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Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 6:55 am
by Duck11

What the hell is up with threatening a guy with showing a video to his wife through a legally obtained court order???
The legal system was not setup to blackmail somebody doing a perfectly legal act.

I’m glad the reviewer showed that email.

Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:12 am
by SixT9er
Just read a review that was negative of a Lady.
Key factors in what led to the bad experience
A deposit was required with a Lady the guy had never seen, deposit of 10% required with Lady stating min dep $XXX
Guy wanted “specialty party” which is an upcharge. Since prices are not allowed to be discussed it wasn’t clear to client that the $XXX deposit wasn’t enough to cover 10% of specialty party”
Guy found upon arrival during negotiations that party would be 3X the 10X of the deposit.
This all led to the guy accepting a lessor party for what he had brought and then feeling he got taken advantage of etc.
Lessons to be learned
Don’t make a deposit with a Lady when you have no idea what the cost will be.
If the Lady is going to require a deposit and state she requires 10% then she should not tell the client her min is $XXX as that can easily be understood to mean that is 10% of party discussed.
Guy upon finding final price should have just walked instead of going thru with a party he knew he wasn’t going to be happy with as it wasn’t what he walked thru the door thinking it would be.

What the guy wanted was what is commonly accepted as a specialty so I can see where he’d want to get it pre arranged. That said he and the Lady need to be on the same page and that is impossible if they’ve never met before and can’t discuss what the price will actually be

For my thoughts on who is ultimately at fault refer to my sig line.

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 4:54 am
by Midwest Couple
We completely agree with your post Six (still looking for the auto-button to write this) however we thought it was interesting that he wrote another review to follow up that negative experience. 

He proceeded to another brothel, with a reputation of high prices and ladies adorned with platinum "jewelry".  Turns out he was able to get a very satisfactory party there, at a price he was happy and comfortable with and he wrote a very positive review of that... ironically, with a delightful and beautiful lady that walked us from said brothel  ;)  

Somewhat validates that he was not a curmudgeonly, old, cheapskate who was looking for a bare bottom specialty party and instead warns of the difficulties involved with the idea of the deposit.  In this case, we'd rule that the "fault" lies more with the system than with either party as he believed he was doing "what was right" and what was suggested by the house/system, when he made the deposit. 

Sadly - the lady/brothel ends up with a poor review that hopefully future customers will view as a warning of the deposit and not a strike against her or them. 

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 5:14 am
by Ironman
SixT9er link wrote: Just read a review that was negative of a Lady.
Key factors in what led to the bad experience
A deposit was required with a Lady the guy had never seen, deposit of 10% required with Lady stating min dep $XXX
Guy wanted “specialty party” which is an upcharge. Since prices are not allowed to be discussed it wasn’t clear to client that the $XXX deposit wasn’t enough to cover 10% of specialty party”
Guy found upon arrival during negotiations that party would be 3X the 10X of the deposit.
This all led to the guy accepting a lessor party for what he had brought and then feeling he got taken advantage of etc.
Lessons to be learned
Don’t make a deposit with a Lady when you have no idea what the cost will be.
If the Lady is going to require a deposit and state she requires 10% then she should not tell the client her min is $XXX as that can easily be understood to mean that is 10% of party discussed.
Guy upon finding final price should have just walked instead of going thru with a party he knew he wasn’t going to be happy with as it wasn’t what he walked thru the door thinking it would be.

What the guy wanted was what is commonly accepted as a specialty so I can see where he’d want to get it pre arranged. That said he and the Lady need to be on the same page and that is impossible if they’ve never met before and can’t discuss what the price will actually be

For my thoughts on who is ultimately at fault refer to my sig line.
I would say neither is at fault really. The problem ia the fact that things get a little dicey if prices are discussed other then in person. So I Blame tbe system more then the two people trying to broker a deal.

You would almost be better off booking a basic quickly,  and if that goes well you can talk turkey for lack of a better term about the specialty part at the end of your warm up or get to know each other better party.

This ia just how,I would handle it. To each their own.?

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 5:50 am
by SixT9er
Ironman link wrote: I would say neither is at fault really. The problem ia the fact that things get a little dicey if prices are discussed other then in person. So I Blame tbe system more then the two people trying to broker a deal.

You would almost be better off booking a basic quickly,  and if that goes well you can talk turkey for lack of a better term about the specialty part at the end of your warm up or get to know each other better party.

