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Do ladies talk to each other about...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 6:36 pm
by HD much their clients book?

...whether or not a client smells bad? Hehe

...the diversity in party types (specialty, GFE, or otherwise) that they provide?

...about certain clients who repeat a lot, and how they get those clients to repeat?

Just wondering. I figure everything a girl could talk about, they talk about. Just like when us clients get together.

Re: Do ladies talk to each other about...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 6:55 pm
by SixT9er
I’m sure they do. Some less than others some more. It’s human nature

Re: Do ladies talk to each other about...

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 4:29 am
by Just Another Guy
They must talk, because ALL the ladies are insistent that they cannot handle me for anal before they even see it.  (Well, except Kitti)
Hey, I gotta joke.

Do ladies talk to each other about...

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 5:18 am
by firefighter
I previously frequented Sheri's Ranch and I was friendly toward all the Ladies.  One of the Courtesans asked me one day why I haven't partied with her.  I replied that I thought she was out of my price range because she was one of the elite Courtesans.  Then I was a little stunned when she said that another Courtesan told her how much I paid and she said that was acceptable to her.

Re: Do ladies talk to each other about...

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 6:40 am
by rachelvarga
You have to be a real douche mostly. If anything it's just a general thing like,"he's a nice guy" and so on. Party amounts are suspect, girls tell each other all kinds of stuff about party amounts because they don't want others cutting in and some use what you say against you to hustle a customer away.

I won't say who but I once told a very well known girl what a customer paid. She went in and the customer offered her the same, she said, "I couldn't charge you that, I would feel like it was ripping you off." The customer told me and never partied with her again. It was a minimal amount but it was the principal of it that she was trying to make me look like I was ripping off the customer and the customer saw right through it. That customer still parties with me to this day.

So it's best to keep that to yourself if you ask me. I don't mind helping new girls because they sometimes don't know where to start.