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Do You Talk to Your TV?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 4:46 am
by Prospector Bob
Do you talk to your TV? I never used to but since this quarantine began & I've had the TV on almost 24/7 I find myself making out-loud comments about dumb-ass things I see on the tube. I yell at people who I think made stupid moves or said stupid things. It could be a sporting event, a game show or a TV interview. If what I see & hear, in my view, qualifies as dumb-ass, I'll yell at 'em.

But it's not always negative. Good things will get an "atta-boy" or "atta-girl" from me. Being an old lech, hot babes will get an old lecher's, "Whoa! Did you see the ass on that babe?!" Or "Man, she's hot!" Or, "Wow, she's a MILF (or sometimes GILF)!"

Anyway, am I not alone, & you too see things on the tube that have you muttering in exasperation? Anger? Amazement? Arousement ;) ?

Re: Do You Talk to Your TV?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 5:59 am
by G
I talk to my computer, dog, TV and myself.  During sporting events I even scream and yell at the TV.

Re: Do You Talk to Your TV?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 7:36 am
by Funmonger
Usually I talk within my car to drivers on the street who piss me off. You know Elvis occasionally used to shoot his gun at a TV screen.

Re: Do You Talk to Your TV?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 8:38 am
by ShyKyle87
I yell at my tv during games, because I root for a bunch of teams that suck every year (Minnesota teams, for those wondering).

Re: Do You Talk to Your TV?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 2:49 pm
by Banginit
Yes always yellin at it...good n

Re: Do You Talk to Your TV?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 6:12 pm
by Funmonger
Yes, tonight I noticed myself yelling at my TV during the World Series. Well I guess it was directed at the team.

Re: Do You Talk to Your TV?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:22 am
Especially last night when the Dodgers gave the game away! 

Re: Do You Talk to Your TV?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:11 am
by rachelvarga
Only when watching porn. "Take it!"

Just kidding. Lol.

Rachel Varga

Re: Do You Talk to Your TV?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 7:31 am
by Banginit
Rachel Varga link wrote: Only when watching porn. "Take it!"

Just kidding. Lol.

Rachel Varga
...ha ha ha...but are u really... ;)

Re: Do You Talk to Your TV?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 8:16 am
by Ironman
No I don't talk to the TV anymore. I am acually worse.? I talk to two old pictures I have had on every Cell phone I have owned for over a decade now.

One is of my dog Brodie that died in 2017.? The other is of a certain retired brunette girl. That as far as I know is doing well.?

I have been talking to that old picture of her since 2013? and Brodie's picture since he passed away.? I have just gotten worse since March of 2020.?

My point here buddy I wouldn't worry about. At least the pictures on the TV change I on the other hand keep talking to the same two old  pictures.?

Funny side note though unlike Brodie the Brunette is actually still alive, and well she still has my number. A few months ago I  was in a mood like I am most of the time these days. So I am talking to her old picture.? Next thing you know I get a text message while I am talking to the picture from that certain brunette just to say hi let make sure I haven't totally lost it yet anyway, and let me know she still cares.

This has happened more than once freaks me out momentarily every time. Now if I start getting text messages from my dog Brodie that passed away in 2017  you all can really start to worry about me then.??

Re: Do You Talk to Your TV?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:23 pm
by Prospector Bob
Ironman link wrote: No I don't talk to the TV anymore. I am acually worse.? I talk to two old pictures I have had on every Cell phone I have owned for over a decade now.

One is of my dog Brodie that died in 2017.? The other is of a certain retired brunette girl. That as far as I know is doing well.?

I have been talking to that old picture of her since 2013? and Brodie's picture since he passed away.? I have just gotten worse since March of 2020.?

My point here buddy I wouldn't worry about. At least the pictures on the TV change I on the other hand keep talking to the same two old  pictures.?

Funny side note though unlike Brodie the Brunette is actually still alive, and well she still has my number. A few months ago I  was in a mood like I am most of the time these days. So I am talking to her old picture.? Next thing you know I get a text message while I am talking to the picture from that certain brunette just to say hi let make sure I haven't totally lost it yet anyway, and let me know she still cares.

This has happened more than once freaks me out momentarily every time. Now if I start getting text messages from my dog Brodie that passed away in 2017  you all can really start to worry about me then.??
I hope you can find some work soon. You need something to distract you from this screwed up world.

Re: Do You Talk to Your TV?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:57 am
by Ironman
Prospector Bob link wrote: I hope you can find some work soon. You need something to distract you from this screwed up world.
Thanks buddy?a lot of unforseen things are now possibly in motion not necessarily
In a good way for me because of covid maybe I will fill you in privately later.??

Re: Do You Talk to Your TV?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 5:18 am
by rachelvarga
I think I am more upset about losing pets than people unless they are close.

A friend of mine always says to not think or be sad about the day they died but to do simething they liked on their birthday. It makes sense, but still hard because our culture mourns loss more than celebrates life.

Rachel Varga

Re: Do You Talk to Your TV?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:17 am
by Ironman
Rachel Varga link wrote: I think I am more upset about losing pets than people unless they are close.

A friend of mine always says to not think or be sad about the day they died but to do simething they liked on their birthday. It makes sense, but still hard because our culture mourns loss more than celebrates life.

Rachel Varga
I miss people that were part of my life. But I am kinda of ashamed to admit I miss my 4 dogs that have passed away in my life time then people that have passed away.

The dog I had before Brodie passed away just days after my grandpa.

I have to admit I took Howie's passing away much harder. I do think Grandpa would understand. My Grandpa spent the last 10 or more years of his life in the hospital after a auto accident so the Grandpa I knew and loved had been gone for years before he actually was officially gone. Howie on the other hand just up and went one day.? As for why I still talk to Brodie's picture? Well Brodie filled a space that Howie left behind. But the space Brodie left has not been filled. Not sure I want to go through the death of another pet.

