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Re: Sweden Failed

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:26 pm
by Midwest Couple
MABretAF link wrote: Midwest Couple,

I really think that you misread what she wrote. I've read this post and her other posts here for months, and she's absolutely not bashing the country. Her posts about her attaining citizenship showed she's very proud to have become a U.S. citizen. And her comment about immigrants 'not being citizens' seemed sarcastically aimed at another individual's viewpoint. She's obviously pro-immigration. Your comment about being 'asinine, ignorant, and wrong' was also very pointed. Perhaps you could engage in a respectful exchange of ideas with her - one proud immigrant to another proud immigrant. (Again, I read it differently from you; so maybe clarification is in order.)
Thank you for this.  We've met Rachel and adore her.  She's been VERY good to us and we appreciate whole heartedly what she does for this community. 

That said, we don't always fall on the same side of a forum post and we trust she's never been concerned with our respectful disagreement when we are on opposite sides.  If we were wrong about how we read the OP, or we took it out of context - we apologize. 

Sweden Failed

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 12:00 am
by rachelvarga ... le/2771841

There you go Dirk,

Actual data showing that the Sweden model is a failure just like the US. Not wearing a mask is stupid and pig headed. Now post your data. You know,  the one you never posted.

The sad truth is that not wearing a mask because it violates your rights is asinine and ignorant.

Hey but us immigrants aren't real Americans right?

Rachel Varga

Re: Sweden Failed

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:42 am
by Midwest Couple
We were excited to see brothel life opened back up.... for a bit, until we read this. 

Has this board really become an opportunity to bash America by the owner? 

France, Poland, Italy & the UK are currently seeing per capita cases as high as the US, and if anyone believes the numbers are calculated and recorded similarly to ours in countries like India, China, Russia, ..... well, you may the one that's asinine and ignorant.  We are in the middle of a pandemic.  Claiming a winning strategies at half time, is worthless. 

What we are extremely surprised about was the comment here "Hey but us immigrants aren't real Americans right"

As a first generation American, whose family followed a very long, slow and legal path to citizenship, I can say that nobody in our family has ever felt anything less than "AMERICAN" by ANY political movement on the left or right.  Nobody has ever made us feel "less than" for being Immigrants and we have a deep appreciation for our rights to pursue happiness in this great country. 

As for ILLEGAL Immigration, that's something completely different.  The word to to pay attention to in this situation is NOT "Immigrant", but ILLEGAL!  By definition, if you are here Illegally, you are NOT "real Americans".  You've broken the law. 

Now, if you want that changed ... change the law.  But, if your viewpoint is that laws shouldn't be followed or that we should just have open boarders for anyone to come across - we believe you're asinine, ignorant and wrong. 

Re: Sweden Failed

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 5:01 am
by MrTShirt
Rachel Varga link wrote:

There you go Dirk,

Actual data showing that the Sweden model is a failure just like the US. Not wearing a mask is stupid and pig headed. Now post your data. You know,  the one you never posted.

The sad truth is that not wearing a mask because it violates your rights is asinine and ignorant.

Hey but us immigrants aren't real Americans right?

Rachel Varga
It is interesting that the article says the US has a higher that average death rate.  Other govt publications have the US as having one of the lower death rates.

Separate from all that, the death rate between Germany and Italy were different by a factor of 10.  India had 95% of their deaths in the northern part of their country.  The SE Asian countries had the lowest death rate of anyone, maybe more than a factor of 100 less.  (I have heard theories discussing the vast differences.)

Re: Sweden Failed

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:03 am
by rachelvarga
Midwest Couple link wrote: Thank you for this.  We've met Rachel and adore her.  She's been VERY good to us and we appreciate whole heartedly what she does for this community. 

That said, we don't always fall on the same side of a forum post and we trust she's never been concerned with our respectful disagreement when we are on opposite sides.  If we were wrong about how we read the OP, or we took it out of context - we apologize.
Hmmmm you can't adore someone and appreciate them wholeheartedly and say what she said while writing a scathing rebuke that was not a disagreement, it was an attack. So basically you got it all wrong. Never have I said anything un-American and never did I say anything about immigration other than being sarcastic. Don't use the fact that you went through the long and arduous journey of citizenship like a badge of honor because I have the same badge baby.

You didn't read it very well. I was saying that in the past people have said we should use the Sweden model of not having a lockdown but they are wrong because real data proves that not having a lockdown has failed Sweden. That real data is not some political talking head spouting their opinion.

