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Would Camming Be A Good Marketing Technique For LPIN Business?

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 6:10 pm
by MrTShirt
What about a girl registering on a couple of camming sites to advertise her LPIN schedule?
Some girls use their porn activity to attract LPIN customers.
While some girls are not the best as cammers, maybe that isn't important - maybe simply using a camming site to advertise their schedule at a house house in NV.
What say you - girls?
What say you - guys?

Re: Would Camming Be A Good Marketing Technique For LPIN Business?

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 8:33 pm
by rachelvarga
No not at all. Camming,  lpin, and porn all have different types of customers. It's the reason each industry rarely crosses into the other.

Camming is hard.  Takes the most amount of work. Sitting all day in front of a computer chatting with guys that want free ass shots. You would be better off going on Twitch and playing games to get subscribers.

Re: Would Camming Be A Good Marketing Technique For LPIN Business?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 8:28 am
by MrTShirt
The thought behind my question was to ask about the marketing angle.  (Maybe the ProstiDude Ranch.)  :)

I agree that camming is hard.  A cammer is basically "on stage" all the time.
Could a standup comedian stay on stage for hours and keep the audience interested?
At AVN I stopped at a booth.  The girl asked me if I wanted to buy some of her porn DVDs.
I smiled and said "No, I like the real thing".

Re: Would Camming Be A Good Marketing Technique For LPIN Business?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 12:27 pm
by isurfer
I think an LPIN courtesan advertising herself while camming might run into problems with the anti prostitution/LPIN people out there. Using the internet (across state lines) to solicit for prostitution, even though LPIN is legal in Nevada brothels, solicitation for prostitution is illegal in many places. FOSTA-SESTA is still on the books as a law, and the O in FOSTA stands for Online. I think some Nevada counties require that solicitation for prostitution can only occur within the licensed brothel but I may be wrong on that.

What out of state webcam client that is a participant in an anti-prostitution/sex worker sting operation starts talking about sex acts and maybe prices that are or have been available at xxx legal brothel in Nevada where the LPIN cam girl works. The cam girl responds and somehow slips up and says or does the wrong thing which some might interpret as solicitation for prostitution. Someone records it and not only does the cam girl get arrested and her real name released, the brothel loses its license for allowing the solicitation to happen. The rich lawyers "might" get the brothel off the hook and get their license back, but might leave a bad reputation for the brothel. Some brothels might lose their license if the county officials consider the brothel to be a public nuisance. Do any of the LPIN brothels allow the courtesans to cam while at the brothels?

In my opinion LPIN has enough people against it right now, and I think camming and cammers should stay out of it without adding ammo to the anti-LPIN crowd. Keep it separate at least in the current environment. Maybe things will change in a decade or two.