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Did your opinions/beliefs about sex work change over time?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 4:26 am
by Mollyblythe
Morbid curiosity: Many of us, myself included, were raised to think that sex work was inherently unethical. 

When in your life, or because of what person/event/line of thinking, did you notice that that belief begin to shift? Was it a desire, a chance meeting, a whim, or thoughtful consideration of the issue?

Or did you never hold that belief to begin with? Was there one single catalyst, a long-term paradigm shift, or did you just get horny and stop caring? (haha)

Curious to hear what people have to say...I’m so interested in how people shape their beliefs about morals and why they go out and get what they want. 

Re: Did your opinions/beliefs about sex work change over time?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 5:37 am
by Cobia
To answer the question:  Yes...… in some cases.

Re: Did your opinions/beliefs about sex work change over time?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 5:40 am
by SixT9er
Great topic!

Growing up I always felt that a person has the right to do with their body what they want. So prostitution from that standpoint never bothered me. My perceptions of prostitutes was that of which Hollywood portrayed of the stereotypical street walker or the occasional high priced call girl. Also I’d been in Oakland and LA where I’d seen street walkers. I admit my perception of them was that they were “Dirty” & probably drug addicts and knew I’d never partake in that form of pay for play.
I also knew of the Mustang Ranch having grown up in Northern Ca and visiting Reno often. My dad a truck driver would casually mention it sometimes but never in detail so I had no real knowledge of that side of things but I figured it had to be safer and cleaner than a street walker. I thought someday I’d visit if it were still around. Someday didn’t come around until some 30 yrs later when I decided I wanted more than what the Reno strip clubs provided.
I’ve found the houses to be a Great place to spend time with incredible Ladies and as CC said it’s too bad 99% or more of the population will never know or understand the service these Ladies provide

Re: Did your opinions/beliefs about sex work change over time?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 6:06 am
by Wildfire
Cobia link wrote:
To answer the question:  Yes...… in some cases.
I would have to agree with Cobia .

And to keep things civil I better leave it at that . 8)

Re: Did your opinions/beliefs about sex work change over time?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 7:10 am
by FumbleNutts
Oh yeah! Where I grew up in the Midwest, I was taught that it was a mortal s I n  :( Always curious, but my beliefs changed after I went in the service at 17. After going out on 30 day field problems, I was hornier than a Billy Goat  ;D The guys talked me into heading to a brothel in Germany. These ladies treated me like a king, and I've had great affection for SW's ever since. They pulled me through some tough times in my life, so I'll try to pay it forward when I can for them  :)

Re: Did your opinions/beliefs about sex work change over time?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 8:24 am
by ShyKyle87
Posted this on the other board, but I'll post it here too:

I was raised in a conservative family, and sex was considered evil (although a married couple making babies was considered a gray area).  But about 7 or 8 years ago, when I started living on my own, and coming to the realization that I was undesirable to women, I began wondering if I was doomed to die a virgin (I still might, lol) or if I would have to hire an escort.  Brothels were also considered, but the Nevada brothels didn't really have my interest at that point.  I was actually looking at German brothels first, lol.  But in 2014, I started taking notice of Nevada, and in some fairly infrequent interactions with sex workers at Nevada brothels, I began to see they were much more than sex workers. They were/are real people with dreams and aspirations and were working to make their dreams come true, just in a way that society doesn't really agree with.  So nowadays, I do support them, even though I haven't had an opportunity to see one.

Re: Did your opinions/beliefs about sex work change over time?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 8:26 am
by OlderPhart
My opinions haven't really changed over time.

Despite what many may think, I still support legalized Sex Work.

Over the last year though, I've been forced to revisit the old adage that "you can't judge a book by it's cover"

Re: Did your opinions/beliefs about sex work change over time?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 9:47 am
by Slednx
No, not really, they have pretty much remained the same. Having grown up and always been a short drive to various brothels throughout my life, I viewed them as a service.

Never put the ladies up on a pedastool like so many forum guys do. They are great but no better than the lady who cuts my hair, the office manager where I work or the lady who does my taxes.  That makes me unpopular with many, oh well...their needs must be greater than mine I guess. The ladies are great though and provide a valuable service, but the industry has always been a shady one with its secrecy about how pricing works.


30 years local exp.

Re: Did your opinions/beliefs about sex work change over time?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 10:39 am
by Duck11
Yes, my opinions about sex work has changed. I grew up in a religious household where sex was not talked about and lead to believe sex is for procreation only. That and the way that Movies and tv portray sex workers left me with many wrong ideas about what happened inside a brothel.
It wasn’t until I finally ventured into a brothel after a bad date that I learned how wrong I was for so many years.

Re: Did your opinions/beliefs about sex work change over time?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 10:47 am
by Midwest Couple
Not sure we ever had strong opinions about brothels and sex workers in general, although neither of us probably ever thought we'd be using one. 

Our experiences evolved from a visit to a "massage" parlor in the midwest (which, it turned out, wouldn't service women), to a "legal" establishment in Tijuana (which wouldn't service women), to a few other experiences and eventually finding you fine folks who educated us that we could actually afford to "party" legally and safely in Nevada.

We suppose our biggest change in how we perceive sex workers is how much we respect some ladies who do a wonderful job of running this as a business.  We remain in awe how hard ladies like Vanity, Rachel, and now Molly work to market themselves and their business.  With that knowledge, there's much more admiration and identifying from us for the industry in general and especially the ladies who work so hard to establish their brand.  SO much more than what they showed on that horrid HBO show. 

Re: Did your opinions/beliefs about sex work change over time?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 11:07 am
by MrTShirt
Midwest Couple link wrote:
...Our experiences evolved from a visit to a "massage" parlor in the midwest (which, it turned out, wouldn't service women), to a "legal" establishment in Tijuana (which wouldn't service women),...
As a data point, there were times some brothels would not service women.  (Now it is more common.  You can chat with Goldie for her take on that subject.)