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Clients “Type” vs Ladies “stealing clients”

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 4:48 am
by SixT9er
So this is inspired by some of the negative posts to Sonja from TBR.

I as a client have a “type” of Lady in general I am interested in. Not saying I haven’t veered at times from it but when I have it’s not a long way off the road because I have certain things I look for in general. I know that there are guys who like all types but for this discussion I’m focusing on guys similar to myself and believe there are many like me in the sense that they have a “type”
One of the slams on Sonja was that she was/would be “stealing” clients from other Ladies. Yes it’s possible that she might attract a potential clients interest from another but just as likely the other Ladies could attract that attention from her. In this, she is no different than any Lady coming into the house. No guys going to pick her just because she’s “The Madam on the menu”
As I said I and many clients have a type and usually if that “type” is a 20-40 something “hard body” or any number of any other types that don’t include a mid 50’s Lady with short spiky hair then the odds are pretty good Sonja will not be the Lady chosen.
Like it or not this business is competitive in that every Lady is vying for clients that come thru the door. It’s up to the individual Lady to impress the potential client into picking them.
I find it pretty laughable that these younger very attractive Ladies were so threatened by Sonja. I believe it shows a very high level of immaturity and lack of self confidence

Re: Clients “Type” vs Ladies “stealing clients”

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 6:53 am
by niceguy eddie
I think the problem that the ladies did not articulate well is conflict of interest.

I believe it is a conflict of interest for the Madam to be on the menu in the same way as it would be for the supervisor of a sales force to compete with the people he supervised for accounts and commissions from the client base and with new clients.

A lot of guys do indeed have a type, but in this case I think the ladies came to view her as a supervisor who they were in direct competition with.  Afterall, she knows exactly what you charge for your parties. 

Imagine this, someone negotiates with a working lady at the LRS, and decides he wants to talk to someone else.  Some guys like to talk to several ladies before booking a party.  There are some guys like myself, who are only interested in women who attract them, and some guys who may be looking for the cheapest party.  So this guy then talks to the "madam on the menu" and books a party with her.  The lady who he originally talked to is going to feel some bitterness, and also wonder whether Sonja being the Madam and manager was able to use her inside knowledge to undercut the competition.

Also, if you need to talk to a manager to settle an issue during what should be her normal working hours and she is in a several hour party, that complicates things.

I am sure that Dennis saw qualities in Sonja that had him decide that she could do a good job managing while not having to sacrifice her ability to earn money as a provider.

It seems that for whatever reasons she did things that did not work well with some of the ladies there. 

I've never met Sonja.  From what I've seen on the board she represents herself well and did a good job of representing Dennis when he was alive.

Re: Clients “Type” vs Ladies “stealing clients”

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 7:19 am
by Ironman
SixT9er link wrote: So this is inspired by some of the negative posts to Sonja from TBR.

I as a client have a “type” of Lady in general I am interested in. Not saying I haven’t veered at times from it but when I have it’s not a long way off the road because I have certain things I look for in general. I know that there are guys who like all types but for this discussion I’m focusing on guys similar to myself and believe there are many like me in the sense that they have a “type”
One of the slams on Sonja was that she was/would be “stealing” clients from other Ladies. Yes it’s possible that she might attract a potential clients interest from another but just as likely the other Ladies could attract that attention from her. In this, she is no different than any Lady coming into the house. No guys going to pick her just because she’s “The Madam on the menu”
As I said I and many clients have a type and usually if that “type” is a 20-40 something “hard body” or any number of any other types that don’t include a mid 50’s Lady with short spiky hair then the odds are pretty good Sonja will not be the Lady chosen.
Like it or not this business is competitive in that every Lady is vying for clients that come thru the door. It’s up to the individual Lady to impress the potential client into picking them.
I find it pretty laughable that these younger very attractive Ladies were so threatened by Sonja. I believe it shows a very high level of immaturity and lack of self confidence
Yeah  you are right, 99 percent of the time you can't steal a client from another girl unless they are similar in some way. We all have a type and other then maybe a one and some just to say you did, or maybe one does something the other won't do they are all going to probably have a similar look.

Although I would think if a lady is going to try and steal a client she would probably only target the ones she knows would be attracted to her because of her similar look to the girl she is trying to steal a client from. There would have to be some vibe that makes her think she has a shot of pulling off the heist so to speak.?.

Re: Clients “Type” vs Ladies “stealing clients”

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 9:23 am
by Dr. Who
I believe a house with a "madam on the menu" runs under different dynamics than one without.  I think that things worked out okay when Sonja was running the ACH when Hof first hired her because she pretty much hired the ladies who worked there.  She was able to judge which ladies would be able work under her management style as madam on the menu before hiring them, so they knew she would be working along side of them as a working lady too.

At the LRN, she more or less entered the lions den of ladies who were already established under Suzette's rule.  Apparently, I get the perception that they didn't want an outsider coming in and making changes, let alone being their boss and competition.  I sorta see it similar in the corporate world to when a manager leaves a department and is replace with someone from the outside.  There can also be further resentment from the current employees, since the new manager wasn't promoted from within which would also cause even more conflicts.

As I recall, when Sonja returned she was also working by appointment only, so she wouldn't be competing with ladies during the lineups.

Anyways, I have less and less desire to even visit Moundhouse with all of this latest drama ...LOL.

Re: Clients “Type” vs Ladies “stealing clients”

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 1:55 pm
by TC
Max was very briefly a madam on the menu at Sagebrush. I keep saying...MOTM was a Hof marketing scheme. Any controversy caused they have him to thank for, not the woman who agreed to his terms.

I do also agree with 69r. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think Sonja was on the floor hustling, or doing lineups. It was appointment only and I suppose if a gentleman came in and said "What about you?" she was cleared to work. I would be interested in how many actual clients ladies feel were stolen from them. 1? 10? 50?

Re: Clients “Type” vs Ladies “stealing clients”

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 2:46 pm
by MrTShirt
From what I sensed, Sonja had her set of regulars.  She didn't need to "steal" from other girls.