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Feral Hog Hunting by Hot Air Balloon Now Legal in Texas

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 2:47 am
by Prospector Bob
Geo posted this on SIN... ... g-balloon/

This will be a hit or miss endeavor. It's not as precise a method for getting shots at feral hogs as it may seem. First you need to know where the hogs are so the wind will carry you over their location. You'll need to plot your flight path accordingly. Also, the balloon pilot will thoroughly need to know the prevailing wind conditions for the area hunted & many hours balloon flying. If the winds are 10 MPH or more, that's too fast (landings will be dangerous). Ideally they should be 4 to 6 MPH. HABs are not stealthy! They make a lot of noise when the burners are on. Even when the burners are off, I've seen balloons spook animals. Maybe if they had sky blue camouflage, you might get by.  : :)

Re: Feral Hog Hunting by Hot Air Balloon Now Legal in Texas

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 2:58 am
by Cobia
The balloon is moving …….. the hogs never stand still...…..good luck on this one.

Re: Feral Hog Hunting by Hot Air Balloon Now Legal in Texas

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:01 am
by Prospector Bob
Cobia link wrote: The balloon is moving …….. the hogs never stand still...…..good luck on this one.
That is correct! Good luck!

Balloons & electric transmission lines are another problem. Here in Albuquerque we have an International Balloon Festival the first two weeks of October every year & every year some unfortunate balloonist will find a transmission line - including this year. Trees are also known to snag wayward HABs. As much fun as it may seem to ride in one, I have no desire to do so. I'll just watch from terrafirma...  8)