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Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 2:54 am
by SixT9er
I saw where Disney wrote up a big disclaimer you read before you will be able to enter the parks.
Basically says you understand that you are entering by your choice & will not hold them responsible for any illness including Covid-19 that you may contract.
This should be the standard for all public establishments for workers & patrons. No one is forcing anyone to go to these places. If people choose to go to work or play it’s their choice to assume the risks involved.
All reasonable measures should be taken but this is going to be around for a long time & it would be crazy to think/expect anything from a Casino to a Bar to a Brothel to be completely germ free. Of the 3 mentioned I feel the houses do the best before all this.
It’s only going to be as safe as you feel it is. No amount of testing, masks, questionnaires or reduced available Ladies will change that.
Workers & patrons are adults and as long as they have both acknowledged the risks as they have always done then there should be no issues.
I will return as soon as I’m able provided I will be able to have the same intimate experiences as before because that is why I go.

Once again, our choice, our responsibility 

Re: Disclaimer

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 6:28 am
by Ironman
Every business should post the same disclaimer.