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What are you doing to protect yourself/others from Covid19?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:23 am
by SixT9er
As we all do our part to stem the spread & stay home as much as possible what do you do when you do go out in public?
In my daily normal life being self employed & working from home I don’t need to go out much but there are times I do.
In addition to social distancing the biggest thing I’ve changed is I keep a pack of disinfectant wipes on the front seat of my car. When I get out I take a fresh one with me & use it to touch door handles, key pads, gas pumps, shopping carts etc. basically anything I touch I pick up with it in my hand. Then when I get back in my car I pull a new one & clean my hands again with one in case I touched something without realizing it.
This of course is the added precautions beyond my multiple hand washings & other good hygiene practices I already use daily

Re: What are you doing to protect yourself/others from Covid19?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:01 am
by rachelvarga
Telling them to F off

Re: What are you doing to protect yourself/others from Covid19?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:56 am
by MrTShirt
Actually now I don't have to feel embarrassed about asking for curb-side service. (I use a wheelchair.)

(On my trip last summer I had assistance at all the gas pumps (5000 miles).)

Re: What are you doing to protect yourself/others from Covid19?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:57 am
by Florida Couple
My business is "essential".  I have 1/2 my employees work remotely one week and 1/2 come in and work.  They flip flop every week.  This doesn't protect us.

One employee, her live in BF / father to her kid, is a first responder.  He felt sick and was tested.  I told the lady to go home immediately and be tested.  He just came back positive.  No clue how long he was spreading it before he became sick and no clue if she spread it in my office.

Besides being in a bunker or completely isolating.. not much you can do to protect yourself.  The incubation is 12 days before symptoms appear and you can be spreading it the entire time.

Re: What are you doing to protect yourself/others from Covid19?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:35 am
by MrTShirt
Phoenix link wrote:
..Besides being in a bunker or completely isolating.. not much you can do to protect yourself.  The incubation is 12 days before symptoms appear and you can be spreading it the entire time.
Keep yourselves healthy with Vit C, D, zinc, etc.
You can see some of my posts on the subject elsewhere.  (Besides, all that makes my hair grow!)  :)

Re: What are you doing to protect yourself/others from Covid19?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 12:26 pm
by raving loon
Phoenix link wrote: My business is "essential".  I have 1/2 my employees work remotely one week and 1/2 come in and work.  They flip flop every week.  This doesn't protect us.

One employee, her live in BF / father to her kid, is a first responder.  He felt sick and was tested.  I told the lady to go home immediately and be tested.  He just came back positive.  No clue how long he was spreading it before he became sick and no clue if she spread it in my office.

Besides being in a bunker or completely isolating.. not much you can do to protect yourself.  The incubation is 12 days before symptoms appear and you can be spreading it the entire time.
I feel your pain. Just found out yesterday someone in another department at my job died of this virus. I also found that somewhere between 2-4 people in my department have tested positive. We have no real details about the infected because "legal" reasons. They actually gave the task of notifying people to HR : :) . So far it's different shops and different shifts to the one I'm one, thanks to the rumor mill. I know a vendor was brought in to decontaminate 2 or 3 shops. I'm on my weekend now, but I'm monitoring things from afar to see what's been going on, like you my industry is considered essential.