This ia just how,I would handle it. To each their own.?
I agree with both you and MWC regarding the “system” but he could still have walked.
Regarding the “Basic” party suggestion prior to discussing an extended specialty I agree. Unfortunely as the review reads it looks like that’s what he ended up with for what he thought was going to be a specialty party.
Again the system is a problem but the guy could have walked, he didn’t have gun to his head (either one of them). It obviously would have been in the Ladies best interest at the point where it was obvious they were on different pages to not do any party with him because in my opinion there was no way the guy would have been happy with a party after such a let down and it would have saved the Lady some bad publicity.

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 7:22 am
by Ironman
SixT9er link wrote: I agree with both you and MWC regarding the “system” but he could still have walked.
Regarding the “Basic” party suggestion prior to discussing an extended specialty I agree. Unfortunely as the review reads it looks like that’s what he ended up with for what he thought was going to be a specialty party.
Again the system is a problem but the guy could have walked, he didn’t have gun to his head (either one of them). It obviously would have been in the Ladies best interest at the point where it was obvious they were on different pages to not do any party with him because in my opinion there was no way the guy would have been happy with a party after such a let down and it would have saved the Lady some bad publicity.
Fair enough?

I will point out though I was only giving my thoughts after reading your post. Which I only read quickly. I  didn't actually read the review. You can probably count the number of reviews I have actually truly read over the years on one hand and still have at least one finger to spare.?

As a rule I don't read reviews I prefer  to make my selection after meeting the girl in person myself.  I will occasionally read reviews of girls I have already booked with myself at least once. Even then I don't really read it very carefully. ? Reminds me too much of homework no wonder I was a C student in college.,?

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 8:05 am
by MrTShirt
Do deposits have some legal ramifications?

There is such a thing as "truth in lending" laws.  And, how broad does contract law extend?
Verbal agreements are legal (just not enforceable, unless there are witnesses).
When money is deposited, does that put greater credence to the legality and binding nature of the implied agreement?
It would be interesting to follow a court case dealing with deposits.

Regardless, as mentioned here by others, it seems best to put deposits on known courtesans, not strangers.

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 9:22 am
by Wildfire
MrTShirt link wrote: Do deposits have some legal ramifications?

There is such a thing as "truth in lending" laws.  And, how broad does contract law extend?
Verbal agreements are legal (just not enforceable, unless there are witnesses).
When money is deposited, does that put greater credence to the legality and binding nature of the implied agreement?
It would be interesting to follow a court case dealing with deposits.

Regardless, as mentioned here by others, it seems best to put deposits on known courtesans, not strangers.
Legal ramifications I would say no it the sex industry . 

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 9:25 am
by Dirk Diggler
I’ve not seen the review, but it just underscores that in my opinion deposits are usuallly a bad decision.

I had something similar happen to me early on where I made online arrangements for a specialty party and put down a deposit to only find out upon arrival that the specialty was no longer possible, there were supposedly no equitable options, and my budget supposedly was nowhere close to enough for said speciality, which I learned later was completely untrue.[/size]

In the end it was on me as well for not walking (should have ran) but human nature makes it difficult to say no once you’ve invested time and money into something. That’s sales 101.

Now I know better and would walk, but see no reason to put myself potentially in the same circumstance by putting down a deposit. I’d rather just show up at a house and figure it out on the fly with no added pressure or preconceptions.

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:19 pm
by wrb55roscojr
I have had the miss fortune of reading that review. I have a few problems with it. Then She has posted on it.Now I see a long train wreck ,comming up... As for a deposit , for this style of party. I can understand it..

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 1:24 pm
by Duck11
If a new client wants a specialty party without having met the courtesan, I can see why a deposit is necessary. There are a bunch of things I’ve learned and what makes for better times at the brothels for me.

If I have only been in contact with the courtesan via messaging, I don’t book long parties. I think a small party is best to start with. Nothing worse than 2 people trying to get it on when neither wants to be there. If I enjoyed myself, then I would book another party in the future and discuss what I would expect along with prices in person.

Definitely communication is key. Sometimes the best method isn’t via email, text, etc.

With that said, I’ve made mistakes along the way. I’ve learned it’s best for me to accept my responsibilities if a party did not go the way I wanted. Sometimes it’s better to say no thank you and try to find a different provider than force a party.

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 2:04 pm
by Chicagobob
If he can't run with the big dogs, he should stay on the porch!

