Houses Partied in & general experience

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Houses Partied in & general experience


Post by SixT9er »

I’ve made it clear that the Mustang is my favorite house & given many reasons why but I have partied at other houses & have had for the most part good experiences in them.

What houses have you partied at and what are your thoughts? I’m talking house not Lady if you can separate the two

Besides The Mustang/Wild horse

Sheri’s: Not for me, the vibe in the house didn’t work for me. The whole 10 min rule, the feeling in the bar. Just not my thing. Only been once & the party was good

Alien: Only one party there also. Was right after Dennis remodeled. General vibe at the time was pretty good, Party was Great, no idea how things are now

Mona’s & Inez. Been a few years & just not my thing (I’ve stated why in last, no need to rehash) but I know many love these houses. Parties ranged from not so good to better than good

Dovetail: My second favorite house. Very cool laid back vibe. Ladies stay which says a lot. Monica is flat out awesome. Several parties there all from good to Great. I highly recommend

Love Ranch North: Hate the parlor, too smoky & the seating sucks. House I went to the most in Moundhouse because of the Ladies. Parties good to great

Bunny Ranch: Hate the parlor here too. Lousy seating & smoke. Only two parties here but both were Great

Sagebrush: Been many years since I partied there but was in the house a couple years ago. Parlor is a little big but has good seating & if Roxy Gold is there you will definitely get a warm welcome as she is a sweetheart. Only had a couple parties there and one good, one Great. As far as the Houses go there, this is the one I’d recommend. Of course the Ladies will ultimately make the choice for you
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Post by Prospector Bob »

Chicken Ranch & Sheri's Ranch: I was more focused on the Ladies I partied with than the houses. Generally speaking, they both seemed to be good places to party but house rules & SM demeanors were a bit stringent. Had great parties at both brothels. :)

Shady Lady: Nice cozy place to party. Have good memories of the place. Enjoyed my chats with Bobbi.  :)

Bunny Ranch: Again more focused on the Lady than the house. It seemed to be a little louder & somewhat smaller than Sheri's but the eye candy seemed about the same. At the time (2001) the BR seemed a little more laid back than the CR. Might be different now but can't say for sure.

Kit Kat: Ramshackle! Uneven floors & looked like a accident about to happen. : :) The Lady I partied with was superb though! :)

LRN: Had only two parties there & both were awesome. Have to agree with 9er on the LRN. Too small parlor, too smoky & the seating wasn't appealing.  : :)

Mustang: When I first went there it was the Wild Horse. And, like Sheri's, the CR & BR, I was more focused on the Ladies I was seeing than the house. It was only after time that I began to appreciate this house. The amenities are top notch as are the women & staff that work there.

Went to the Cottontail once but didn't party there. Not too impressed...  : :) Seemed to be on it's last legs, which it was.
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Post by Chicagobob »

Lemme think about dat one...  : :)
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Post by Dirk Diggler »

Different strokes for different folks I guess. I don’t specifically go to a brothel (I’ve been to most) to eat, socialize, or hang out. I go for what will hopefully be good to great sex and that’s it.

The only factors that would drive me away from a house would be untrustworthy owners/managers, signs of drug abuse/trafficking, or overall filthy conditions. Perhaps temporarily overcrowding as well if some event is scheduled.

Outside of that, I’m going if there is a lady that I’m interested and honestly could care less about “ambiance” or however else you want to describe it. Those things don’t even register in my mind.
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Post by Dr. Who »

Having been visiting the various brothels since ca. 2000, I've seen many of my favorite houses go from good to bad and vice versa due to new owners, management changes, etc.  I guess that I'll start with the southern houses, since that's where I first discovered the legal brothels, since I use to visit Vegas quite often.

The CR and Sheri's use to be my go to houses back in early-late 2000.  They were fun places to hangout and mingle with the ladies in the bar.  Sheri's always had the nicer facilities, after they rebuilt everything from the ground up in early 2000 and made it into a resort, but the CR always had a comfortable feel to it whenever I visited.  The CR has also done some nice renovations to their property with a modern parlor area, as well as a completely new Leghorn Bar.  Although with changes in management, ladies, and their target customer base over the recent few years, I rarely visit Sheri's and the CR nowadays.  The atmosphere at both houses have changed to the point where they are no longer in my comfort zone. 

I liked the ShadyLady before Bobbi retired and sold the place, except for the location.  Since I usually stay in Vegas, that was always a looooooooong drive.  Needless to say, it was sad to see the ShadyLady, as well as Angels and Bikini's close.

