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Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:43 am
by rachelvarga
I think people have this belief that freedom means rebel against everything. If the law says don't eat your poop, someone will say it is their Godgiven right and eat it.

Individualism is good but it's really extreme sometimes. Look at how many nursing homes there are. I had never heard of anything like that until I got here. For extreme situations it's good but people hear treat old people like shit because they might interfere with their life. "okay boomer"  is a great example of how self centered people are.

Me me me and what "I" want. This hyper individualism breeds narcississm. I'm so important I don't need to do my part. This is actually a threat to American society. People spend too much time trying to be the badass outlaw.

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Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 4:31 pm
by rachelvarga
I was at Costco today and they only allow two family members in and there are lines on the floor where you stand and they get you in line. The cashier has a plastic window. I was thinking this all works except the people that refuse to wear a mask. Personally I think stores should require them and if you take it off you are asked to leave. Stores are so worried they will lose business but I mean if you want to open up then require everyone to wear it inside.

Some people are just so hard headed. Okay so if it is about freedom then you understand you could be a carrier and you just want to buck the system, but why not think about others. Those little kids and older people. I bet if people dropped dead on the spot when they got it from you then you would see the effect and realize you just killed them. Would you wear it then?...Probably not. People are so self centered and selfish.

Love me or hate me just put on the damn mask so this will pass and I can get back to work and not worry about some hard headed covid carrier getting me and those around me sick. Realistically we can't do our jobs without taking a huge risk. You come in once but we see tons of people everyday that talk to us. For me this is where I get to see everyone's true intention and how they view other's around them.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 3:56 am
by sgtaliin9150
Chuckar chaser link wrote: One thing about this virus it has shown people's true colors.
That's for sure. Still get alot of hate when I am trying to back into a dock at Costco.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 10:33 am
by sgtaliin9150
Delivering goods. One load at a time!


Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 10:39 am
by Florida Couple
We always wear our masks in public, ALWAYS!  Heck been avoiding physical contacts with my mom and dad since March. We’re shocked by how many people don’t.  I was more than disappointed today to see Mike Pence set a pretty shitty example by visiting Mayo Clinic hospital without a mask. His whole staff wore masks and the hospital told him visitors and staff were required to wear them  : :) :-[

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 10:46 am
by AlexaWu
Seriously, just wear it. Not that hard and it'll help reduce the spread.

At least make this stay at home worth it. Frustrating when we do our part and then see others go out to the beaches and picketing how this is against the constitution.

Hey, none of us like not being 'allowed' to go out but it's for everyones safety.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 12:29 pm
by Chicagobob
Fuck them!  I wear mine to protect ME...  I've been sporting latex gloves too. 

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 1:54 pm
by Dr. Who
I've been wearing my mask too.  You know who the selfish people are when they refuse to wear a mask when other people are around.  The mask are to protect those around you, in case you unknowingly may be infected with the virus and asymptomatic.

I went grocery shopping this morning during senior hours at Mariano's and everyone was wearing their masks.  I've even seen some solo drivers wearing masks which is sorta weird, since they're were alone and isolated in their car with the windows rolled up. LOL 

Speaking of latex gloves, I don't wear any since the virus isn't absorbed through your skin, it sticks to the surface of your skin and will do the same on the surface of the gloves you're wearing.  I've also been seeing quite a few folks wearing gloves, then they keep touching their faces and adjusting their masks when their gloves are dirty after touching other surfaces.  Needless to say, if you're going to touch your face with gloves on, those gloves have to be disinfected or you need to put on a new one otherwise there's a good chance you'll be infecting yourself.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 1:57 pm
by sgtaliin9150
Went to Walmart today in New Milford, CT. Pretty close to NYC. Kind of a large town. Not a city though. Only people wearing masks their was myself and the employees. No wonder this area is a major hotspot for Covid-19.

And why are people still hording stuff? Damn it all... No paper towels, toilet paper, hand wipes, dry food goods. Not even any vitamins. People are so dumb.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:19 pm
by Duck11
I wear the mask out in public. It keeps people away and I do my part to protect others.
What bothers me is people can’t figure out social distancing. The stores I visit have markings on where to stand when in line. Every time no matter what store, there’s always somebody that does not understand the “stand here” circle on the floor. The other day I had to shoot daggers out of my eyes to someone that stood right behind me.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:46 am
by Adventure Guy
Well the good news at least for Costco starting May 4 is they are mandating face masks for customers. ... face-masks
Hopefully other retailers follow.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 6:22 am
by Nelspot
Rachel -- Maybe you ought to post a new avatar of yourself, wearing a mask!  (such is life in today's world)

BTW, totally agree with Chicagobob and Adventureguy.  I have a couple of masks from the doctor's office.  I don't wear them outside, as I'm quite away aways from other people, but if I have to go to the store, on it goes.  When I get home, I disinfect my car (door handles, steering wheel, key, etc.). Being an introvert at heart, being quarantined comes natural.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 6:22 am
by yuggnikih
Dr. Who link wrote: I've been wearing my mask too.  You know who the selfish people are when they refuse to wear a mask when other people are around.  The mask are to protect those around you, in case you unknowingly may be infected with the virus and asymptomatic.

