The Last Covid Post I Will Start

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The Last Covid Post I Will Start


Post by rachelvarga »

I know we fight about covid and some people believe it doesn't exist or that masks don't work. I am telling you first off it does exist and it is not the flu. I have four family members that had it. One died two days ago and another one might today or tomorrow.

1. It is real and it is brutal for some. When you are so sick you have to be carried out and you are hallucinating that's not the flu. They gave her Remdesivir for days and everything they could and she barely made it. She still has disorientation. Just becomes confused. Said she wanted to die because it was so bad for days on end.

2. We thought things would be okay with one of them and suddenly they were gone in hours and you can't have a funeral. He wanted to be cremated anyway.

3. Another is being sent home with hospice.

4. The last one is okay but really messed them up.

Now you can argue all day long about masks but common sense says that covering your mouth keeps spit and stuff from flying out as much. It will contain some of it. We are so spread out and so numerous most of you will not know anyone that gets it. You just don't see people die. I've been trying to say that people are packed in back home so everyone knows someone. Hospital parking lots are full of tents and bodies are piling up.

Finally I have heard many people say it only kills old people. I guess in defense of not wearing a mask or whatever. To be truthful old people are treated like shit in this country. No respect for them at all. It's pretty obvious with all these entitled people living in a fantasy world where they know everything. The farther west you go the less respect is afforded to older family members. This is well documented. Old people are not throw away garbage. Show them some respect. They lived through "real" hard times.

This group is predominantly older. Not elderly but 50's and 60's. I really don't want to hear that so and so died. I don't agree with some decisions but it is technically yours. I just ask that you think about others and what they are going through.

I'm tired and am trying to post less about this from now on because it just makes me upset more. Post what you want, try to be nice if you can. I'lll try to post fun stuff because life is short.

Please don't post condolences here, just pm if are going too. My message is for you and not for me. I'm serious. Please don't.

Stay safe, even you non believers.
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Post by Ironman »

I know it doesn't help. But will say it anyway sorry for your loss.☹☹
I am here so none of you all Turkey's, steal my screen name.
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Post by Florida Couple »

Rachel Varga link wrote: I know we fight about covid and some people believe it doesn't exist or that masks don't work. I am telling you first off it does exist and it is not the flu. I have four family members that had it. One died two days ago and another one might today or tomorrow.

1. It is real and it is brutal for some. When you are so sick you have to be carried out and you are hallucinating that's not the flu. They gave her Remdesivir for days and everything they could and she barely made it. She still has disorientation. Just becomes confused. Said she wanted to die because it was so bad for days on end.

2. We thought things would be okay with one of them and suddenly they were gone in hours and you can't have a funeral. He wanted to be cremated anyway.

3. Another is being sent home with hospice.

4. The last one is okay but really messed them up.

Now you can argue all day long about masks but common sense says that covering your mouth keeps spit and stuff from flying out as much. It will contain some of it. We are so spread out and so numerous most of you will not know anyone that gets it. You just don't see people die. I've been trying to say that people are packed in back home so everyone knows someone. Hospital parking lots are full of tents and bodies are piling up.

Finally I have heard many people say it only kills old people. I guess in defense of not wearing a mask or whatever. To be truthful old people are treated like shit in this country. No respect for them at all. It's pretty obvious with all these entitled people living in a fantasy world where they know everything. The farther west you go the less respect is afforded to older family members. This is well documented. Old people are not throw away garbage. Show them some respect. They lived through "real" hard times.

This group is predominantly older. Not elderly but 50's and 60's. I really don't want to hear that so and so died. I don't agree with some decisions but it is technically yours. I just ask that you think about others and what they are going through.

I'm tired and am trying to post less about this from now on because it just makes me upset more. Post what you want, try to be nice if you can. I'lll try to post fun stuff because life is short.

Please don't post condolences here, just pm if are going too. My message is for you and not for me. I'm serious. Please don't.

Stay safe, even you non believers.

We’re so so sorry for your loss.  You and your family are in our thoughts (not the praying type but if we were...).  We’ve only had a brother and sister in-law and there kids in Vegas catch it.  They’re nurses and recovered but, we’re very very ill for days on end.  He is 40 and she is in her 30’s.  They see people die from this disease often.  It angers us to see people die and hear people deny or refuse to take any precautions.  We haven’t seen our parents since March.  I don’t think I could forgive myself if I passed something to them. 

We’re being cautious and holding out for the vaccine.  Once again our condolences go out to you and yours.  Take care Rachel  :(
Married Couple from Florida looking for fun.
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Post by G »

Yup, we all have beliefs formed by past experiences and we all have unique experiences. Even two people experiencing the same thing will form different beliefs based on their previous beliefs. Learn from each other and be respectful.
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Post by Prospector Bob »

Rachel, your observations & thoughts about this pandemic are spot on. With all the Hell this pandemic has brought upon the world, it boggles the mind some folks refuse to see the seriousness of it. My brother-in-law is my only family member who has contracted this gawd-awful disease & it doesn't look good for him.

If you need to go out, wear your mask! Better yet, "Stay the fuck at home!"
I refuse to be victimized by notions of virtuous behavior.
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Post by rachelvarga »

I just try to stay away from people.