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Quarantine Fatigue?

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:01 am
by MrTShirt
With the COVID shutdown, people have been focusing on staying home.

However, there is starting to be rumblings from various places around the country about getting back to normal.
Even some governors and mayors are starting to change their tune - probably because they are running out of money.  :)
(Politics and money are always part of every decision.)

The media idea of 18 month lockdown won't fly for long.  Expect once the unlock ball starts rolling, it will pick up speed quickly.

The houses won't be far behind.

Re: Quarantine Fatigue?

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:44 am
by Chicagobob
I just wish that I could get a haircut!  : :)

Re: Quarantine Fatigue?

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 8:17 am
by Boone
Chicagobob link wrote: I just wish that I could get a haircut!  : :)
Do not try to do it yourself!! Don't ask me how I know. Miserable fail! Because of this I am very happy to be locked down for 3 more weeks! Grow baby grow!

Re: Quarantine Fatigue?

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 11:17 pm
by Prospector Bob
Chicagobob link wrote: I just wish that I could get a haircut!  : :)
CB.. No haircut & don't shave! Your avatar is a howling wolf. Wouldn't it be apropos to look like one?  ???  ;)

Re: Quarantine Fatigue?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 4:48 pm
by rachelvarga
I went to drive thru at Raising Cane because being at home is maddening.

Re: Quarantine Fatigue?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 5:12 pm
by Mikey
Well, I've been doing some gardening, building model airplanes, upgrading the alarm system, maintaining the cars (3 of them), and walking the dog (4 times a day). On Tuesdays and Thursdays I go shopping early, because those are the days that Walmart and Food Maxx allow us old folks to shop before they open to the general public. In my spare time I've been binge watching on Prime and Netflix. Last week I repaired the dryer with parts from Amazon. My wife is suffering more, because she can't go shopping, and I won't let her leave the house because she has CLL, among other conditions, and I worry she won't survive if she gets Covid-19.[/size]

Re: Quarantine Fatigue?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 6:52 pm
by rachelvarga
I have slept, showered,  pooped,  washed clothes, folded and put them away, cook food, watch Netflix, did something called diamond art, paid bills, groomed the cats, cleaned their box, cleaned the house, and masturbated after downloading hardcore porn.

Re: Quarantine Fatigue?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:43 am
by AlexaWu
Cooked, baked, vacuumed/cleaned, cuddled my dogs, watched Netflix, caught up with friends and made new friends through the forums, played with my nephew, taken long walks with my dogs. 

On the positive note, it's nice to not 'have' to go to the next place or meeting ASAP. Living in the now. Has been good for my anxiety.

Re: Quarantine Fatigue?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 8:54 am
by Florida Couple
I miss working out with my CrossFit friends.  We have a cool community.  I miss seeing my employees every day, all 14 of them.  I feed off the energy of other people, it energizes me.  My wife is wonderful in that she grounds me and centers me when I get home.  I miss that social high.

I've been making it up by calling family more, making some forum friends, working out on my own (still helps), and lots of sex with the Mrs  :P

Re: Quarantine Fatigue?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:32 am
by Prospector Bob
Like everyone else, I do some of the everyday things we all need to take care of... cook & eat, sleep & use the loo. I've been panning out paydirt saved from prospecting trips from 5 years ago. There's some nice gold in it.  ;D

I subscribed to Netflix but haven't binge watched anything yet - I did watch Tiger King. The TV is on 24 hours now it seems. Channel surf different old western TV series... Gunsmoke, Have Gun Will Travel, Rawhide, Wanted Dead or Alive, Cheyenne...
Will watch NCIS marathons when they're on USA or Oxygen Channels. I have binged watched/listened to youtube 60s, 70s & 80s rock music... Moody Blues, Cream, Heart...  Sometimes I clean guns while watching the tube. I plan on getting restarted on reloading ammo. I haven't done any reloading for about 3 years.

This was in today's newspaper "Speak Out" section:

If this pandemic is our Pearl Harbor moment as the surgeon general says, then I hope 40 years from now, people will be recognizing us as we recognize WWII veterans. Don't tell me about Iwo Jima or Normandy. You don't know sacrifice until you've spent all day in your pajamas bingeing Netflix 16 hours at a time...

Re: Quarantine Fatigue?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 10:16 am
by rachelvarga
I believe you are doing the right thing by staying in. That is your duty to your society. Not to spread things that could hurt others but when I see one of the news guys on tv say that people will remember this like they did Pearl Harbor or 911 I am appalled. That's like saying to me people will remember this like others remember the revolution. Not to be rude but are they out of their fucking minds.

How can you compare any pandemic to storming a beach and having everyone around your shot to pieces? I'm pretty sure a pandemic doesn't compare to the outrage and mourning a country feels after being attacked. Listen if you said to me that kids today will remember this pandemic like staying away from the windows because of snipers, or tanks in the street, worrying your parents could get hurt going to get milk, I would probably just snap.

People that are saying these things are the ones that would never join the military, would never help wounded people or soldiers. They would run like cowards or they would be so shocked they would just freeze. They would get on Twitter and complain about how the poor people of other countries suffer, how bad the military is. These kinds of people are always cowards and this generation has not had any crisis to relate to.

