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Is LPIN right for you?

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 1:27 am
by Chicagobob
This discussion has been active on another board and might help out the newbies here.  I thought that I'd share my thoughts on brothel financing issues.  It can also speak volumes to experienced mongers as well. 

For the newbies to LPIN, brothel money should be your mad money. It should always be discretionary income after necessities.  I work a part time job on some weekends to pay for my play.  Never should you go into debt to pay for your hobby.  If you're a responsible person, you should not have any trouble handling LPIN.  Always think with your big head and just spend what you intend to! 

A bigger question should be, can you handle the addiction?  That's something people seldom discuss, but it can be a major problem if left unchecked.  I've had to take several breaks over the years just to stay grounded and not get in over my head.  There was a comment made about this a couple of weeks ago...  Don't make LPIN your whole life. 

Another issue is, can you handle the emotional strain?  Can you really handle NSA sex?  A sex worker is not your girlfriend although some become good friends.  Some inadvertantly blur the line. 

Full discloser... Yes I've had a couple of ladies that went way beyond the norm.  I have a current FWB lady friend that I see on a regular basis and a long term platonic friendship with a Pro Dom SW that even offers me her personal apartment when she's working at the ranch.  Those instances, however, are very rare!  Most are simply pay for play, and I never forget it.

Re: Is LPIN right for you?

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 1:01 pm
by Florida Couple
Excellent advice. Thanks Bob. I’m lucky in that my partner will for sure keep me in check. We usually take 2 or 3 vacations a year.  2020 at least one LPIN trip budgeted.  Doing this smart and planned. All that being said... the mr has an addictive personality and the Mrs keeps him straight.  The mr avoids too much drinking, gambling, etc... a balanced life is a healthy life.

Re: Is LPIN right for you?

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 3:55 pm
by Dr. Who
Just like with most things in life, as long as you use "common sense" when planning a brothel trip, as well as setting a realistic budget using discretionary funds, it shouldn't be any different than if you were saving up and planning for most vacation trips.  Although in this case, your entertainment expenses includes partying at the brothel(s).

Since discretionary funds vary for person to person, I can only speak for myself in saying that all of my past brothel trips were funded with mad money and I've been visiting the brothel for close to 20 yrs now.  :o  Although, most of my trips don't revolve around just visiting the brothels, since I have other vices as well ...LOL visiting the casinos.  For some, LPIN can be addictive, but the same could be said for other things as well like gambling, other hobbies, etc.  I tend to have quite a bit of self-control, so I've never gone over budget or have gotten addicted to LPIN or any of my other hobbies.  8)  That's probably why, I'm in good financial shape and can still plan brothel visits, even now that I'm retired.  8)

Re: Is LPIN right for you?

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 10:23 am
by Duck11
Well, I’ve been guilty of spending more than I had planned for.
However, before I take any trip up, I make sure my mortgage, bills, and other necessary items are taken care of first.
I have racked up a bit on credit card bills, but I was able to handle the payments over the extended period. It’s pretty much why I switched over to cash only when I visit now.  It makes it easier for me to manage my budget.
I still have some great times, but now I pick my parties carefully and not just go crazy trying to cram in all the parties I can when visiting.

Re: Is LPIN right for you?

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 11:26 am
by RoxyGold
If your finances don’t allow for a new adventure, you can always hang out on the boards until things change. You can get a seasonal job, rent out an extra room in your house, sell the classic car in your garage that you don’t have time to work on, lots of things you can do before you win Powerball. :) I also know many folks who have a credit card that they only use for fun money. Get here, play, spend however much time paying the balance off, rinse repeat.

If you are worried about getting too emotionally involved, don’t be. There are plenty of ways around this. You’re here to have a good time, not get married. :)

Re: Is LPIN right for you?

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 1:22 pm
by MrTShirt
RoxyGold link wrote:
...You’re here to have a good time, not get married. :)
What?  I thought the lineup was to allow all the girls to equally bid for the opportunity to put up with me for a lifetime.
I better get a new intel man.  :( :(

Re: Is LPIN right for you?

