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Unite: Massage Parlors + Strip Clubs + Brothels

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 11:08 am
by MrTShirt
The current lock down shows that the brothels don't mean squat to the Nevada government.

The only hope is for the brothels to join the strip clubs and the massage parlors to present a much larger lobby group in an attempt to get the attention of the politicians.  It is always money and votes.

The brothels and the girls and the mongers have repeatedly shown they are in it only for themselves and not each other.  It is a sad story how the houses fight between themselves instead of working together.  The only way to dilute the animosity between the houses, the girls and the mongers is to add numbers from other groups, such as the strip clubs and the massage parlors.

The fact that the three types of businesses are different is an asset, not a liability.

If either the massage parlors or strip clubs already have some semblance of an organization, the brothels should join them.

Obviously, the current brothel plan (or the lack thereof) is not working.  Time for a change.

Re: Unite: Massage Parlors + Strip Clubs + Brothels

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 11:24 am
by SixT9er
Brothels are not going to join forces with businesses where they know or strongly suspect illegal sex acts are being performed.
From what I’ve seen the Brothel stance is a valid one in that they are a licensed legal business that provides a place for legal sex.
The Brothels need to get together & form a true Brothel alliance & not take shots at each other this much I very much agree with you on

Re: Unite: Massage Parlors + Strip Clubs + Brothels

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 6:43 am
by SToN3y
I agree. Competition between brothels seems to have divided and essentially weakened all houses as a whole, especially during this time of crisis when the state government seems content in keeping them shut down indefinitely. All the houses should make a temporary compact (a truce, if you will) as a way of unifying their cause at least until they get the greenlight to reopen. Because right now, the one thing they all share in common is that they're closed and their girls are out of work...

Leave the massage parlors out (too many are fronts for illegal sex activities and human trafficking) but maybe unifying with the strip clubs wouldn't be such a bad thing.

Re: Unite: Massage Parlors + Strip Clubs + Brothels

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 7:21 am
by SixT9er
I’ve been offered full service in strip clubs before...

Re: Unite: Massage Parlors + Strip Clubs + Brothels

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 1:33 pm
by MrTShirt
Does anyone have ideas for helping the houses?

(Maybe most prefer sitting back and saying nothing can be done, and living with the effort of a politician killing the houses.)

Re: Unite: Massage Parlors + Strip Clubs + Brothels

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 2:06 pm
by SixT9er
MrTShirt link wrote: Does anyone have ideas for helping the houses?

(Maybe most prefer sitting back and saying nothing can be done, and living with the effort of a politician killing the houses.)
I believe I said the Brothels need to form a true Brothel alliance

Re: Unite: Massage Parlors + Strip Clubs + Brothels

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 2:29 pm
by SToN3y
MrTShirt link wrote: Does anyone have ideas for helping the houses?

(Maybe most prefer sitting back and saying nothing can be done, and living with the effort of a politician killing the houses.)
I think Madame Bella confirmed that the Houses at least qualify for Federal Relief. It's the courtesans that we need to help out!

Re: Unite: Massage Parlors + Strip Clubs + Brothels

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 2:44 pm
by MrTShirt
SToN3y link wrote: I think Madame Bella confirmed that the Houses at least qualify for Federal Relief. It's the courtesans that we need to help out!
Helping the houses translates into helping the girls.
(Helping the girls results in helping the mongers, for those selfishly minded.)