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Truck Driving, the media, and Covid-19.

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 12:54 pm
by sgtaliin9150
I wanted to shed some light on this issue since the media has decided to do a 180 when it comes to truck drivers.

Keep in mind, these are my personal experiences, and opinions.

I have been around truck driving since I was 6 years old. My dad drove for 30 years. I was with him on the road for 10 years. I have been to 48 states. I did not start driving because I wanted to see the sites or get paid to do it like most new drivers. It's not a job, it's a lifestyle. It gets in your blood if you have the passion for it and is damn hard to forget. Most new drivers quit before the first year.

Now, the media has attacked truck drivers for decades. 80% of accidents involving a truck and car are the car's fault. Yet truck drivers are guilty till proven innocent. Ever see those ambulance chaser billboards? "Hit by a truck?"

Next time you're on a road trip, watch for those No Engine Breaks signs. Why are they their? Because the people of the town have decided that a quiet highway or interstate is more preferred to safety. When I am fully loaded, 80000 lbs, it can take more than 1000 feet for me to stop. Engine breaks help me stop and can reduce that distance. I don't care how loud they are, and mine are pretty damn quiet. It's a safety issue. I would rather make a little noise than plow into a car, business or house. Yet the media goes on a rampage against truckers when something bad happens because he's trying to abide by local regulations.

This Covid-19 issue? Sure it sucks for most people. Not for truckers though. There's so much freight, we can't keep up. Truck stops are still open. I get a shower every day. Restaurants and fast food joints in truck stops are still open. You just can't go in and sit down right now. Get your food, take it back to the truck. UberEats and DinerDash deliver food to our trucks too. Parking has not been an issue. Some rest areas are closed. Who cares? Most truck drivers don't stay at them for long anyway. They like to park at truck stops. The different companies have terminals we can park at all over the U.S.

I can't tell you how many times I have been thanked over the past month. I've got so many boxes of granola bars from General Mills I don't know what do with them. Costco is giving us giant care packages of food and supplies. I've probably got 30 gallons of water in my sleeper.

We're good. Don't believe the crap the media is pushing out. It's all about money and sensationalism. They don't give a rat's ass about truckers.

Re: Truck Driving, the media, and Covid-19.

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 3:27 pm
by Cobia
Chuckar chaser link wrote: Anyone the still takes anything from the media with anymore than a grain of salt has mental problems and that goes for every one of news programs. They run on drama they have to have drama to keep the mentally challenged entertained 24 7.
Keep up the good work with out truckers this country would dead. Thank you for your service.

I agree.

Re: Truck Driving, the media, and Covid-19.

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 9:18 pm
by Slednx
I miss going to the Iron Skillet at the Alamo once a month for their brunch. They also have a great fettuccini dinner.

Two questions.

1. Is it true most of the big rigs are automatics now days? No more 10 speeds with that hi/lo switch?

2. What about these self driving trucks? Saw something on 60 minutes about them.

Re: Truck Driving, the media, and Covid-19.

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 3:11 am
by sgtaliin9150
Slednx link wrote: I miss going to the Iron Skillet at the Alamo once a month for their brunch. They also have a great fettuccini dinner.

Two questions.

1. Is it true most of the big rigs are automatics now days? No more 10 speeds with that hi/lo switch?

2. What about these self driving trucks? Saw something on 60 minutes about them.
The Iron Skillet is one of my favorite sit down restaurants. They are at almost all Petro Truck Stops. They are pretty expensive nowadays so I don't eat their often.

Automatic transmission in trucks failed pretty hard. They had too many issues, would get stuck in gear, very poor power when climbing passes. While my truck, and most other new ones are "automatics", they have manual transmissions with something called an automatic clutch actuator that's controlled by the computer. My truck is a 12 speed, with a manual mode, and auto mode. It has a lever on the right side of the steering wheel that I use to change gears. The truck uses air pressure to control the clutch and shift gears in the transmission. I do not have a physical clutch pedal or stick shift.

Self driving trucks aren't going to be a thing for a very long time. Too many variables to list.

Re: Truck Driving, the media, and Covid-19.

