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Mandatory Covid Vaccine For Employment?

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 1:43 am
In other words, could employers force employees to get a shot to prevent covid as a condition of employment? ... d=msedgdhp

Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccine For Employment?

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 11:51 am
by Florida Couple
Yes, healthcare can be made.  We need to go back to the days when vaccines were mandatory to go to school. There are too many morons that refuse to act responsibly

Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccine For Employment?

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 1:05 pm
by Wildfire
Phoenix link wrote: Yes, healthcare can be made.  We need to go back to the days when vaccines were mandatory to go to school. There are too many morons that refuse to act responsibly
Sorry, that's a big fat NO!  The Supreme Court will shout down any communist-socialist dictator trying to mandate drugging the citizens of the USA. 

Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccine For Employment?

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 2:24 pm
by Florida Couple
Wildfire link wrote: Sorry, that's a big fat NO!  The Supreme Court will shout down any communist-socialist dictator trying to mandate drugging the citizens of the USA.
It’s already happening if you care to read.

Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccine For Employment?

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 2:27 pm
by Florida Couple
Flu vaccines have already been mandated for many healthcare workers for years.

Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccine For Employment?

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 6:15 pm
by Highlander
I remember having to get all of the Hep. A/B shots to work in food service industry for my first job.


Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccine For Employment?

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 9:52 pm
by rachelvarga
Wildfire link wrote: Sorry, that's a big fat NO!  The Supreme Court will shout down any communist-socialist dictator trying to mandate drugging the citizens of the USA. 
Many companies have stipulations such as background checks, drug tests and depending on the type of job vaccines are mandatory. To say that companies could not require a vaccine would go against precedence.

The use of mandatory vaccines for the public has not been established by scotus as far as I know but anti-vaccination proponents don't vaccinate their kids and no one charges them with crimes. Several challenges have been made but I don't think it's gone high enough for them to set precedence on a federal level. It is all state level.

Scotus is not a solid 6-3 by any means though so if it happens it might not get shot down as easily as people think.

Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccine For Employment?

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 4:39 am
by G
Highlander link wrote: I remember having to get all of the Hep. A/B shots to work in food service industry for my first job.

I wonder if this was mandated at a state level or at different levels in the food service industry? My first job was at a fast food restaurant and I never had to get shots or provide proof of shots.

I had to get all my booster shots when I enrolled into college.

Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccine For Employment?

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 10:05 am
by rachelvarga
I'll get the vaccine because I am in close proximity to people and after the last month I don't want to see anyone lose their loved ones or watch them suffer.

There will be customers that refuse so the best thing is to protect myself and not let it bridge from my work life to home life.

Rachel Varga

Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccine For Employment?

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 12:17 pm
by Florida Couple
Rachel Varga link wrote: I'll get the vaccine because I am in close proximity to people and after the last month I don't want to see anyone lose their loved ones or watch them suffer.

There will be customers that refuse so the best thing is to protect myself and not let it bridge from my work life to home life.

Rachel Varga
We will get the vaccine too  :) .  Really want to hug my mom and dad  :)