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Re: Back to the 50's

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:06 am
by rachelvarga
G link wrote: No worries I got the part about the writer.  I do have a very imaginative mind that could be perceived as fantasy by others.
Nothing wrong with imagination.

Rachel Varga

Back to the 50's

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 11:50 am
I've held off on posting this until the election was almost over. It's not so much political but just a state of mind. I'll be the first to admit, I'm kind of stuck in the 50's. Everything from the music to how things were done such as fixing things instead of throwing them away and buying new.  At the same time, I do realize things have changed.  I found this article a few days ago with Trump telling women, he was going to put their husbands back to work.  I started to laugh wondering if some men still think the little lady's place is still in the house? And that men are the bread winners of the house? Kind of like Leave It To Beaver where June Cleaver walked around in High heels and a dress all day and her most important job was to open the oven door and check on the pot roast. It also reminds me of some of the Knights who would jump in and try and rescue working woman who had no problems defending their positions on brothel websites without any help from the knights.  I wonder how many men still think working woman just go to the brothels because they want to instead of making a living and many times supporting a family. 
Bottom line is, many of the women are the bread winners of the family. ... 755175001/

Re: Back to the 50's

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 3:30 pm
by G
Yea, evolution is a slow process.  There is going to be a new generation looking back at us today and wondering the same things.

Re: Back to the 50's

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 5:15 pm
Just thinking, it could also be Trump grew up in a situation where the women never had to work outside the house due to their wealth. Not like most families that takes two incomes to make ends meet.

Re: Back to the 50's

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:07 pm
by rachelvarga
Mmmmm touchy subject. I hate to wade into this but I will just say this. There is nothing wrong with a woman working or being a housewife. A true feminist would let other wimen choose. The male patriarchy exists for a reason. The man was the head of the family because he works and is the protector. As long as the husband and wife treat each other as equals then what is the problem? The problem is that too many of us are at the drive thru and can't decide what we want. Feminism is fractured and a mess.

I'm not a feminist. I like men. I like being around them. I am only upset when I feel disrespect happens. It's complicated. Let's just shut up and have sex.

Rachel Varga

Re: Back to the 50's

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 5:18 pm
by Funmonger
Rachel Varga link wrote: Mmmmm touchy subject. I hate to wade into this but I will just say this. There is nothing wrong with a woman working or being a housewife. A true feminist would let other wimen choose. The male patriarchy exists for a reason. The man was the head of the family because he works and is the protector. As long as the husband and wife treat each other as equals then what is the problem? The problem is that too many of us are at the drive thru and can't decide what we want. Feminism is fractured and a mess.

I'm not a feminist. I like men. I like being around them. I am only upset when I feel disrespect happens. It's complicated. Let's just shut up and have sex.

Rachel Varga
I really like what you had to say here, Rachel. There are many situations and families and people's personal lives are their business. Some professional men and women often have a stay at home spouse who fills in the other side of things in the family. Behind many of professional is often a stay at home spouse who holds up their end of the relationship right there at home and in so many ways.

Re: Back to the 50's

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 2:14 am
Very True Rachel---That is there is nothing wrong with women who stay home or women who go to work.  However, I do think a large majority of women  have to go to work with the high cost of living and and no longer being able to support a family on one income.  Addressing a crowd of women telling them you are going to put their husbands back to work just sounds so 50's to me.

BTW: Many times, taking care of kids and running the house might be harder then just going to work.

Re: Back to the 50's

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 4:17 am
by rachelvarga
SIDEWINDER link wrote: Very True Rachel---That is there is nothing wrong with women who stay home or women who go to work.  However, I do think a large majority of women  have to go to work with the high cost of living and and no longer being able to support a family on one income.  Addressing a crowd of women telling them you are going to put their husbands back to work just sounds so 50's to me.

BTW: Many times, taking care of kids and running the house might be harder then just going to work.
Yes most do and that's fine. I just don't like uppity bitches trying to shame women who don't.

Rachel Varga

Re: Back to the 50's

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 2:37 pm
by G
What about a matriarchy society?

It seems like we are just running in circles with this experiment of life. New generations trying things they have never experienced before.

Re: Back to the 50's

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2020 7:42 am
by rachelvarga
G link wrote: What about a matriarchy society?

It seems like we are just running in circles with this experiment of life. New generations trying things they have never experienced before.
This writer lives in a fantasy world. Amazons were mythological and no society he listed has done anything subststantial for humanity. They are small and to think something like that would work on a large scale is foolish.

Patriarchy and matriarchy are just heirarchies. All groups will form into heirarchies naturally. A large scale matriarchy will still have a pyramid structure consolidating power.

Why do humans believe they can change millions of years of evolution? Flatten the heirarchy and you have anarchy which will reassemble into another power structure.

Be careful what you wish for because if they think it will be free love and utopia with us in power, they are wrong. Power is power and power corrupts all.

Rachel Varga

Re: Back to the 50's

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2020 12:22 pm
by G
Thank you for your insight.  I live in a fantasy world inside my head the majority of the time and appreciate logical thinking to keep me grounded.

Why do humans believe they can change million years of evolution? I think the reason is that we have forgotten a lot about our history and experiences.  Collectively we are living in fear.  We make decisions based on emotion.  Decisions based on fear  is a recipe for disaster.  Fear puts us into a fight and flight response. This a a good defense to have when you are in actual harm but not good for making decisions.

Divide and conquer has been used throughout history to obtain power.  It is happening now in plain sight. Some see it and others do not. Their is a war on for our minds. Power is within all of us.  Some reject it with the believe that it is corrupt and others use it for personal gain. Somewhere in the middle we must find the balance.

Re: Back to the 50's

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2020 11:45 pm
by Prospector Bob
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." ~ English historian & politician, Lord John Dalberg-Acton (1887)

Re: Back to the 50's

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 12:14 am
by rachelvarga
I didn't mean you live in a fantasy world. I meant the writer of that article. Sorry if I sounded that way.

I really don't believe the average human is capable of much more than basic logic. Most people look at philosophy as a waste of time when in reality it is extremely important to the understanding of our existence. I am not super into philosophy because I don't have time but it's the same with most people. It would be helpful in understanding who we are.

I say a matriarchal society is a fantasy because it is pushed by feminists who want equality by destroying others. Instead of saying let's be equal they say let's destroy the patriarchy. That does not work on a large scale or in most societies. A matriarchy in the middle east? Lol. Russia? Africa? South America? Doubt it.

Rachel Varga

Re: Back to the 50's

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:34 am
by G
No worries I got the part about the writer.  I do have a very imaginative mind that could be perceived as fantasy by others.

Re: Back to the 50's

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:35 am
by G
Prospector Bob link wrote: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." ~ English historian & politician, Lord John Dalberg-Acton (1887)
Very true and one lesson we are repeating generation after generation.