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 7:15 am
by Boone
Sgtaliin9150,  why does it take a semi 3-5 miles to pass someone? Is it a power issue or just a way to infuriate the person behind the truck? Also, why try to pass going uphill when there is already heavy traffic?  I know the questions sound dick-ish......They aren't ment to be but .....A truck driver is the only one that can answer truthfully.  What say you?

Re: Truck Driving, the media, and Covid-19.

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 7:23 am
by sgtaliin9150
Boone link wrote: Sgtaliin9150,  why does it take a semi 3-5 miles to pass someone? Is it a power issue or just a way to infuriate the person behind the truck? Also, why try to pass going uphill when there is already heavy traffic?  I know the questions sound dick-ish......They aren't ment to be but .....A truck driver is the only one that can answer truthfully.  What say you?
These are very common question. Alot of trucks are governed. Mine is 67mph. Taking that long to pass is just the driver being a dick. If I am going 63, which is my personal limit, and i come up on a truck that's doing 62, I back off. 1mph isn't going to effect my timetable too much.

Trucks passing each other going uphill is a power issue. The heavier the load, the slower your going to go. I've only got 12000 lbs in my trailer today so I'll be able to fly over Donner. But doing it in heavy traffic is again, a dick move.

Re: Truck Driving, the media, and Covid-19.

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 8:35 am
by MrTShirt
sgtaliin9150 link wrote:
...Trucks passing each other going uphill is a power issue. The heavier the load, the slower your going to go. I've only got 12000 lbs in my trailer today so I'll be able to fly over Donner. But doing it in heavy traffic is again, a dick move.
Saw a situation where one truck was "trying" to pass another truck on an interstate road. They were going up and down hills with who was the leader was constantly changing, but no more then 1/2 or 3/4 truck length.

This went on for a several miles with cars backing up.

Finally a third truck(er) worked his way up to be right behind the passing truck in the "fast lane".  The third truck began honking his horn and slightly swerving side to side - I assume to be seen by the passing truck in their mirror.

The passing truck finally got ahead of the first truck and pulled into the "slow lane".  Then the third truck could get by both of the other trucks.  (Then all of us cars could get by.)

I wonder what the CB traffic was saying?  :)

Re: Truck Driving, the media, and Covid-19.

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 12:03 pm
by sgtaliin9150
MrTShirt link wrote: Saw a situation where one truck was "trying" to pass another truck on an interstate road. They were going up and down hills with who was the leader was constantly changing, but no more then 1/2 or 3/4 truck length.

This went on for a several miles with cars backing up.

Finally a third truck(er) worked his way up to be right behind the passing truck in the "fast lane".  The third truck began honking his horn and slightly swerving side to side - I assume to be seen by the passing truck in their mirror.

The passing truck finally got ahead of the first truck and pulled into the "slow lane".  Then the third truck could get by both of the other trucks.  (Then all of us cars could get by.)

I wonder what the CB traffic was saying?  :)
The dynamic has changed greatly over the years. The mutal respect and sense of camaraderie is gone. All you'll hear on the CB nowadays is just trash. The company I drive for is the pahria of the industry unfairly so. Swift Transportation has 18000 trucks in service so of course they more accidents than any other company. But their DOT safety rating is in the top 95%. I have been, passed, cutoff, honked at, yelled at, told to leave my parking spot by other drivers just because it says Swift on my tractor.

Shame really. Drivers could affect positive change in how we're viewed, and get better pay if they banded together.