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 1:43 pm
by RoxyGold
MrTShirt link wrote: What?  I thought the lineup was to allow all the girls to equally bid for the opportunity to put up with me for a lifetime.
I better get a new intel man.  :( :(
The 26 incher is way too much for one woman, forever ;)

Re: Is LPIN right for you?

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 12:01 pm
by MrTShirt
RoxyGold link wrote: The 26 incher is way too much for one woman, forever ;)
Someday the 26 incher will have to stop in and satisfy all the ladies in the lineup.  :P
(Well, once I find some gluten free wheaties.) :(

Re: Is LPIN right for you?

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 6:25 pm
by RoxyGold
MrTShirt link wrote: Someday the 26 incher will have to stop in and satisfy all the ladies in the lineup.  :P
(Well, once I find some gluten free wheaties.) :(
Corn Chex! :)

Re: Is LPIN right for you?

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 8:38 pm
by MrTShirt
RoxyGold link wrote: Corn Chex! :)
Stand by.  The UPS truck will be dropping off a skid load tomorrow.  :) :)

Re: Is LPIN right for you?

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 1:22 am
by Lucielove_elko
It's all about your hustle and not making it an addiction.

Sadly I've seen many of my clients spend more than they could afford, but we are all trying to hustle, if you want something bad enough you will find a way to pay for it.

Great advice Chiacgobob and you brought up some good points.

I always want my clients to make the most money possible and be in the best financial situation, it just makes more sense for me, so I hope they not only spend what they are comfortable with but also are feeling that it is okay to splurge every so often!

Re: Is LPIN right for you?

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 12:02 pm
by billwh
Yes, LPIN is just right for me. I don't want a real-life, full-time relationship so I have a pay-for-play GFE relationship. I am monogamous by nature, even in LPIN.

I recall what Charlie Sheen said, when someone asked him why he hires escorts, and he said he pays them to leave, not to stay. That's a good way to look at it. Have fun with somebody and realize there is no obligation on either side. Even if you see someone exclusively, you keep in mind you are paying for a fantasy.

I go out to Nevada four times a year. I can afford this by not gambling here at home! I've always liked gambling but I realize I can't afford unrestrained gambling here at home and four trips to Nevada and paying for LPIN adventures, transportation, hotel stays too. I just try to keep my priorities in order.

I've been successfully retired for almost 8 years now. But even though I have all the time I want, I do NOT have all the money I want! LOL

Re: Is LPIN right for you?

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 3:58 pm
by clevelandbrowns01
What choice have I got?  I would never go the illegal route. 
Women aren't exactly banging on my door - or knocking on it - or driving on the street in front of the house....

I live far away so LPIN is never spontaneous or anything.  A little easier to control though I do miss my favorite lady more because of that.

Re: Is LPIN right for you?

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 1:37 pm
by isurfer
At the present time, LPIN is perfect for me. I'm not into GFE parties or even looking for a girlfriend. LPIN is my social life, connecting and talking to other women even if it's only once a month.

GFE for some guys means that they want a lot of personal attention both during the party and before and after their first and subsequent parties. I've been in contact with some newbie guys that are too damn picky, they want too much of a lady's time and contact before they even decide to party with a lady, and some haven't been to an LPIN brothel yet. For them, it's more about their connection and chemistry with a lady and not that they want the cheapest party and bang for their buck. Several of them have been willing to spend mid 4 figures on the "right" lady for a party, if they can find her. Understandably, I know some guys that are into physical looks.

I know some guys wanting a real personal and emotional connection with a lady, at least in their mind and party experience just like the feelings they would get with a real girlfriend. It takes a lot for some guys to maintain control over their emotions over time and after many such GFE parties. For some, it becomes no longer a fantasy but an obsession and he can become stalkerish, possessive and even abusive. I guess that can happen even outside of the brothel life. The LPIN newbie usually starts off with more of a healthy friends with benefits relationship, but after a couple of years and many parties his feelings can change as his mind changes too. He can't stop thinking about "his" lady. I've seen it happen with virgin guys that lose their virginity at the brothels. They think she's the best, since he has no other experience to compare the sex to and he starts falling in love.