The worse house that I've been too was the old Cherry Patch (where the LRV is currently located) when Joe Richards owned the place.  This was back in ca. 2000 and I never returned, until Hof took over and renovated the entire place.  It was a lineup only house back in those Joe Richards days, so no bar or mingling with the ladies.  Even back in 2000, the building was in dire need of renovations ...LOL.  The LRV and ACH were both nice houses, after Hof took over and when Sonja was the manager.  I had some nice parties at the ACH, but the times have definitely changed.  The LRV is closed and the ACH is under a new owner, so everything is different now.

I didn't start visiting the Northern houses until ca. 2005, but the Wildhorse/Mustang has always had the best facilities of all the Northern houses.  They've also been the most consistent, in regards to their amenities, bar, food service, the quality of ladies that they've hired over the years, and customer services, even with changes in management.  Their brothel is also smoke-free which is a plus.  I've always have a good time at the WH/MR. 

The Old Bridge Ranch has been closed for awhile now, but I mainly liked their house because a couple of my favorite ladies were working there at the time.  The place always had a bikers feel to it considering that Dave Burgess was the owner. LOL

For the brothels in Moundhouse, I think the ladies have always been the draw for me and not the houses in general.  Although both Dennis and Marvin (who use to own the Sage) were always friendly hosts whenever I've visited their houses.  I haven't been to the Moundhouse brothels, since Dennis passed away, so I don't have any personal feel on how things have changed.

For the past few years, I've also been visiting some of the rural house in NE Nevada.  Dovetail, Mona's, Inez, and Sue's have been my favorite hangouts in the Elko/Carlin area.  The rural houses may not have the luxury amenities like the bigger houses, but they tend to make up for the differences in being more laid back and having a friendly small town feel to them.  Although, Sue's is a bit different due to their management style ...LOL.  They tend to be more high pressured into getting customers to party as soon as you walk through the door.  Although, all of my parties at Sue's have been non-rushed and very good.  The Desert Rose doesn't get much attention on the boards, but they also have a nice house.  They have a pole and a small stage in there bar which is cool.  I've only visited their house a couple of times, since they open at 4pm which is later than all of the other houses in Elko.  The rural houses aren't for everyones taste, but it's a nice change of pace that I've enjoyed.
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Post by RoxyGold »

I’ve only worked at the Sagebrush, though I also worked there under Marvin. It was so nice when Dennis would say he bought the Sagebrush in 2013 and I came with it.

After Dennis bought the Sagebrush and we all became the same system I visited the other Mound House brothels for Live Stream (back then it was still U stream lol) or events like pool parties or to do photo/video shoots.

Kit Kat’s renovations are gorgeous. If you haven’t been there since before Dennis bought and renovated it (November 2012) it’s definitely worth taking a look (hopefully more ;) ).  Say hi to Cumisha Amado and Sophia Sun.

Love Ranch has a fun sorority-house atmosphere and a great mix of ladies. Whatever your flavor, you’re likely to find it.

The Bunny Ranch now has Ruby Rae and Remy Martin, and I had more fun this past Fourth of July than at any other event.

If you’re in the area, feel free to stop by the Sagebrush and say hello! It’s always nice to put a face with a handle :)
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Post by Mikey »

Mustang - There's a reason they win BOY year after year, first class facilities, and they really take care of the client.
Moonlite Bunny Ranch - Was the first brothel I Partied at, back in 82' when it was just a couple trailers and was just the "Moonlite". In later years partied there several times, all the parties were good to great, excellent selection of ladies.
Kitty's/LRN - For a long time was my favorite house, liked the atmosphere and ladies, but haven't been there in a couple years.
Kit Kat - Had several good parties there, but haven't been there since the remodel and change in ownership. The parlor was not very comfortable, and they tended to have the jukebox too loud.
Sagebrush - Partied there a couple times, great parties. At the time the ladies didn't seem pay much attention to the customers and would let them sit alone rather than approach them.
Salt Wells - A dump when I was there, just before they were shut down, had on e bad party there.
Stardust Ranch - Partied there once. Only one girl working, was a good party.
Dovetail - Only partied there once 15 years ago, with a lady I knew from another house, it wasn't a good party.
Mona's - Met my ATF there, 15 years ago, had several great parties there.
My Place - What a dump, holes in the walls, electrical wires visible, but had a great outdate with Kendra.
Cozy Corner - Visited there twice, first was a good party, second time a lady quoted me a ridiculous price and I walked out the door.
Pussycat - Partied there once before it closed, it was a bad party. The place was falling apart.
Inez's D&D - This was 15 years ago, and it had the feel of an AMP.
Sheri's - Partied there once, good party, but the place had a "corporate" feel to it, lots of rules. They had a great sports bar. I was there on a Monday night and they had free popcorn and hot dogs.
Chicken Ranch - Made it to the second Octoberfest there, and had an excellent party.
Shady Lady - Parties there 3 times all good parties, wish they had a bar to socialize in. The place was spotless, and the ladies worked in one room and slept in another.
Wild Kat - Partied there once, good party
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