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The Business Side of Brothels

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 7:10 am
by Florida Couple
Maybe, it is because I'm a small business owner?  I always break things down with businesses I see / visit and think about how things could be improved or changed.  I'm surprised that most, as far as I know, seem to run similarly.

Most houses do a 50/50 split with the ladies and keep liquor sales 100%.  I would think a house could shake things up by just competing a little.

I imagine if a house offered a 60/40 split in the ladies favor, they wouldn't be hurting and would attract or could choose the best of the best in the business.
I imagine if a house offered a 10% - 20% drink split with the ladies for drinks they get customers to buy.. ladies would be more inclined to sit, chat, and encourage a drink to relax.
I imagine if a house kept the split 50/50 but, offered no expense room and board they would once again have their pick of the top earners in the business.
Why would a brothel not have a freelance professional photographer on hand.  Most work for minimal pay or free.  The pictures on the site are what drives a great deal of traffic.  The house could have amazing photos of all the ladies.  When / if the lady chooses to move on the photos could be disposed of or negotiated into the contract that all pictures could be bought for $XXX upon leaving.  Ladies who choose the industry would probably be happy to have had professional pics and pay nothing when they leave (the photos are even disposed of).

Maybe they're doing this and we just don't know the details.  For me, I see an opportunity.

What is the purpose behind an owner have multiple brothel licenses?  The only viable reason I can see is that maybe small houses are easier to run?

Example..  on the cul-de-sac there are 3 houses on the same street.  Let's say a brothel license if $500,000 or $1,000,000.  That is 1.5 million to 3 million tied up in the license.  This doesn't even take into account separate liquor licenses, business licenses, signs, etc...

Is that done to stave off closure in case one location is shut down for breaking a rule?  3 million is a stiff price to pay in tied up funds for that assurance.  Is this because brothels don't scale?  I would think one brothel that was massive might be more economically efficient?

Covid thought of the day  ;D

Re: The Business Side of Brothels

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 7:31 am
by MrTShirt
Quick note:  The Desert Club, Battle Mountain, does do a 60/40 girl/house split.
But no other houses that I know of.
However, some houses have ways to not charge the daily rent.

Re: The Business Side of Brothels

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 7:51 am
by Vanityaffair
Yes. The Desert Club has always been 60/40 cut. It makes a difference in my money. I have been there during the hard times and the good times of business.
XO Vanity

Re: The Business Side of Brothels

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 8:19 am
by isurfer
How about a varied house cut based upon the dollar amount of sales in the previous month or quarter? Start off at 50/50 for everyone. Just to toss out a number, how about 60/40 split if the lady exceeds $50,000 in sales the previous quarter? If the lady exceeds $100,000 maybe a 70/30 split. Kind of like a "bonus" based on performance, a more favorable split rate for increased sales.

Re: The Business Side of Brothels

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 8:26 am
by Slednx
Brothel business licenses are no where near your examples. $500k- 1 million???

I remember hanging out in the dance room where the pool table was next to the Villa Joy before it closed. They had a copy of the licence posted behind glass. Total fees for the license was less than $200.

Re: The Business Side of Brothels

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 8:46 am
by SixT9er
Most houses if the Lady books a certain min they wave the R&B fee
We as customers only see a very little of the workings, I’m sure there are many expenses we don’t see. I’m not agreeing with or disagreeing with how they work as I often think the Ladies should get 60/40 split & free R&B if they book a certain realistic level

Re: The Business Side of Brothels

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:19 am
by TC
From a total outsider's and perhaps useless perspective, I think the desert club has the right business model (60/40) and the wrong location and capacity.

50/50, when the house isn't giving half a blowjob or expending the emotional and physical energy of a party, plus all of the expenses of medical costs, condoms, wardrobe, other supplies, etc., has never seemed fair to me...especially when they still stand to make a huge profit by providing a safe and legal place to practive sex work.

If a LARGE brothel like bunny or mustang tried it, I think everyone would ultimtely profit. No disrespect whatsoever to TDC or any other small brothel.

Re: The Business Side of Brothels

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 11:21 am
by Florida Couple
Slednx link wrote: Brothel business licenses are no where near your examples. $500k- 1 million???

I remember hanging out in the dance room where the pool table was next to the Villa Joy before it closed. They had a copy of the licence posted behind glass. Total fees for the license was less than $200.
I could see the $200 for a business license, pretty much inline with what I pay.  I was informed by someone who was aware of a purchase for 600k. Maybe getting the license is pricey but, maintaining it cheap.  The redundancies in expenses still don’t make much sense to me.  Liquor licenses, management for each location, security systems, video / sound monitoring, etc...  maybe they’re paying to avoid competition? 

Re: The Business Side of Brothels

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:05 pm
by rachelvarga
Tapatalk you motherfucker. I typed all that and you crashed on me. I should delete your ass.