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WWIII Insanity

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 7:25 am
by rachelvarga
People have gone stupid on this meme. They actually believe Iran can hurt the American military. They haven't even tested a bomb. All this talk of American military draft. The military had to actually come out and say that no one was being drafted.

I read a comment on reddit that I thought was interesting. "America has never lost a war, we just get tired of killing people and go home.

That is not a negative comment to me. I thought it was funny. Sorry if I offended anyone.

Back to dumbass people. Twitter is an idiot magnet.

Re: WWIII Insanity

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 10:29 am
by MrTShirt
There are several reasons why there is such stupidity on the internet regarding world affairs.

- Some people don't know where Iran is on the map and they think Iranians speak Arabic.

- Some people hate the US and will create fictional stories to justify their own dreamed up assessments.

- Some elements of the media wish to spread lies.  Back when the US invaded Iraq some media types were saying the US military would be crushed because the Iraqi soldier was a "desert fighter".  The lie was dispelled in three days when the Iraqi military collapsed.

- Usually people from other countries have a better grasp of world affairs than Americans.  For instance, Americans think all Latin countries have a love fest toward each other.  The reality is that there is plenty of hatred between certain Latin countries.

Re: WWIII Insanity

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:06 pm
by rachelvarga
MrTShirt link wrote: There are several reasons why there is such stupidity on the internet regarding world affairs.

- Some elements of the media wish to spread lies.  Back when the US invaded Iraq some media types were saying the US military would be crushed because the Iraqi soldier was a "desert fighter".  The lie was dispelled in three days when the Iraqi military collapsed.
What some foreign soldiers say about fighting American soldiers.

Re: WWIII Insanity

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 11:08 pm
by Prospector Bob
Don't mess... with the U.S.  > :(

Re: WWIII Insanity

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 3:24 am
by rachelvarga
Pretty much.