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Latest news about draft bill to ban LPIN

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 2:05 pm
by Adventure Guy
Here's a link to the latest news about the draft bill to ban LPIN.  I sure hope this draft bill does not pass.  How likely do you think this draft bill will get voted into law?

Re: Latest news about draft bill to ban LPIN

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 11:11 pm
by Funmonger
By outlawing, of course, they create even more of what they say that they are trying to prevent: Sex Trafficking, Std's, Illegal activities among others. That is one group of anti Brothel people.

Then there are the ones who maybe want to the business confined to the big cities, illegally, the pinnacle of hypocrisy. They seem to be working their own "Side of the street," literally. This is such a small percentage of the total market for pay for play that it is ridiculas that anyone would care if that is their reason.

Not many people ever talk much about the good LPIN does for society, the marriages it saves, the illegal activities it prevents, the need it fulfills for many segments of society who rely on these services for a very real need. These considerations are in addition to the jobs and money for the people providing the services to us patrons.

The religious zealots cannot be reasoned with since their judgement is by definition "Holier than Thou." In so doing, they drive an even greater wedge in some people's tendency to engage in religion. They are angry and seem to come off as haters and judgmental types. Some my even have what they believe are good goals that will better society but they are clueless about what LPIN really amounts to and the typical client who goes as well as the typical professional courtesan.

In a society somewhat obsessed with LGBT rights, political correctness, "Me Too," Irrelevant old "white men", whatever, where are the advocates for my friend from the LPIN community, Mr T, with a smile on his face but sitting in his wheel chair? Where is he supposed to find what he wants in their system? Answer: They don't offer him a solution. Nor do they offer me one outside of LPIN. I suppose they expect me to divorce my wife of nearly fifty years and get involved with a new marriage. In other words, "Thanks for telling me how to live my life and what is best for me and my wife and our marriage." This is, of course, a hypocrisy of mammoth proportions. Everybody can smoke pot, get drunk, the Casino win a depressed widow's insurance money but if a Dr advises his client to get laid, his can he do it without being obligated or breaking the law in the absence of this alternative?

It bores me sometimes to hear myself say it again. We are living in the dark ages. I can only wish there was some way to educate people but I tend to agree with Rachel that people are not going to buy it, at least not in the near future.

Re: Latest news about draft bill to ban LPIN

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 11:59 pm
by Wildfire
Adventure Guy link wrote: Here's a link to the latest news about the draft bill to ban LPIN.  I sure hope this draft bill does not pass.  How likely do you think this draft bill will get voted into law?
I think it will pass easily .

Re: Latest news about draft bill to ban LPIN

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 12:10 pm
by Funmonger
I would bet that most people in America think Prostitution is legal in Las Vegas. If LPIN is made illegal, I believe that there would be an eventual backlash and the closing of the Brothels might even have a paradoxical effect in drawing attention to a sort of new era of Carey Nation type of Prohibition. I know it is wishful thinking on my part. I hope for the sake of everyone, especially those who earn their living in LPIN, that a ban does not go through. The rest of us will be screwed but not in the good sort of way.

Re: Latest news about draft bill to ban LPIN

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 12:44 pm
by NotAnOldGeezer
I'm hoping such a bill does not pass, but politicians scared to lose their seat probably will vote for it. They may reach a grandfather clause compromise allowing  the brothels that are open to remain open, but not granting any more new licenses and once one closes that would be it, eliminating them by attrition (which could take years). After all such an immediate total LPIN ban would be closing legitimate businesses, which most legislators are opposed to.

Re: Latest news about draft bill to ban LPIN

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 1:09 pm
by Wildfire
NotAnOldGeezer link wrote: I'm hoping such a bill does not pass, but politicians scared to lose their seat probably will vote for it. They may reach a grandfather clause compromise allowing  the brothels that are open to remain open, but not granting any more new licenses and once one closes that would be it, eliminating them by attrition (which could take years). After all such an immediate total LPIN ban would be closing legitimate businesses, which most legislators are opposed to.
Closing an legitimate business ?  Not so because the ones who will vote for and immediate ban and closing do not consider it a legitimate business.  They see it as local government sanctioned criminal enterprise that is bad for society .

It's really no different than what happened to alcohol during the prohibition era .