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Post party highs and lows

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 4:17 am
by SixT9er
After spending a couple incredible days with my ATF I’m on a high then reality sits in that it’s over, won’t see her again for 5-6 weeks and I’m back in the real world causing a low.
Anyone else experience post party highs & lows or is it just my Brothel bipolarism?

Re: Post party highs and lows

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 4:42 am
by Cobia
SixT9er link wrote: After spending a couple incredible days with my ATF I’m on a high then reality sits in that it’s over, won’t see her again for 5-6 weeks and I’m back in the real world causing a low.
Anyone else experience post party highs & lows or is it just my Brothel bipolarism?

Yep, from my last trip.

Re: Post party highs and lows

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 5:36 am
by Ironman
SixT9er link wrote: After spending a couple incredible days with my ATF I’m on a high then reality sits in that it’s over, won’t see her again for 5-6 weeks and I’m back in the real world causing a low.
Anyone else experience post party highs & lows or is it just my Brothel bipolarism?
6 weeks? Poor baby? I had to go 3 years in between the first time then 13 months the another time.Before we got on a very short roll in the twilight of her career in LPIN so cry me a river ? Smalls!

OK just giving a little?? crap buddy. Seriously what you are experiencing is normal and at least for me only happened when my now long retired ATF was involved.

With all the others there was always a high point after, but there was never much of a low point. They all just gave me a good story to tell my trusted buddies when I got back home.

Some of them were better stories then others.

No I am not talking about the actual sex. It just seemed like I went through a period there between 09 and 2012 where every other trip something strange or unexpected would happen. Like in 09 when the one lady rolled her ankle in the Sage Parlor while I am waiting in her room. While the 2nd girl in what was supposed to be a 2 girl party disappeared for about 45 minutes on what was supposed to be a quick food run. Turns out she locked herself in the pantry.?

Re: Post party highs and lows

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 6:09 pm
by wayne208
I am in California instead of Nevada ...  That is a Low ..  8)  Gas is more  where I live also ...

Re: Post party highs and lows

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 9:41 pm
by Prospector Bob
SixT9er link wrote: After spending a couple incredible days with my ATF I’m on a high then reality sits in that it’s over, won’t see her again for 5-6 weeks and I’m back in the real world causing a low.
Anyone else experience post party highs & lows or is it just my Brothel bipolarism?
I think this happens to most dudes who see an ATF regularly. It most certainly happened to me a time or two. Brothel bipolarism... yeah, soaring then sinking. I got it, I got over it...

Re: Post party highs and lows

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 8:43 am
by Lee
Yea, the brothel in my rear-view mirror always hurts