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What Is The Future?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 7:47 pm
by rachelvarga
I hope that if anything comes out of this shutdown it's that brothels come together and try to do what is best for everyone. I don't mean customers or the ladies. I don't care if you all fight because both come and go.

The biggest obstacle to this is now dead. Every brothel is different so they attract different types of customers. I could be wrong but churn can't be that high. So coming to an agreement on how the industry is perceived.

I don't mean the Nevada Brothel Association. To me it is tainted and not impartial. No lady should speak for the brothels. You hire a pr firm. No matter what it is for brothels to determine their future. I would just like to see them work together more.

Just an idea.

Rachel Varga

Re: What Is The Future?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 5:06 am
by MrTShirt
The lack of cooperation between houses is striking.

Only one banquet week did the northern houses cooperate in their "barbecue day" such that mongers could hit several locations, one day at a time - and that only happened because of one COY pushing one house in their schedule.

Other times, the houses try to capture all the mongers from every other house.  As a result, they end up with hardly anyone.

But that lack of understanding the business aspects of the industry, and how to grow the industry, isn't surprising.  I have visited most of the houses four years straight.  Not one house that was not wheelchair accessible has made any changes to accommodate a wheelchair.  Most such houses could spend $20 in lumber and solve the problem.  (I have several houses that are accessible, so I am not complaining.)

Maybe the shutdown will be a kick in the butt for the industry.  (Unfortunately, a lot of girls will be hurt in the process.)

Re: What Is The Future?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 6:40 am
by Slednx
Rachel Varga link wrote:
I don't mean the Nevada Brothel Association. To me it is tainted and not impartial. No lady should speak for the brothels. You hire a pr firm. No matter what it is for brothels to determine their future. I would just like to see them work together more.

Just an idea.

Rachel Varga
True words but based on the past, unlikely. For years, LPIN had a paid lobbyist in Carson City. Why wasn't he replaced?

Today, you have self appointed spokepeople of the industry who many times do more harm than good. Mustang bashes Bunnyranch, Bunnyranch bashes Elko and Mustang and so on. So when they all do need to come together, they can't because of all the ill feelings. For what? So ladies can say their brothel treats them better. "We can leave the house, we have better food, we don't have to be in the bar during shift, we don't get called 'wh*res' by mgmt., etc."

My industry has a lot of competition but work together to raise the bar for everyone in it. The brothel industry really has been a disappointment in working together and this shut down only hilighted it.

Re: What Is The Future?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:57 am
by Midwest Couple
LPIN needs a political action committee to legislate on their behalf. 

Many industries compete aggressively against each other for every dollar that comes into their space, yet understand that they need to work together to make sure they thrive as an industry and aren't left behind when politicians start feeling like they need to make a name for themselves. 

Of course, this is generally something that's originated from the top - from the leaders in the industry, and sadly "the top" of LPIN has been more interested in fame and fortune and taking care of his/her own than protecting the industry as a whole. 

Maybe some good can come out of this pandemic. 
Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked. 

Re: What Is The Future?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 1:04 pm
by rachelvarga
I'll tell you where the real harm. Forums.

Rachel Varga

Re: What Is The Future?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 4:45 pm
by rachelvarga
Now that I think of it. Brothels don't need to work together. For what? You cannot change laws, all you can do is attract attention. In such a conservative country probably do best to just fly under the radar which they all did except Dennis. He's gone so they just need to chill too. Don't try to represent anyone. No one asked them to. If people can't see that Dennis did that as a media stunt then they are blind.

This is a business and there is competition. They cater to all customers but mongers seem to think they should cater to them. Sorry but the business is made up of a lot more that mongers.

One of the reasons I debated making the site members only is because when you step back and look at the forums. It looks very sexist. Look at Sin, if anti-brothel groups need a reason to say women are treated like objects they can just say, "look how these girls are talked about. Sexist." omg dig through some of that stuff. Praise and camraderie for some of the worst shit. You guys praised that flyfisher guy for his stories. They were disgusting in their talk about women. I don't care if he was your God. Sick and vulgar is what it was. Oh I could dig up dozens of disgusting posts by tons of people.  Wake up!!! The world sees that and it just keeps on and on. I mean their site is named SIN. I had to fight tooth and nail to get rid of cwmc shit. Still people wanted it for historical purposes? Mind blowing.

I don't care what they do. I made this site to promote girls and I have found over and over that they don't come to the forums for two reasons.

