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Other states legalizing prostitution

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 6:38 am
by Vanityaffair
First I heard California might be the next state to legalize prostition. Next I’m hearing Washington DC. I did not believe it was possible but now New York City hit  the news paper for legalization. They are thinking of legalizing independent girls to do their thing. Any day now. No more jail time st the moment. Now you get a DAT ticket and go home. Brothels don’t know what’s going to happen if this law passes. It’s only a matter of time.  They are still going to go after trafficking and minors. What do you think??
XO Vanity

Re: Other states legalizing prostitution

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 1:46 pm
by billwh
I've lived in the Chicago area all my life and have enjoyed my little excursions to the state of Nevada. Obviously it will hurt the state's brothels if prostitution is legalized elsewhere, but more people will be able to partake.

If you've noticed, and who hasn't, marijuana is being slowly legalized state by state, yeah it's mainly to bring in money to the states but it's also because people have gradually realized that pot is just not that big of a deal. Not like hard drugs including alcohol!

So you'd think the same people would realize that consenting sex between adults is not that big of a deal either, so why keep it illegal. I like the idea of going to a legal brothel, a place that I know is safe and regulated, as far as disease control. An independent escort? I've had them but it WAS illegal and though they said they got tested regularly, who knows?

Re: Other states legalizing prostitution

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 2:39 pm
by billwh
Chuckar chaser link wrote: I have mixed feelings about it. Will the ladies that are doing this as a serious profession still be able to make enough money to make it worth while?  I dont go to the brothel to just get laid. I go to have an experience that I cant get elsewhere with a woman that I find to be top shelf gorgeous. If there is brothels in every state will it kill the quality of the business?  Would this have the same effect as the Indian Casinos did to gambling in Nevada?
Maybe it could work out to be a great thing but I am not so sure.
As far as maintaining the quality, I think quality will always win out in the long run.The cream rises to the top, etc.

I too, want more than just the sex. That is why I see one lady at a time repeatedly. It's what I call a "parallel relationship", you get the good parts of a relationship without the responsibilties and complications of a real, full-time relationship. I would suppose that you could find that anywhere, whether at a Nevada brothel or with a legal escort in another state.

Re: Other states legalizing prostitution

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 3:33 pm
by dyanadyamonds
Hi there,

I think it would be great to be legal everywhere. If they are legalizing marijuana why not us too? The only thing I am confused about is how will it be controlled.
With nv, you know we all have to be clean because we go to to the dr. If they can make that be a factor so we know it's safe why not? Clients don't realize how much it costs to
work in a brothel . Just my thoughts.
Dyana Dyamonds

Re: Other states legalizing prostitution

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 3:36 pm
by Ironman
Chuckar chaser link wrote: I have mixed feelings about it. Will the ladies that are doing this as a serious profession still be able to make enough money to make it worth while?  I dont go to the brothel to just get laid. I go to have an experience that I cant get elsewhere with a woman that I find to be top shelf gorgeous. If there is brothels in every state will it kill the quality of the business?  Would this have the same effect as the Indian Casinos did to gambling in Nevada?
Maybe it could work out to be a great thing but I am not so sure.
I wouldn't give too much thought Chuck it probably won't happen in our life time.

Re: Other states legalizing prostitution

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 12:54 am
by Cobia
billwh link wrote: As far as maintaining the quality, I think quality will always win out in the long run.The cream rises to the top, etc.

I too, want more than just the sex. That is why I see one lady at a time repeatedly. It's what I call a "parallel relationship", you get the good parts of a relationship without the responsibilties and complications of a real, full-time relationship. I would suppose that you could find that anywhere, whether at a Nevada brothel or with a legal escort in another state.

I'll drink to that.

Re: Other states legalizing prostitution

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 5:08 am
by Wildfire
Ironman link wrote: I wouldn't give too much thought Chuck it probably won't happen in our life time.

Well you never know but I would not hold my breath on any full legalizing of prostitution. 
Most liberals just and to move all the pentilities to the customer. (  aka man .  )

Re: Other states legalizing prostitution

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 9:26 pm
by Lee
I've always thought that it should be legal in all 50 states. Rapists and pedophiles often target people they know since they seem to think they can get away with it. If such sickos had a convienient and legal place to exhibit their repressed behavior that comes out in a tragic way, the incident rate would surely drop. Even if such a locale were limited to one, and located in each state capital, and carried the name 'clinic', what excuse would anyone have for such behavior when an outlet exists? 49 states full of repressed, sexually frightened people are the basis for the sex crime problem we suffer as a nation. And those people who want close brothels? Be careful You don't accidentally get in a private space with them somewhere! Eeeeek!!!

Re: Other states legalizing prostitution

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 5:22 pm
by rachelvarga
I don't think it will hurt us. Guys seeing independents will keep seeing them and those coming to the brothel will keep coming for the better benefits and it's still better for safety and not getting an std.

Re: Other states legalizing prostitution

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 6:09 pm
by Mikey
Saw this today. ... ar-AACJBA9  NewYork could be the first state to legalize it.[/size]

Re: Other states legalizing prostitution

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 1:33 am
by SixT9er
Big difference between decriminalizing and legalizing.
What a load of crap the Nordic model is!

Re: Other states legalizing prostitution

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 5:33 am
by Vanityaffair
Yes Rachael. I’m excited. I have built a steady home in Nevada already and was thinking of moving here. Wow!! New choices. If it did happen I would be back and forth sines I love the brother life In Nevada.
XO Vanity

Re: Other states legalizing prostitution

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 5:06 am
by georoc01
What I see being pushed is not a legal model like the Nevada system, but more what is known as the nordic system, where prostitution is no longer illegal, but the purchase of sex is still illegal, as well as any form of pimping or trafficking.

Its taking the prostitute and moving them from being the criminal to being the victim.

Re: Other states legalizing prostitution

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 5:44 am
by Duck11
The ones that push the most to keep prostitution from being legalized are the ones that always get busted for partaking in illegal prostitution.
They probably don’t want their behavior found out, but seem to be ok with telling others to not do it.

Re: Other states legalizing prostitution

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 1:52 pm
by Wildfire
SixT9er link wrote: Big difference between decriminalizing and legalizing.
What a load of crap the Nordic model is!
Very true .  Legalizing you need rule and guidelines to keep people safe and make tax money.

Re: Other states legalizing prostitution

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 9:06 pm
by Furniture Man
I think that prostitution should be legalized nation wide.  Regulate it like Nevada does.  I could see the downside for the ladies currently working in Nevada, as their clientele base would shrink, but I think that most would still be able to make a darn good living at what they do.