As for why I talk to that old picture of Kristine? Well I can't be bothering her 24/7 she has a life I am not a part of.  So rather than bug her which I still probably do to much of anyway she just chooses to allow me to continue to bug her. She doesn't  have the heart to tell to get lost.  So I talk to the picture instead of bothering her all the time.  Its only weird  guys if she decides to check in and say hi to me for old times sake at a moment when I am talking to the old picture of her I carry on my phone.?? So yes I guess technically sometimes the picture is interactive and answers back.??. Yes I am also aware I ain't right mentally, but I have been heading in that direction for years......

Re: Do You Talk to Your TV?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 8:31 pm
by Funmonger
Ironman, Even though we somehow got off of talking to the TV, you made me think of something. When I first went into a Brothel in Nevada, I had no idea that I would develop feelings for the Courtesan that I saw. I cherish a lot of the memories and friends I made. It is a lifelong gift, your memories of the brown haired girl. Keep the thoughts positive and enjoy the memories. I miss someone too. Then again, I miss more than one to be sure. I never dreamed that these girls would captivate me the way some of them did and it was fun. Just never let it overtake you. You have it in perspective I think.

Re: Do You Talk to Your TV?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 4:16 am
by Ironman
Funmonger link wrote: Ironman, Even though we somehow got off of talking to the TV, you made me think of something. When I first went into a Brothel in Nevada, I had no idea that I would develop feelings for the Courtesan that I saw. I cherish a lot of the memories and friends I made. It is a lifelong gift, your memories of the brown haired girl. Keep the thoughts positive and enjoy the memories. I miss someone too. Then again, I miss more than one to be sure. I never dreamed that these girls would captivate me the way some of them did and it was fun. Just never let it overtake you. You have it in perspective I
Yes I am just grateful she even still bothers to talk to me 6 or 7 years after she retired. When she was active she had incentive. Now she stays in touch out of kindness. I am sure other lady's that have moved on do the same with selected old clients.

I am sure I am in a small number of people Kristine has chosen to stay in touch with. I am grateful I am one of them. Its just freaky if she happens to chime in when I am talking to that old picture of her.?  She knows that I talk to her old picture she is probably worried about me. She is just making sure I am not in a padded room. In a straight jacket.

In one of my old productions featuring her likness that  I never released back when she was still active. I sent her a copy to her and to PB though. Anyway in that story the furry guy is seen in a straight jacket living in an insane asylum. She is probably making sure the real me hasn't actually gone that way. I used  a  old country song by Ricky Van Shelton to tell that story.  I promised Kristine I would never kill the monkey off in a story where her likeness waa the star of the show. But she was getting ready to retire at the time I knew it even though she didn't tell me yet. So why I promised not to kill the monkey he had to have some sort of tragic ending.  Like said I sent her a copy. So I think the main reason she stays in touch is to make sure the real me has,not totally falling off the edge of sanity.?

As for not filling the vacant space Brodie left when he died?? With a 5th dog. I am not sure I have it in me to outlive another pet.☹

Re: Do You Talk to Your TV?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:58 pm
by rachelvarga
Ironman link wrote: I am not sure I have it in me to outlive another pet.[emoji852]

Don't think that way. You have to keep your head up. I believe in you.

Rachel Varga

Re: Do You Talk to Your TV?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 10:05 pm
by Ironman
Rachel Varga link wrote:

Don't think that way. You have to keep your head up. I believe in you.

Rachel Varga
Maybe someday Miss Rachel. Don't need the on going expense of owning a pet of my own right now.  My brothers two dogs have been on extended stay with me  for a month now so my brother and his wife can prepare to move they will reclaim his two dogs soon. In the mean time I can remember the good of haing a pet and some of the bad. Anyway maye someday not right now though Covid has put everything up in the air for me at the moment......

Re: Do You Talk to Your TV?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 5:34 am
by Prospector Bob
After "Trouble," an orange tabby cat we had used up her nine lives, my mother & brother were heartbroken. Me too, a little. He was such a sweet cat. Mom & bro said they didn't want another pet.

But then this tortoise shell stray cat - we call her Callie - decided to move in & make us her human family. She & my brother bonded almost instantly. She will get in his lap every chance she gets & follows him around like a puppy. She'll get on mom's lap too. On the other hand, she doesn't like me at all. She only seems to barely tolerate me. It's my fault though. She did like me when she first moved in. One day, coming out of the bathroom, I saw her in the hallway & reached down to pet her. When my hand got near her nose, a clearly visible blue arc of static electricity snapped between my fingers & her nose. She took off like a bullet & hid under a bed for the rest of the day. It's been about 5 years since that happened & she's still wary of me.  : :)

Re: Do You Talk to Your TV?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 9:13 am
by Ironman
Prospector Bob link wrote: After "Trouble," an orange tabby cat we had used up her nine lives, my mother & brother were heartbroken. Me too, a little. He was such a sweet cat. Mom & bro said they didn't want another pet.

But then this tortoise shell stray cat - we call her Callie - decided to move in & make us her human family. She & my brother bonded almost instantly. She will get in his lap every chance she gets & follows him around like a puppy. She'll get on mom's lap too. On the other hand, she doesn't like me at all. She only seems to barely tolerate me. It's my fault though. She did like me when she first moved in. One day, coming out of the bathroom, I saw her in the hallway & reached down to pet her. When my hand got near her nose, a clearly visible blue arc of static electricity snapped between my fingers & her nose. She took off like a bullet & hid under a bed for the rest of the day. It's been about 5 years since that happened & she's still wary of me.  : :)
She must be afraid you will hurt her. Maybe you don't smell good change your deodorant.???