They don't like the way they are talked about and it's not worth the hassle for the little bit of extra money to be subjected to the bs over there or get shit all over and have a bunch of douchebags try to destroy their lives. I'M A WOMAN! I TALK TO GIRLS FROM DIFFERENT BROTHELS!!! I think I know what I'm talking about!

So where does that leave us. Well I think what was done to some people was mean, spiteful, and cowardly. Forced into banishment until they kissed their asses. So they can come here and hang out. That is why I keep it going. I truly believe most people here are genuine. I think a few of you just don't like women truthfully. I think a few of you take for granted what you have but nothing is perfect.

Rachel Varga

Re: What Is The Future?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 12:34 am
by Banginit
Rachel Varga link wrote: Now that I think of it. Brothels don't need to work together. For what? You cannot change laws, all you can do is attract attention. In such a conservative country probably do best to just fly under the radar which they all did except Dennis. He's gone so they just need to chill too. Don't try to represent anyone. No one asked them to. If people can't see that Dennis did that as a media stunt then they are blind.

This is a business and there is competition. They cater to all customers but mongers seem to think they should cater to them. Sorry but the business is made up of a lot more that mongers.

One of the reasons I debated making the site members only is because when you step back and look at the forums. It looks very sexist. Look at the other forum, if anti-brothel groups need a reason to say women are treated like objects they can just say, "look how these girls are talked about. Sexist." omg dig through some of that stuff. Praise and camraderie for some of the worst shit. You guys praised that flyfisher guy for his stories. They were disgusting in their talk about women. I don't care if he was your God. Sick and vulgar is what it was. Oh I could dig up dozens of disgusting posts by tons of people.  Wake up!!! The world sees that and it just keeps on and on. I mean their site is named the other forum. I had to fight tooth and nail to get rid of C*MC shit. Still people wanted it for historical purposes? Mind blowing.

I don't care what they do. I made this site to promote girls and I have found over and over that they don't come to the forums for two reasons.

They don't like the way they are talked about and it's not worth the hassle for the little bit of extra money to be subjected to the bs over there or get shit all over and have a bunch of douchebags try to destroy their lives. I'M A WOMAN! I TALK TO GIRLS FROM DIFFERENT BROTHELS!!! I think I know what I'm talking about!

So where does that leave us. Well I think what was done to some people was mean, spiteful, and cowardly. Forced into banishment until they kissed their asses. So they can come here and hang out. That is why I keep it going. I truly believe most people here are genuine. I think a few of you just don't like women truthfully. I think a few of you take for granted what you have but nothing is perfect.

Rachel Varga
  Absolutely nothing wrong with your honesty.  Fact is I appreciate it. I have flaws Im working on, and people should treat people w the respect they expect in return. Speakin as one who has had to apologize for my behavior in the past... Bang  8)

Re: What Is The Future?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 5:01 am
by rachelvarga
Banginit link wrote:   Absolutely nothing wrong with your honesty.  Fact is I appreciate it. I have flaws Im working on, and people should treat people w the respect they expect in return. Speakin as one who has had to apologize for my behavior in the past... Bang  8)
I have never had a problem with you. Unless I never saw something.

Rachel Varga

Re: What Is The Future?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 1:06 am
by Banginit
Rachel Varga link wrote: I have never had a problem with you. Unless I never saw something.

Rachel Varga
Thank Rachel, nope u hadn't missed something.  :)

Re: What Is The Future?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 2:56 am
by G
I think even if a person was to eliminate negative talk or what could potential be negative talk about women on a brothel forum.  The anti's are not going away and they would still be entrenched in their views. I have seen women who claimed to work in brothels publicly speak against the brothels because they supposedly had a bad experience.

I am not sure if running under the radar is a good idea either because in today information age the only people who would be heard is the anti's. I think organizing a public awareness campaign is a good idea just so the positives could be put out to be heard.  Just my perspective and some food for thought.

Re: What Is The Future?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 7:07 am
by wayne208
Rachel ... You are making Me very Mad .. You Show those Great Pictures of You and there is nothing I can do but Drool at them .. I also think how I would like to take you behind the Green Door and Go Crazy with You ..  I also figure I am not the only One to feel this way .. I know Bob and Fumbles and Bet they are thinking the same thing .  8)

Re: What Is The Future?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 12:48 pm
by Funmonger
Me too, good buddy ! I've been through the green door before they closed everything. I'm more than ready to see Rachel and some others again !