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 2:47 pm
by Ironman
Chicagobob link wrote: If he can't run with the big dogs, he should stay on the porch!
?? I like that.??

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 4:55 pm
by SixT9er
roxanneprice link wrote: I did not like reading the review that was referred to in the original post. I feel that the review started being biased as soon as the customer started to insult the inside of the ACH. ACH is not as bad as he was making it sound IMHO.
I was in it shortly after Dennis remodeled it and thought it was nice then. I was surprised to see the report that it had gone downhill. As I read further I had to question that description. It would be nice to hear from someone who went there when I did and has been there since new ownership

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 5:13 pm
by Chicagobob
I was at ACH a couple of weeks ago... it's still very nice inside.  As a matter of fact, they're remodeling the Slip & Slide room.  I think the post was just a slam towards Lena.  She's actually a very sweet person (and I believe honest in her negs). 

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 5:20 pm
by SixT9er
Chicagobob link wrote: I was at ACH a couple of weeks ago... it's still very nice inside.  As a matter of fact, they're remodeling the Slip & Slide room.  I think the post was just a slam towards Lena.  She's actually a very sweet person (and I believe honest in her negs).
Thanks CB for the info

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 5:40 pm
by Dirk Diggler
Ironman link wrote: ?? I like that.??

It came across as quite condescending to me, but hey it's the Internet and maybe it was an attempt at humor. Regardless of the reason, bad parties perceived or otherwise are bad for everyone as it can definitely affect how a client approaches future negotiations if they even go back to LPIN at all which could negatively impact multiple ladies. Of course it can cut both ways and there can be consequences for the client as well if they choose to make their feelings public. In the end, nothing changes how they feel and a person's character or personality doesn't really have anything to do with the situation.

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:10 pm
by Slednx
Chicagobob link wrote:   I think the post was just a slam towards Lena.  She's actually a very sweet person (and I believe honest in her negs).
What does being sweet have to do with it? The guy was quoted 9k for a 2.5 hour party! I think it was completely logical for him to think he could have got his "fantasy" party for the 3 grand he budgeted for.

Enough with the "slam" talk, the guy was upset and sharing his frustrations over being baited with the stupid "deposit" and then upon arrival being quoted a NINE THOUSAND DOLLAR PARTY!. Fuck, he didn't even get off for what he spent (3.5k) and guys like you take her side. Unbelievable!

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:20 pm
by SixT9er
Slednx link wrote: What does being sweet have to do with it? The guy was quoted 9k for a 2.5 hour party! I think it was completely logical for him to think he could have got his "fantasy" party for the 3 grand he budgeted for.

Enough with the "slam" talk, the guy was upset and sharing his frustrations over being baited with the stupid "deposit" and then upon arrival being quoted a NINE THOUSAND DOLLAR PARTY!. Fuck, he didn't even get off for what he spent (3.5k) and guys like you take her side. Unbelievable!
I don’t know her nor him and am not taking a side but...
He could have walked
I sure the hell would have

The point of this topic was not what he paid or she charged. I really am not going to judge as my sig states.
It’s about communication and lack there of. As mentioned it’s the system. It boils down to the basic if you can’t handle the situation don’t put yourself into it.
There’s a lot to be learned from this tale the numbers are not the story

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 8:11 pm
by MrTShirt
All of this discussion assumes the guy was knowledgeable about the ins and outs of LPIN.

It appears the guy was a newbie and first timer.

If Lena is used to $9K whales, so be it.  However, any girl should be able to recognize a newbie (unless she is also a newbie) and guide the guy towards a more gradual start.

This is why we have other houses and girls that market themselves as budget friendly.

As it is, we are left with hard feelings all the way around, and maybe a lost customer forever.

Re: Deposits, poor communication, hard feelings

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 12:59 am
by TC
roxanneprice link wrote: IIRC the client was requesting anal. Many ladies do charge a very high price for anal. The butthole is a fickle hole, and some people want to get compensated to the extreme for the inconvenience of using said hole.
Agreed except mine is not fickle at all, it says "NO DICKS EVER" thanks to one disastrous attempt. :D

I agree communication was key here, mainly in that the client didn't understand three hundred was the minimum just for her to reserve the time, not ten percent of the party. IIRC Lena is a porn star so her prices are probably already a little higher. Also Lena is a madam on the menu, I wonder if that causes trouble at ACH.