Re: Truck Driving, the media, and Covid-19.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:25 pm
by wrb55roscojr
I have some comments here. A an over the road truck driver , for a tad over 30 years. I must say , the trucking industry has changed! I drove flatbed, and heavy haul for 27 years. And for 3 years I pulled dry van.. I have been to 48 states, and all the Canadian provinces . Plus Newfoundland ! When I retired I had. 1.75 million safe miles from the American Trucking Associations ! Not bad for having 65% of my freight being oversized! Oversizes is where anything ,that does not fit on the trailer.In size ,or weight. The last truck , I had, was licensed for 105,000 lbs.. For all the Us. And Canada...
Now days most company trucks are governed at a set speed. Set by the company that owns them .. Yes I have been caught behind the slow trucks ,trying to pass. Reason why that happens .The truck in the slow lane will not back out and let the the one pass.  As for the cb radio , you aught to hear it around the truck stops! Pure trash.. Thats why I ended up getting my ham license , and got a vhf radio..At times it was impossible , to talk to my escorts! In most states anything over 12 foot wide .Requires an rear escort. As for Swift . Being pick on, or made fun of.. With them having their own truck driving school. With them turning out all those new drivers. And those driver ,not being sure of their driving skills.. You get to see a lot of mistakes. i.e.. Backing into other parked loads, turning corners to quick.Running over hood of parked trucks..Off the road in bad weather.. You all get the idea..But your in good company. Schneider  National Trucking''Those orange truck& Trailers''.. Werner ,Those blue trucks and trailers. From Omaha Ne.. J.B.Hunt,,Yellow,and Roadway...And last but not least UPS..and Fedex....  They all have been made fun of ,over the years..Watch one of those back in the day ,late at night...With the CB. down low,,,Now days its crap....... As for the media we are something that is needed, but never thought about .Until something happens. And we're needed!

Re: Truck Driving, the media, and Covid-19.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:47 pm
by sgtaliin9150
wrb55roscojr link wrote: As for Swift . Being pick on, or made fun of.. With them having their own truck driving school. With them turning out all those new drivers. And those driver ,not being sure of their driving skills.. You get to see a lot of mistakes. i.e.. Backing into other parked loads, turning corners to quick.Running over hood of parked trucks..Off the road in bad weather.. You all get the idea..
Oh for ffs yes! Swift's academy doesn't teach jack shit. It's a CDL only school. Backing between cones is much different than the real thing. I had to attend because I had no experience I could back up on paper. Was interesting. Instructors were nice. How they taught pre-trip was total bull. Memorize this paper, point to this thing.

Swift's, and other companies main issue is mentors. 8 weeks is NOT long enough to learn even the basics. My mentor was 23, he'd been driving for 6 months. He sat in the bunk and played video games while I was driving. And mentors should NEVER be team driving with students.

And it's only going to get worse. This year they stopped training in manuals. My opinion, it's not the shifting aspect I'm concerned about, it's the paying attention to multiple things at once. That's part of driving. Love it or hate it.

I can't tell you how many times I have been asked for help with the simplest things. Last guy asked me how to hook up to a trailer. It was his first day solo. What the fuck was his mentor doing??

Whenever I take off, I love the sound of the truck, I love driving down the road, listening to the air relief valve pop. It's almost like an adrenaline high.

Re: Truck Driving, the media, and Covid-19.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 7:38 pm
by MrTShirt
sgtaliin9150 link wrote: ....Whenever I take off, I love the sound of the truck, I love driving down the road, listening to the air relief valve pop. It's almost like an adrenaline high.
I notice the engine sound of the Freightliner with the long engine hood.  The engine sounds like a thrashing machine in the work mode - maybe I should say "America in the work mode".

Re: Truck Driving, the media, and Covid-19.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 2:40 am
by Cobia
I drove OTR from 1960 till CDL came out hauling cattle all over the U.S. and parts of Canada.  I sure do miss it.

( 13 speed and 5 x 4 were my fav. )

Re: Truck Driving, the media, and Covid-19.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:02 pm
by sgtaliin9150
Cobia link wrote: I drove OTR from 1960 till CDL came out hauling cattle all over the U.S. and parts of Canada.  I sure do miss it.

( 13 speed and 5 x 4 were my fav. )
I don't think I was even alive yet when they changed the CDL. Are you referring to the state by state change? If that's the case, I think it made sense. Losing your CDL because you did something stupid makes sense. You used to be able to just get another one from a different state. Now, your info such as DUI, positive drug tests, and preventable DOT crashes follow you.

Re: Truck Driving, the media, and Covid-19.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:15 pm
by Cobia
sgtaliin9150 link wrote: I don't think I was even alive yet when they changed the CDL. Are you referring to the state by state change? If that's the case, I think it made sense. Losing your CDL because you did something stupid makes sense. You used to be able to just get another one from a different state. Now, your info such as DUI, positive drug tests, and preventable DOT crashes follow you.