Hobby or habit, some activities can be both and at times addictive, not only LPIN. Drugs, smoking and drinking alcohol can be physically addictive. I have a friend that I've known for over 50 years, and he is addicted to gambling, drinking, and smoking and admits it. I used to be addicted to gambling like him, maxing out the credit cards, going overboard and not stopping until we are too tired to stop. Gambling as if there was no tomorrow, and somewhat true since I only went casino gambling when on vacations. 10 years ago I moved closer to the Nevada casinos, and knowing that there was a tomorrow where I can gamble again, I would budget a certain amount of money for gambling for a month/week/day and still have some gambling fun. At that point casino gambling for me became just a hobby and didn't ruin me financially.

In 1987 I started going to various strip clubs in Southern California as a hobby. That lasted for 22 years until 2009. As time went on, during the last 10 years of that time I spent a lot of money in the clubs and on the strippers, and it became more of a habit and addiction rather than just a casual hobby. It was fun, though expensive, going several times a week. Younger pretty girls that could become friends, friends with benefits, and lovers kept me interested and entertained. I fell in love with some strippers and wanted to marry a couple of them, lol. Maybe 2 dozen or more strippers I used to date, seeing them outside of their clubs was not against the rules, at least with the strippers I went out with. We would often times go out to eat or go shopping. My social life outside of work. Some people at work I couldn't stand or they were boring. I was just an old guy that wanted some companionship, was nice to the strippers, and would sometimes just go shopping with them with no strings attached or sex expected. A couple of the strippers were divorced and had kids (no husband) and I remember several times going out with the strippers and their kids to go shopping, especially around Christmas. Just like with the strippers, you had to try on the clothes sometimes to see how it fits and looks, even on kids. The bonus fun part, with maybe a half dozen of the strippers, we would take trips to Las Vegas. Most often, I would get the hotel, pay for their flights and would drive out to Las Vegas and pick them up at the airport. Yes, during those trips sex was expected. Besides eating, shopping, and seeing shows, some of them would work at the Vegas strip clubs to make some money, then stay with me at the hotel. Illegal? I never thought so because with most of those strippers I had known them for many years and considered them to be friends. If you date someone, have sex with them and sometimes give them spending money, is that illegal prostitution? I've done that with girls and girlfriends that I've had, and they never worked in the sex industry and some were co-workers.  In LPIN the brothels don't want you to see the ladies off site and off the books to date, even in their free time. In the past 10 years I haven't been going to strip clubs, but if LPIN becomes unaffordable for me I know I would probably go back to strip clubbing as my social life with women. At my age actual sex isn't as important to me as female companionship, and I don't mind it taking me more time to build up a friends with benefits relationship.

Over the years I remember 3 strippers that worked part time and had regular jobs, but they also played in 3 different bands, they were musicians. It was nice and different to see them outside the strip club environment, and there would be other customers, strippers and sometimes even family and friends at their gigs.

If I was a drug dealer making big bucks or had a business of my own where I could skim cash that nobody (tax people and accountants) would know about, I could have a good time at the strip clubs and at the brothels. I'm suspecting that some of the cash only guys going to brothels might be using untrackable cash, and I might have been tempted too if I had the chance. I've known some people that get cash tips that don't report it as earned income. If you "win" a lot of money or merchandise like a car, you have to report it for taxes. Not talking about illegal gambling here. The gray area, when does "tips" or a gift, in cash or merchandise, become non-taxable when the person you give it to becomes or is now considered to be a friend? How long does it take for someone to be a friend, more than just the amount of time I think? Are co-workers friends? A girlfriend that I give gifts to even if she did work in the sex industry is that illegal?

Re: Is LPIN right for you?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 11:48 am
by rachelvarga
For ladies that is a lot to consider.

For everyone you are getting sleepy. Listen to the sound of my voice. It is fabulous. It is right for you. On the count of three, you will wake up feeling good and get in your car and start driving to Nevada.


Re: Is LPIN right for you?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 5:26 pm
by 1bytetoomany
Damn woman....    Rachel, your magic seems so real!
Nevada....  Here I come.
LPIN is the icing on the BEST cake I know!