxy Gold if that says anything!  ;)

Re: The Pleasurable Roxy Gold @ Sagebrush Ranch

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 10:36 am
by FumbleNutts
RunningSquirrel link wrote: Awesome review. Always nice to see extended props for the amazing Miz Roxy G. I'm sure iSurfer, Chicago Bob and FumbleNutts will chime in, too.
I had two more with her this last trip, which doesn't put me in Surf or CB category yet, but I'm at about that 20 mark  ;D Just love that lady, she's special!