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Helping people out always bites you in the ASS!

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 8:28 pm
by SixT9er
Everytime In my business when I give a client a break I get screwed! They take advantage of my generosity and then just keep wanting more!
Being an honest person who keeps his word like I do is just being a sucker in todays world
Fuck ungrateful people!

Re: Helping people out always bites you in the ASS!

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 1:53 am
by Prospector Bob
Looks like a case of "No good deed goes unpunished." Seems like, in this screwed up world, it happens more & more often. Whatever happened to respect? What can you do? You can't shoot 'em...  : :)

Re: Helping people out always bites you in the ASS!

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 2:42 am
by Cobia
I agree.  Makes ya gun shy.

Re: Helping people out always bites you in the ASS!

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 2:57 pm
by Vanityaffair
Yup I know what you mean. You try to help them out and they get use to it and when you cut them off from not becoming a co-defendant they turn in you. Like your suppose to keep helping them. Wtf. But I always say karma will bite them in the ass sooner or later. The good will come back to you for the deed.
XO Vanity