I went grocery shopping this morning during senior hours at Mariano's and everyone was wearing their masks.  I've even seen some solo drivers wearing masks which is sorta weird, since they're were alone and isolated in their car with the windows rolled up. LOL

Speaking of latex gloves, I don't wear any since the virus isn't absorbed through your skin, it sticks to the surface of your skin and will do the same on the surface of the gloves you're wearing.  I've also been seeing quite a few folks wearing gloves, then they keep touching their faces and adjusting their masks when their gloves are dirty after touching other surfaces.  Needless to say, if you're going to touch your face with gloves on, those gloves have to be disinfected or you need to put on a new one otherwise there's a good chance you'll be infecting yourself.
This would describe me!...but for a mask isn't using elastic for the ear loops, just cloth so it's damn difficult
& tight to get those ear loops around my big ears--it takes about 5 minutes for me to put the mask on so once it's on,
I keep it on until I get back home from my grocery store visit.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:00 am
by sgtaliin9150
Taking a load of face masks from PA to NY tomorrow. Security seals on the trailer with some special tamper proof locks. The police escort will be fun.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:24 am
by Dirk Diggler
As human beings, the majority of us make determinations and come to certain conclusions based on data and information provided to us. As our knowledge or collective knowledge in an areas grows, we gain insight and access to new data and information that causes us to revise or modify our initial conclusions.

This is especially true in the field of science as data is rarely static. As an example, conventional wisdom once held that the earth was clearly flat, though the majority of us no longer believe that to be true given the data found and knowledge gained since then.

The data on COVID-19 has not remained static either and our knowledge on this virus has expanded significantly in the past several months and there is still much more to be discovered. As we explore the new data and information that is provided it is important that we can can think critically regarding the newly acquired knowledge and that our debates on appropriate measures and countermeasures for COVID -19 are based on data and science rather than emotional responses to inner fears and anxieties.

Based on current data COVID-19 is certainly more contagious that the common flu yet the morality rate appears to be far lower that originally projected and will likely be .66% or less. Additionally, the vast majority of those who have been reported as dying from COVID-19 are those with underlying medical conditions and the majority of those being elderly.

We have a responsibility as fellow citizens to protect our most vulnerable populations and arguably the best means to do so is through building herd immunity through our non-vulnerable populations so there will be less hosts and restrict the ability of the virus to spread to our most endangered people. It clearly is impossible to prevent the spread of the virus as numerous nursing homes have had outbreaks of cases despite having safety measures in place that are far more stringent than any business or household. It also had been shown through antibody tests in multiple locations throughout the U.S. that COVID-19 was already far more widespread that previously thought and that the majority of those infected are asymptomatic or experience mild symptoms.

There currently is no strong scientific evidence that wearing ordinary masks block the virus from infecting people and it's debatable at this point if the best course of action is to try to "contain" and uncontainable disease or rather allow for a contained spread within our non-vulnerable populations to better protect our elderly and those with pre-existing conditions.

People certainly should be encouraged to take whatever measures they feel appropriate, yet we should not be ostracizing those who make different choices unless we have strong scientific data that shows to the contrary. It may very well be that the wearing of masks endangers our most vulnerable citizens in the long term rather than protecting them.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:34 am
by MrTShirt
sgtaliin9150 link wrote: Taking a load of face masks from PA to NY tomorrow. Security seals on the trailer with some special tamper proof locks. The police escort will be fun.
Tell the police that it is a rush job and turn on the lights and forget about the speed limit.  :)

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 9:18 am
by sgtaliin9150
MrTShirt link wrote: Tell the police that it is a rush job and turn on the lights and forget about the speed limit.  :)
That's actually closer to the truth than you think. Can't stop for any reason either. Have to run it in one shot. Load is considered high value, high risk.

I wish they'd let me have a few boxes as payment. I'd be set to retire.

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 9:42 am
by Offleash
I was just chuckling over how if I wore a mask a couple of weeks ago, I was a selfish asshole.

Today, if I don't wear one, I am a selfish asshole.

For some reason, watching adults trying to navigate the world sometimes brings to mind a bunch of three-year-olds running around on a soccer field.

I will admit that I was slow to make the switch myself, but at this point am fully on board with masking up in the store.

Which, a couple weeks ago, would get the cops called on me, instead of the other way around.



Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 10:27 am
by Cobia
sgtaliin9150 link wrote: Taking a load of face masks from PA to NY tomorrow. Security seals on the trailer with some special tamper proof locks. The police escort will be fun.

" Police escort ".....  I used to haul bombs from Ohio to Calif. and we didn't have an escort.... ;D

Re: Just Wear The Damn Mask

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:39 am
by RoxyGold