I didn't do anything stupid.  I have a PERFECT driving record still do to day. No wrecks ...ever...and last speeding ticket was in 1984 and I took it to court and beat it. I saw the crap coming and got out.

Re: Truck Driving, the media, and Covid-19.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:19 pm
by sgtaliin9150
Cobia link wrote:

I didn't do anything stupid.  I have a PERFECT driving record still today. No wrecks ...ever...and last speeding ticket was in 1984 and I took it to court and beat it. I saw the crap coming and got out.
Ahh, I wasn't sure of which change you were referring to. There have been many. I wasn't targeting you specifically. I just meant people in general. My step father got out because of electronic logging. I don't mind that specifically. Keeps companies from taking advantage of drivers. But, it does reduce the potential for income.

Re: Truck Driving, the media, and Covid-19.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:59 pm
by wrb55roscojr
sgtaliin9150 link wrote: Ahh, I wasn't sure of which change you were referring to. There have been many. I wasn't targeting you specifically. I just meant people in general. My step father got out because of electronic logging. I don't mind that specifically. Keeps companies from taking advantage of drivers. But, it does reduce the potential for income.
The CDL's came on line . About the 1991 time frame..I was grandfather in so , I just had to take the test. That was General Knowledge,air brakes,Hazmet,tanker, and muti-trailerd'''doubles-triples'' CDL' came from the US ,dot wanting a training standard, for all 50 states...
I made money while running the EDL's.. But I also ran oversized....Trucking has changes since. I started ..

Re: Truck Driving, the media, and Covid-19.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:11 pm
by sgtaliin9150
wrb55roscojr link wrote: The CDL's came on line . About the 1991 time frame..I was grandfather in so , I just had to take the test. That was General Knowledge,air brakes,Hasmet,tanker, and muti-trailerd'''doubles-triples'' CDL' came from the US ,dot wanting a training standard, for all 50 states...
I made money while running the EDL's.. But I also ran oversized....Trucking has changes since. I started In July of 1897 , when I went over the road.....
It's changed quite a bit just in my time. Although, hazmat, tanker, and doubles/triples are now added endorsements and are not required for a CDL.

Swift likes to pay "bedbugger" miles which irritates me to no end. I'm not going to drive for free, and I'm not going to take a route that a 65ft vehicle can't go on. Everytime I get sent a load, I pull out my map book and run the miles and have them reroute me. I was asked one time where I was getting my figures. I told them I have a physical map book, and a calculator. They responded with a chuckle and told me no one carries map books anymore.


Re: Truck Driving, the media, and Covid-19.

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 5:53 am
by MrTShirt
sgtaliin9150 link wrote:
...Everytime I get sent a load, I pull out my map book and run the miles and have them reroute me. I was asked one time where I was getting my figures. I told them I have a physical map book, and a calculator. They responded with a chuckle and told me no one carries map books anymore.
In my car I have one, maybe two GPS units.  However, I also keep a multi-state AAA map.  When I go traveling, I include individual state maps.  Backups of various things are always good, especially when away from home.  I am also trying to add a CB radio and a 2M ham rig along with my cell phone for my car.

Re: Truck Driving, the media, and Covid-19.

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 6:13 am
by sgtaliin9150
MrTShirt link wrote: In my car I have one, maybe two GPS units.  However, I also keep a multi-state AAA map.  When I go traveling, I include individual state maps.  Backups of various things are always good, especially when away from home.  I am also trying to add a CB radio and a 2M ham rig along with my cell phone for my car.
I have a computer mounted on my dash that interfaces with the truck. It has a truck routing GPS, but is unreliable. It has tried to route me through low bridges, towns that you can't bring a truck into, and is rarely updated.
Highways and interstates are not constant either. The Dallas/Ft. Worth area has a bunch of new interchanges. Whenever I go through that area, my GPS shows me out in a field somewhere. Forget using Google Maps for truck routing. Many drivers have gotten into sticky situations because they use it. Not sure why they can't simply read signs.

Re: Truck Driving, the media, and Covid-19.

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 6:16 am
by sgtaliin9150
Google Maps has been invaluable tool that I use though. No longer do I need to call a shipper or receiver for directions. It's great to be able to pull up a satellite image and figure out the best approach.