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Organ Transplant Caused Personality Change

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 7:07 pm
by MrTShirt
Do you know anyone who has had an organ transplant?
If so, are they now different than before the transplant?

If curious, I recommend reading "The Heart's Code" by Paul Pearsall
He studied many transplant recipients, especially heart transplant.  He concludes there is energy and memory within many organs, especially the heart.

1) He cites one 6 year old girl who received a heart from a murdered 10 year old girl.  Subsequent to the transplant, the 6 year old had vivid nightmares depecting the 10 year old's murder and the murderer.  The murderer was convicted based on the accuracy of the 6 year old's dreams.

2) p 178: "From a cardio-energetic point of view, it may not be possible to engage in 'casual' sex." ... "What we mechanically refer to as a climax is really a powerful end to the build-up to an energetic bond." ... "If our intent is to avoid energetic commitment, no sex is 'safe' sex."

3) p 183: "Current research on the sexual lives of heart patients shows that more than half of heart attack victims have one thing in common:  They did not have any sexual activity of any kind for the entire year preceding their heart attack."

4)  In the chapter on "Cellular Memories..." the author includes the following quote:
"When water turns to ice, does it remember one time it was water?"  - Carl Sandburg

Any experiences with people receiving transplants?

Re: Organ Transplant Caused Personality Change

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 9:08 pm
by rachelvarga
Lol. That is crazy. Wouldn't you have a personality change if you have a blood transfusion.

The only thing that changed is relief that you're not dead.

Re: Organ Transplant Caused Personality Change

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 11:46 am
by MrTShirt
I wonder if the effect is a matter of the quantity of matter and the length of time the matter in is the person's system.(quantity x time = effect)

The organ's cell replacement would likely be a long time.  The blood cells may break down and be recreated faster then the cells of an organ.

I have heard of it being said old couples start looking like each other.  It is assumed there is a lot of cells being swapped over a life time (kissing and sex).
Maybe an appropriate motto would be:  Don't fuck an ugly person.  :)

However, the one thing that seems to be clear, the mechanism for this effect is unclear.

Re: Organ Transplant Caused Personality Change

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 7:03 pm
by rachelvarga
There is no way that a transplant could affect the brain. Organ cells can't affect brain cells.