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Ladies of LPIN, the Governor awaits your plan

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 2:05 pm
by Slednx
If there was one take away from Governor Sisolak's press conference last night on the re-opening of Nevada, it was that they (the state) would not be making the rules for the health and safety standards for the various businesses that would be reopening. He specifically mentioned hair and nail salons and how the Board of Cosmetology would have to submit a plan prior to the salons opening. I know some of the casinos have revealed their plans.

So, ladies of LPIN, do you have a governing body or representation that will be submitting a plan to the Governor's office? Although it might not come until Phase 3, keep in might the plan must still be reviewed and approved prior to opening the doors again.

Re: Ladies of LPIN, the Governor awaits your plan

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 4:25 pm
by isurfer
Slednx link wrote: If there was one take away from Governor Sisolak's press conference last night on the re-opening of Nevada, it was that they (the state) would not be making the rules for the health and safety standards for the various businesses that would be reopening. He specifically mentioned hair and nail salons and how the Board of Cosmetology would have to submit a plan prior to the salons opening. I know some of the casinos have revealed their plans.

So, ladies of LPIN, do you have a governing body or representation that will be submitting a plan to the Governor's office? Although it might not come until Phase 3, keep in might the plan must still be reviewed and approved prior to opening the doors again.
The ladies are only contractors. The plans will have to be submitted by the brothel owners and managers, the ones that actually set the rules in each house. There is no state "board" for brothels, so I think the individual counties and cities would have to decide when and how brothels will open back up, maybe after reading the brothel's plans. Mustang Ranch should be the first to open back up, if that's what Lance Gilman wants. I do believe he has some influence, since he is a Storey County Commissioner and brothel owner. While he's at it, I would hope that all of Virginia City opens back up too. With a population of only about 1000 it is a small but historic tourist attraction for visitors. Storey County has zero Covid-19 infections and zero deaths so far.

After Mustang, other counties and cities might want to open their brothels back up too. Not sure about Nye County and Elko County and city, they have multiple brothels with different owners, and maybe different concerns especially in Nye County with different size brothels. If Governor Sisolak doesn't have a big interest in getting involved with the brothels, maybe he will just let the local county and city officials decide. All Nevada brothels are in Rural (Red, Republican) counties so does he really care? 

Re: Ladies of LPIN, the Governor awaits your plan

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 5:05 pm
by Slednx
He did mention the various phases and openings of certain industry would be on a STATEWIDE level, not county by county. He also only mentioned his office giving approval for plans, not counties.

I know Churchill county had an emergency meeting today to figure how to combat Sisolak's orders. Many of these rural counties have little to no cases but are being held hostage by the state.

Once again, is there an association that is going to present a plan to the state on behalf of all the brothels? Or are they going to be caught snoozing as the rest of Nevada slowly opens back up for business?

Present a plan on how said industry is going to prevent the transmission of Covid 19. A blueprint that ensures both workers and clients remain safe and healthy.

Re: Ladies of LPIN, the Governor awaits your plan

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 6:25 pm
by MrTShirt
Maybe several mongers should submit a plan.
Will the governor know the difference between customers and owners?
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained."
(Maybe we can sign Rachel's name to the letter.  Don't tell her though.)  :)

Re: Ladies of LPIN, the Governor awaits your plan

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 5:34 am
by Slednx

A recent article talking about the challenges the brothels face on re-opening.

Re: Ladies of LPIN, the Governor awaits your plan

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 5:35 am
by Florida Couple
I think the ladies should have an association looking out for their best interests.  Mr. is an independent contractor (no union, self employed)... but, part of an association that represents those of us who do the same things.  We get access to legal advice on our contracts for free, they look out and litigate for our best interests, and we get a nice little magazine / website to keep all of us up to date.