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More anmo for the Anti Brothel crowd

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 4:37 am
by SixT9er

Lawsuit against Sherri’s by former Ladies just adds fuel to the fire to close Brothels. They can say all they want about it just being against Sherri’s but it will be used against the entire system. They are adults who read and signed the contract understanding it, hell one of them is a lawyer! Now that they leave they want to sue the establishment?
The IC status as currently done is a bit dodgy and favors the houses but filing a lawsuit now with all the hot embers to outlaw Brothels completely shows these Ladies only care about themselves and their agenda not the current workers who like to work in a Legal house and are willing to do so under the current rules.
These Ladies want Prostitution decriminalized but that isn’t going to happen anytime soon and going after the only Legal avenue that currently exists will only hurt the Legal Ladies, not help to decriminalize Prostitution.
Poor timing is an understatement.
If they really seek change they need to speak directly with the Brothels and show them the benifits of change vs attacking them publically and adding more fuel to the anti Brothel fire.
All of this negative publicity can only make it easier for the anti Brothel groups to get what they want...

Re: More anmo for the Anti Brothel crowd

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 6:29 am
by FumbleNutts
Couldn't have said it any better, Six. It's sad to see, and to put that added pressure on current working ladies for personal gain/agenda is just not right IMO.

Re: More anmo for the Anti Brothel crowd

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 6:35 am
by MrTShirt
However, the houses have long felt they could continue doing "business as usual".  The houses may find that instead of initiating changes themselves for the betterment of the girls and the customers, The houses may find they are forced to change by outsiders, like closing.

Same old story of many business.  Either change themselves, or others force changes on them.  Changes the houses may regret.

Re: More anmo for the Anti Brothel crowd

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 11:49 am
by Lucielove_elko
I understand what you're saying fumblenuts but how is telling someone that they have to work at set shift in one place for 12+ hours without being compensated for that besides what might happen fair to the women? If you were working a regular job making minumum wage you would recieve benefits for working this amount of hours. Like health insurance and stuff and not have multiple items subtracted from your pay.

This is why I love working in Elko. We do not have to sit in the bar for hours or have deductions coming from our checks... there is a better model for how to do business, if they want to require girls to work set hours in a bar, then it is fair to offer them full time salary benefits such as health insurance and other benefits like a 401K with an employer match,

Why would that be bad for brothels who require women to have bar time to offer health insurance and 401K with employer match?  and paid vacation time? I mean it is expensive for girls who want to come out and work and then must fly home or something, plus if a girl wanted to have elective surgery paid vacation would allow her to do this and make more money for the company in the future.

It would set brothels up to be MORE legitmate, and be a true future in Nevada and watch out for the working girls benefit...

btw this is not an issue in Elko.

The BIGGER problem with this is that taxes would have to be automatically deducted from the check which would probably reduce take-home pay,

However, this could be beneficial to working ladies as it would make home buying easier and also car buying easier.

I dont think its just ammo for Christian radicals.

Re: More anmo for the Anti Brothel crowd

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 11:53 am
by Mikey
A lot of employers like to use the "Independent Contractor" status to avoid benefits and other costs, but they often fail to see what the requirements are to be one, and treat them as employees. The Sheri's story is newsworthy because it's in the sex industry, and could complicate things for all brothels if the ladies are determined to be "employees".[/size]

Re: More anmo for the Anti Brothel crowd

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 1:27 pm
by Lucielove_elko
if the ladies were paid 12 dollars an hour to sit there during a 12 hour shift every day for 7 days, they'd be making a thousand dollars a week just for sitting in the bar and going to all the mandatory line ups (which incurs a fine if they miss, which might makes sense if they were considered employees), and being on time and dressed up, and not doing anything besides sitting there and chatting with patrons, it seems like it would make sense to ensure that ALL ladies are adquetely reimbursed for this time spent "working a shift" if their weekly check was less than 12 dollars per hour for their entire shift, I think they deserve to be reimbursed for the time....

probably not all girls would want taxes being taken out of their paychecks, so many girls might not want to have employee status, but there's no reason why brothel workers who are being required to work in this way shouldn't get some perks, like healthcare and 401k, and other stuff at the very least I believe all ladies should not get less than a thousand dollars a week when they have worked a full weeks shift.

but that doesn't apply to me since I work in Elko, but at some big brothels I believe this is the type of things that girls deal with but I dunno,

that being said I bet there are very few girls who make less than a thousand dollars a week when they have worked all full shifts in these places. but it would probably be nice if this type of thing was considered.

Re: More anmo for the Anti Brothel crowd

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 5:17 pm
by wayne208
This is a touchy subject . Yes the Ladies need to be protected .. But if it closes all the House's then We are all Screwed . I wish there was a way We could All win ..  :( :(

Re: More anmo for the Anti Brothel crowd

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 11:57 pm
by isurfer
Maybe the brothel owners don't want to, but can't they have both Independent Contractor and Employee status for the different working girls, and not just one for their brothel?

Re: More anmo for the Anti Brothel crowd

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:29 am
by TC
Please forgive me for my poor understanding of the current system but maybe someone could tell me...if ladies did make an hourly wage, say $15 an hour, would you still be able to charge what you wanted for parties, or does employee status mean the employer would have to set the prices?

Because I can see this being a be careful what you wish for kind of thing. Saying all hour long parties were $2000 an hour plus your regular wage, that means you couldn't give breaks to your regulars or increase prices if it was a slow week and you needed more $ fast.

Or am I totally understanding the whole thing? It's just hard to wrap my brain around since it's not like the food industry with tips, or the sales industry with commission. It's in between. That's where the problems are're not really strict ICs OR employees, but something in between.

Re: More anmo for the Anti Brothel crowd

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 6:04 pm
by SixT9er
There’s to much to get into to write out because so much is “if this then this” with multi variables of “if”

Bottom line is many businesses sign contracts with independent contractors for many jobs and put many stipulations on them. The Brothel industry is no different. The Ladies enter into a contract with the house. Then they enter into contracts with multiple clients.
There will be no hourly reimbursement situation in the near future, no employee type benefits. This lawsuit will not help, it will only hurt the Legal industry and the Ladies in it who want to work Legally. The goal of these Ladies and many ,many more is decriminalation of sexwork not better legalized sexwork and that is not going to happen in this country for a long time, too many closedminded “Morally upright” people to allow it to happen anytime soon.
I would like to see better circumstances for Ladies but why would the houses change anything since they have Ladies daily applying for the chance to work in their houses? The houses will only change if they have to and I fear and believe that if the Nevada legislation has to spend too much effort on this niche industry to change the house’s, they will just make it illegal.
This lawsuit is adding to that too much effort as they have to defend themselves for allowing such a “Sinful” thing. Never mind the illegal sex workers in the State far outnumber the Legal ones already...