Sorry for venting. Just pisses me off.

Re: Quarantine Fatigue?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 11:28 am
by sgtaliin9150
Prospector Bob link wrote: This was in today's newspaper "Speak Out" section:

If this pandemic is our Pearl Harbor moment as the surgeon general says, then I hope 40 years from now, people will be recognizing us as we recognize WWII veterans. Don't tell me about Iwo Jima or Normandy. You don't know sacrifice until you've spent all day in your pajamas bingeing Netflix 16 hours at a time...
Amazing... I don't think I've ever been driven to be unable to speak by anger.

Re: Quarantine Fatigue?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 12:00 pm
by Underground Farmer
Rachael you are amazing, a woman with opinions like that makes me horny, would you be interested in getting married? :)

Re: Quarantine Fatigue?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 12:20 pm
by MrTShirt
tkoss link wrote: Rachael you are amazing, a woman with opinions like that makes me horny, would you be interested in getting married? :)
Man, I am always letting opportunities slip by.  I should have thought of that.  :(

Re: Quarantine Fatigue?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 12:22 pm
by SixT9er
Prospector Bob link wrote:This was in today's newspaper "Speak Out" section:

If this pandemic is our Pearl Harbor moment as the surgeon general says, then I hope 40 years from now, people will be recognizing us as we recognize WWII veterans. Don't tell me about Iwo Jima or Normandy. You don't know sacrifice until you've spent all day in your pajamas bingeing Netflix 16 hours at a time...
One of the most asinine things I’ve ever seen. I can’t imagine what those who went thru WWII. Vietnam or a Revolution feel or felt at the time. I still get a pit in my stomach thinking about 911 & screaming at the talking head on tv that there is a 2nd plane coming as you’re speaking! & seeing that plane hit.
What we are going thru now is a blip on the radar if even that!
I sincerely hope this is not the feeling of the majority of the country that this compares to those events because if it is we as a country are more FUCKED than I could ever imagine!
What a bunch of whining Crybaby cocksuckers!
Grow the hell up!

Ok rant over for the moment

Re: Quarantine Fatigue?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:42 pm
by Prospector Bob
When I heard the surgeon general compare this pandemic to Pearl Harbor, my immediate thought was, "Bullshit!" I feel the same as the rest of you who replied to my earlier post, this can't be compared to the horrors of war. Though both are tragic, there's no comparison. I am hoping the woman who wrote that note to the newspaper was just being sarcastic & not a total idiot.

Re: Quarantine Fatigue?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:35 pm
by Dr. Who
Prospector Bob link wrote: When I heard the surgeon general compare this pandemic to Pearl Harbor, my immediate thought was, "Bullshit!" I feel the same as the rest of you who replied to my earlier post, this can't be compared to the horrors of war. Though both are tragic, there's no comparison. I am hoping the woman who wrote that note to the newspaper was just being sarcastic & not a total idiot.
I agree.  Comparing the pandemic to Pearl Harbor is a slap in face to all the veterans and those who died in the war.  My dad was in the US Army during WWII and on the frontlines in Europe.  Some of the stories he use to tell my older bro and I about the campaigns they fought through were horrific.  I could only imagine what they went through.  We have it easy sitting sheltered at home watching TV.

Re: Quarantine Fatigue?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 7:33 pm
by MrTShirt
Rachel Varga link wrote: I believe you are doing the right thing by staying in. That is your duty to your society. Not to spread things that could hurt others but when I see one of the news guys on tv say that people will remember this like they did Pearl Harbor or 911 I am appalled. That's like saying to me people will remember this like others remember the revolution. Not to be rude but are they out of their fucking minds.

How can you compare any pandemic to storming a beach and having everyone around your shot to pieces? I'm pretty sure a pandemic doesn't compare to the outrage and mourning a country feels after being attacked. Listen if you said to me that kids today will remember this pandemic like staying away from the windows because of snipers, or tanks in the street, worrying your parents could get hurt going to get milk, I would probably just snap.

People that are saying these things are the ones that would never join the military, would never help wounded people or soldiers. They would run like cowards or they would be so shocked they would just freeze. They would get on Twitter and complain about how the poor people of other countries suffer, how bad the military is. These kinds of people are always cowards and this generation has not had any crisis to relate to.

Sorry for venting. Just pisses me off.
I will slightly disagree.

I will say that the effects of quarantine can be bad if it includes a loss of a job and financial disaster.  A Russian born radio guest mentioned that when the "USSR" switched overnight to "Russia", and so many Russians lost their financial assets, there were 30 millions Russians that died from suicide, alcohol or similar stress.

Re: Quarantine Fatigue?

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:17 am
by MrTShirt
Chuckar chaser link wrote: Rachel didn't say the quarantine wasn't depressing people she said it is nothing like war. I completely agree with her. To compare the two is ignorant.
Missed my point.

Disease can cause death.  However, being cooped up with no job, no money and starving kids can also cause stress, illness, and even suicide.  Look at the '80s farm crisis and the suicides.

I dare say if the COVID had come right after a war, the population would laugh themselves silly thinking they need to be quarantined after what they went through during the war.

Re: Quarantine Fatigue?

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 8:27 am
by Chicagobob
I wish I could quarantine down at the corner pub!  :P