I have always said that you should wear a mask as a civic duty. I am an American now and if you truly believe that no one or no political party has said negative things about immigrants then you must live in a closet.


I edited out the last part. It wasn't needed. I said what I wanted to say in the original post anyways.

Rachel Varga

Re: Sweden Failed

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:36 am
by Florida Couple
Good post.. not wearing a mask is asinine, agree 100%.  I'm going to save that Jamma link, Sweden even admitted their herd immunity gambit failed.

Re: Sweden Failed

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 12:10 pm
by Dirk Diggler
Rachel Varga link wrote:

There you go Dirk,

Actual data showing that the Sweden model is a failure just like the US. Not wearing a mask is stupid and pig headed. Now post your data. You know,  the one you never posted.

The sad truth is that not wearing a mask because it violates your rights is asinine and ignorant.

Hey but us immigrants aren't real Americans right?

Rachel Varga

Nice to see I'm so popular. I'm not going to take the time to post opposing data as clearly you have no interest in it since your resorting to name calling and attempting to personally insult me just because I have a differing opinion based on scientific facts and studies. Your last comment is even more ignorant as I never said a thing about your nationality or anything related to it; I've always spoken to you and treated you with respect as an equal person even if we have different views. If you're assuming the conversation had something to do with your nationality then it's just a projection of your own insecurities or your just spreading vitriol like many online; let me guess, I'm a racist too.

Rather than all the deflection and aggressive behavior, I'd rather you just openly admit you only want "loyal" followers participating on this forum and prefer groupthink over respectful intellectual discussion. Either way, I'm going to keep being me and enjoying my life  8)

Re: Sweden Failed

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 2:37 pm
by rachelvarga
You don't have any data and have never posted anything. You can say whatever you like, you can't hurt me. Most of the regular guys are cool but a few like you have tried over and over to put me in my place and failed. You never add anything positive Dirk. You have always dropped into conversations with intellectual arrogance. If it makes you feel you are better than others that's fine. You can't say I am narccicistic or have an ego when you are the same way. You realize that everything you accuse me of you have done the same thing to me. You are no better than me.

I don't think I have an ego but I can see how some people would think that. It's something I am aware of and try to make better and I think people see that because when I am wrong I can admit. I have never seen you admit you were wrong or come to a middle ground on anything.

You subtley make fun of a person. Trying to make them look stupid but it reveals your internal insecurities and need to be right because to you we are all stupid.

Rachel Varga

Re: Sweden Failed

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 2:38 pm
by rachelvarga
Oh and no I don't think your a racist. If I wanted groupthink I would have banned you but I haven't and very rarely do. Only when it is extreme. I don't kick people out who don't follow my ideas. I'm not  Q and never will be. Say what you feel you need to say and then we are done with this. You can have the last word if you want and then I'll close this post.

Rachel Varga

Re: Sweden Failed

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 3:06 pm
by Dirk Diggler
Rachel Varga link wrote: You don't have any data and have never posted anything. You can say whatever you like, you can't hurt me. Most of the regular guys are cool but a few like you have tried over and over to put me in my place and failed. You never add anything positive Dirk. You have always dropped into conversations with intellectual arrogance. If it makes you feel you are better than others that's fine. You can't say I am narccicistic or have an ego when you are the same way. You realize that everything you accuse me of you have done the same thing to me. You are no better than me.

I don't think I have an ego but I can see how some people would think that. It's something I am aware of and try to make better and I think people see that because when I am wrong I can admit. I have never seen you admit you were wrong or come to a middle ground on anything.

You subtley make fun of a person. Trying to make them look stupid but it reveals your internal insecurities and need to be right because to you we are all stupid.

Rachel Varga

I don’t understand what all the angst is about but I guess I don’t need to. I didn’t know why you think I would want to hurt you or anyone else for that matter. We have only talked briefly irl and never partied so all the personal attacks are unwarranted imho.

You say I have nothing positive to add but I recall being one of the few if not the only one that stood up for you with Q on the other board and you seemed appreciative at the time. I guess times change.

You say that I’ve called you different names but all I’ve ever done is quote your own words and question them as I have a different opinion of things and I don’t believe in ostracizing others for having different views.

At the end of the day you could just simply say you don’t like me and leave it at that lol but I guess that’s not enough for you. Doesn’t bother me at all though; I live my life for myself not anyone else and my happiness is my own.

Re: Sweden Failed

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 3:44 pm
by rachelvarga
Ok cool. I'll close this.

Rachel Varga