Alzheimer Afflicted Friends?

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Alzheimer Afflicted Friends?


Post by MrTShirt »

A clinical trial ended last December showing promise by exposing Alzheimer afflicted patients to an RF environment in the 900 MHz range.
The cap directs the Rf energy into the patient's head, breaking down the small protein aggregates (amyloid oligomers) in brain cells that are thought to initiate Alzheimer's development.

Company:  NeuroEM Therapeutics
Cap:  MemorEM cap
Treatment: Transcranial Electromagnetic Treatment
Ref:  Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, Aug, 2019
Ref:  QST, Oct 2019, page 83
Last edited by MrTShirt on Sun Nov 17, 2019 6:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Prospector Bob
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Post by Prospector Bob »

MrTShirt link wrote: A clinical trial ended last December showing promise by exposing Alzheimer afflicted patients to an RF environment in the 900 MHz range.
The cap directs the Rf energy into the patient's head, breaking down the small protein aggregates (amyloid oligomers) in brain cells that are thought to initiate Alzheimer's development.

Company:  NeuroEM Therapeutics
Cap:  MemorEM cap
Treatment: Transcranial Electromagnetic Treatment
Ref:  Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, Aug, 2019
Ref:  QST, Oct 2019, page 83
That's the same frequency range (860 to 928MHz) the company I just retired from for uses for some of it's RF products. They make the RF tags folks have on their cars for toll-roads and such. They also make the antennas & computerized readers for those tags. So, I guess every time you go through a turnpike toll booth, you're getting a brief Alzheimer's prevention treatment? Come to think of it, in the 21 years I worked there, I don't recall any employees ever having Alzheimer's. Maybe I shouldn't have retired...  ???
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