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Roxy @ Dovetail

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 5:32 pm
by Highlander
I was in Elko for three days at the end of February and each evening I spent some time at the Dovetail out in Carlin with the reigning COY Roxy. I had spent some time with her last Labor Day and she made me so at ease and comfortable I had to return and spend more time with her. I can't point to one thing that makes me want to keep returning to see Roxy it is the whole package. She is easy to speak with, fun, kind, engaging, generous with her time, beautiful, and of course very skilled at what she does. I think that the most telling thing is she called me out for thinking to loudly. We were lying in the bed afterwards and she could tell I had thoughts just running through my head and I wasn't being present in the moment.  Not sure now what was going on in my own head at the time but she was right I was not allowing myself to fully engage/enjoy what had just occurred. But of course Roxy be the fun loving person she is delivered a quick throat chop to zap me out of what ever funk was going on in that stupid brain of mine. Thank you so such for the great evenings Roxy.


Re: Roxy @ Dovetail

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 5:43 pm
by wayne208
Roxy is a sweetie ..  ;D

Re: Roxy @ Dovetail

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 7:48 pm
by Lee

                                                                        Did somebody mention Roxy?


Well Highlander, You and Bigfoot might think You got "all the Goodies", however, I showed up right after the 2 of You had left and I'm here to tell You (and anyone else that wants to know), that Her Batteries were still at full charge and She 'spun my motors' til they were smokin'!!!  (as usual!!!)    ;D

Re: Roxy @ Dovetail

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 6:12 pm
by Bigfoot
Wait a minute,  how did I get dragged into this?  How do you know I was there, did Jasmine rat me out?  No treats for her next time.  =)

Re: Roxy @ Dovetail

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 8:57 am
by Lee
Bigfoot link wrote: Wait a minute,  how did I get dragged into this?  How do you know I was there, did Jasmine rat me out?  No treats for her next time.  =)
Good point. And in all fairness, since I was not there to see You and say 'Hi', I can't know for sure. However, after winning that "bet" earlier in the month on the 'next/last' post, and most importantly, seeing those BigTracks You were leaving wherever You stepped (  ;D ) it seemed obvious. Your right, to assume (ass - u - me) is not a good idea. My apologies. (BTW - Jazz and I speak the same language, She says "You've (Lee) been bad, don't put my treats at risk!")  :P

Re: Roxy @ Dovetail

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 9:49 am
by Bigfoot
Yea, I was there, just giving you a hard time.  Roxy was Awesome like always.

Re: Roxy @ Dovetail

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 3:03 pm
by Highlander
I think this is twice we have missed each other by days Bigfoot. Last Labor Day weekend I was in the bar before a party with Roxy and Monica came in with a gift for you, a box of Magnum condoms. Unfortunately I fall on the other end of that spectrum.  :-\


Re: Roxy @ Dovetail

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 3:44 am
by wayne208
Jazmine has ratted Me out before .. That is just the way She Rolls  :o

Re: Roxy @ Dovetail

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 1:37 pm
by Highlander
wayne208 link wrote: Jazmine has ratted Me out before .. That is just the way She Rolls  :o
Jazmine is the queen of the dirty hustle too, just comes up and sits right on your lap in the middle of the bar :o. No shame with that one.


Re: Roxy @ Dovetail

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 9:33 am
by wayne208
I always thought that Cindy was the Queen of the Dirty Hustle  ..  Ask Crappie ?? Yes Jasmine is hard to Beat But My Money is on Cindy

Re: Roxy @ Dovetail

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:13 am
by Crappie1
wayne208 link wrote: I always thought that Cindy was the Queen of the Dirty Hustle  ..  Ask Crappie ?? Yes Jasmine is hard to Beat But My Money is on Cindy
Copy that KSF, no question with the fact that my Cindy is the #1 Dirty Hustler. Heck she even has the wardrobe to prove it!

Course, a few treats and Jasmine will melt your heart as well.