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State quarantines

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 2:22 am
by SixT9er
Last week Chicago Mayor put a list of 16 or so states that if people flew in from them they would need to quarantine for 14 days. The criteria was any state that had 15 or more positive tests per 100k residence.
Do you see this as something that could spread not just to a city but states? Hawaii has had that for months but other states to my knowledge haven’t imposed it yet.
In this case any Chicago resident who went to Vegas for a couple days to relax or to Dallas for business now has to sit at home for 2 weeks. Big deterrent for people to visit these states if you’re going to follow the rules.

Re: State quarantines

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 2:59 am
by Prospector Bob
The 14 day quarantine is in effect in New Mexico...

Re: State quarantines

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:05 am
by sgtaliin9150
Quite a few states had that policy in place for a while. When I would enter Utah, the EAS would pop up on my phone and I had to call a number to answer a questionnaire.

Re: State quarantines

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:29 am
by MrTShirt
Prospector Bob link wrote: The 14 day quarantine is in effect in New Mexico...
What about those that travel through NM?  Gas stations, motels and restaurants?
Motels usually want license plates, so they know you are out of state.

Re: State quarantines

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:32 am
by sgtaliin9150
MrTShirt link wrote: What about those that travel through NM?  Gas stations, motels and restaurants?
Motels usually want license plates, so they know you are out of state.
I don't know about NM, but SD had an interesting rule as far as people traveling through. They had signs up wanting you take a specific route and asking you not to stop. Kinda hard to do if your'e traveling the length of it.

Re: State quarantines

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 2:27 pm
by Dr. Who
That 2 week quarantine here in Chicago is strongly encouraged, but they aren't tracking who is coming or going from the airports or driving in/out of state.  They specified fines in the mandate in order to make people know that this is serious and not a joke.  DuPage County in Illinois has also adopted the same mandate, but has not implemented any fines.

There are some exceptions to the rule, but it mainly applies to visitors from those mandated states who are planning to stay in the city and for residences returning home from those states.  If you're flying through on a connecting flight or driving straight through the city/state to another destination, you shouldn't be affected by this travel order.

Re: State quarantines

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:53 pm
by raving loon
I have my solution sitting out in my car: an essential employee exemption letter from my company, from what I'm reading we're exempted from those quarantines as long we're not symptomatic. Problem solved ;D :P . All joking aside, there's no way I'd purposely test that limit to see how far it can be pushed :o .

Re: State quarantines

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:17 pm
by sgtaliin9150
raving loon link wrote: All joking aside, there's no way I'd purposely test that limit to see how far it can be pushed :o .
I have a letter, and my CDL. I have been to 46 states since the lockdowns started. Some states never even issued a stay at home order. It's pretty easy to avoid getting sick. Even being among others who are inconsiderate. Don't touch your face, wash your hands, wear an n95 type mask, and social distance. I don't wear gloves, but I wash my hands everytime I get back in my truck.

This whole ordeal shouldn't have turned into what it has.

Re: State quarantines

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 12:41 am
by Prospector Bob
MrTShirt link wrote: What about those that travel through NM?  Gas stations, motels and restaurants?
Motels usually want license plates, so they know you are out of state.
From the local CBS news affiliate...

Q: What if travelers are simply passing through New Mexico to get to another destination in a different state?

A: This is not a time to shop for souvenirs, visit state parks or sightseeing. Please recognize that if you are traveling amid a global pandemic you are bringing the risk of a highly contagious and lethal virus with you and taking it with you as you go. You must wear a face-covering if you are in public while in the state. Please limit your activities to only the essentials.

Translated... Make your stops in NM as short as possible & wear a mask...

Re: State quarantines

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:12 am
by Dirk Diggler
I've been out on the road as much as possible from day 1 when this stupidity started and I've not had a single issue quarantine or no quarantine. I've also been in Utah a lot since they have taken a more reasonable approach to things and never had anything pop up on my phone, but I have all the location services turned off thank you very much. The only places I've avoided are cities that are allowing rioting and looting as I don't want to be anywhere near that and California as I refuse for any of my money to go towards their wayward policies.

Re: State quarantines

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 11:31 pm
by rachelvarga
This is very interesting. How long before this hits courts if it hasn't already. Not sure how this would pan out long term in the high courts. If it was war and we were fighting an enemy at home it would be clearer a pademic is different.

Individualism is highly touted in the West so people tend to think of themselves more that others.

Rachel Varga

Re: State quarantines

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:31 am
by Boomer
Rachel is right we do have a tendency to think of ourselves here in the west. It’s a learned self preservation response.  When I am 50 miles from the nearest person on a dirt road in the dead of winter I have only myself to rely on. The choices I make can be life threatening.  I do my best to choose wisely.  With respect or the virus.

The government can’t protect you from this virus.
We are all responsible for our own protection.
At some point we will all come in contact with this virus.
There is 99.5 percent chance that you will survive the encounter.
Be respectful of those that believe.

Re: State quarantines

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 8:57 am
by rachelvarga
It's interesting that countries that have more control of their population can get it under control the more free a country is it's harder.

Freedom is a very interesting subject. Sometimes I think people abuse freedom. Especially speech. Look at cancel culture. But if we take one thing away then we take away freedom that is for a good cause.

I have noticed that people don't understand the difference between legal free speech and the idea of it in the social sense. A lot of people believe free speech means anything but things that can promote violence. Don't know how to put it but there are a lot of exceptions.

Kids in school do not have free speech and other things.

It's something that seems simple but it's not. There is a legal framework around it that people don't know or understand. That's why people think they can do anything they want when in reality they can't.

To be truthful, a large portion of humanity in all countries is ignorant and believe some of the most ridiculdous things. No matter how educated that number never seems to recede.

You just have to work around it in life.

Rachel Varga