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Do you think the Mustang 2 will keep the drive-by feature?

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 4:48 pm
by Slednx
One of the best features of "The Line" in Winnemucca was the ability to drive onto Baud St. and literally see 5 Cathouses with a lady in their respective houses' window displaying their wares. How cool was that? A drive by butt hut preview, not even having to leave your car! So, with Mr. Gilman redoing the house (s) down in the Muck, do you think he will he keep the drive-by feature?

For those of you who aren't newbies or wannabees, any drive by stories of "The Line" that you want to share.

Where is Sidewinder? He could tell us about all the cats that lived down there. Lol

Re: Do you think the Mustang 2 will keep the drive-by feature?

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 5:03 pm
by Slednx
FYI- for those who have been to Amsterdam, these windows were as close to Nevada's version of them. In addition to trying to attract the men driving by to come on in, it doubled as the CB radio station where the same lady worked the mic to the truckers.

"Free showers"
"Free coffee"
" No obligations"

Oh, the memories.

Re: Do you think the Mustang 2 will keep the drive-by feature?

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 4:07 am
by Chicagobob
Things appear to be at a halt right now.  Maybe waiting for spring?  I stopped in for a peek during my holiday trip.  Everything is leveled except for the old Red Light lounge.  Might become a temporary job site office?