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Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:25 pm
Doesn't surprise me. I don't know how much it will help with people refusing to modify their behavior and take the virus seriously. 

Lockdown means no travel other then local for such things as going to the store or doctor or to work and back. Of course there's no way they can really enforce it.  Looks like long lines once again waiting to get into stores with nothing left on the shelves once you do get in. Hopefully, they'll start doing senior hours again  making it easier for us old farts.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 1:19 am
by Wildfire
SIDEWINDER link wrote: Doesn't surprise me. I don't know how much it will help with people refusing to modify their behavior and take the virus seriously. 

Lockdown means no travel other then local for such things as going to the store or doctor or to work and back. Of course there's no way they can really enforce it.  Looks like long lines once again waiting to get into stores with nothing left on the shelves once you do get in. Hopefully, they'll start doing senior hours again  making it easier for us old farts.
But just how many of your elected officials will be traveling have a good old time this holiday season?
What you want senior hours?  But you were the one who complained when business did this back in the spring.
More of the same old liberal bull shit policies that never work.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 1:31 am
I can fend for myself but what about those who are disabled or have medical issues?  Don't we always try and help those out with such things as handicapped parking and access to buildings? Why should this be any different?  The Senior hours also include this group of people.  I'll make no excuses for politicians who say do as I say, not as I do.  They're wrong--no two ways about it. They should be setting the example and that example should start at the top.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 2:13 pm
by rachelvarga
SIDEWINDER link wrote: I can fend for myself but what about those who are disabled or have medical issues?  Don't we always try and help those out with such things as handicapped parking and access to buildings? Why should this be any different?  The Senior hours also include this group of people.  I'll make no excuses for politicians who say do as I say, not as I do.  They're wrong--no two ways about it. They should be setting the example and that example should start at the top.
Speaking of handicap spots the minimum fine should be 1000 and second offense car towed.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 6:40 pm
by Dirk Diggler
The name of this site should be changed to #CovidLife lol; that's all that gets posted about anymore....sad. I guess after Covid goes away it will be nothing but posts about cancer since cancer kills almost 10 million a year or 15 million a year from heart disease and stroke. I guess you can tell me to go and die since I never post anything positive and don't worry I will just like you someday too so the real questions is, is this how you really want to live?

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 7:49 pm
by MrTShirt
Dirk Diggler link wrote: The name of this site should be changed to #CovidLife lol; that's all that gets posted about anymore....sad. I guess after Covid goes away it will be nothing but posts about cancer since cancer kills almost 10 million a year or 15 million a year from heart disease and stroke. I guess you can tell me to go and die since I never post anything positive and don't worry I will just like you someday too so the real questions is, is this how you really want to live?
If you want to talk about what is deadly, cancer and heart disease are neck and neck for #1 and #2.

Next in #3 slot is the medical system, per John Hopkins.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 2:20 am
MrTShirt link wrote: If you want to talk about what is deadly, cancer and heart disease are neck and neck for #1 and #2.

Next in #3 slot is the medical system, per John Hopkins.
I guess you didn't get the latest memo: ... tals-fill/

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 2:24 am
Dirk Diggler link wrote: The name of this site should be changed to #CovidLife lol; that's all that gets posted about anymore....sad. I guess after Covid goes away it will be nothing but posts about cancer since cancer kills almost 10 million a year or 15 million a year from heart disease and stroke. I guess you can tell me to go and die since I never post anything positive and don't worry I will just like you someday too so the real questions is, is this how you really want to live?
I think a better question is why do people  think they have the right to put people out of work along with making people sick and killing people because they want to act carelessly?  Also the reason we are not talking about brothels and all the working woman are un employed.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 6:27 am
by G
SIDEWINDER link wrote: I guess you didn't get the latest memo: ... tals-fill/
Thanks for posting this example of fake news.  Even if the projected numbers are reached the numbers still fall short of the 655,381 heart disease deaths of 2018.

Interesting that CBS does not report heart disease death numbers since March 2020.  Are we seeing a dramatic decrease in heart disease deaths and other diseases?

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 6:43 am
by Dirk Diggler
G link wrote: Thanks for posting this example of fake news.  Even if the projected numbers are reached the numbers still fall short of the 655,381 heart disease deaths of 2018.

Interesting that CBS does not report heart disease death numbers since March 2020.  Are we seeing a dramatic decrease in heart disease deaths and other diseases?

That is exactly what's happening. Another article I saw from the CDC claimed total deaths had risen this around 10K so far out of around 2.5 million on average that die every year in the U.S. It should be much higher given almost 300K people have supposedly died from COVID alone.....but we all know the truth of things if we are willing to open our eyes to it.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:05 am
by G
Mind control is more prevalent than we give it credit for.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:11 am
by MrTShirt
SIDEWINDER link wrote: I guess you didn't get the latest memo:
As usual, you ignore data you don't like.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 10:59 am
Fake news, fake disease. What about the people who have died, are they fake too?

Hey, since some of you think you know more then doctors when it comes to Covid, next time you need an operation---Why call a doctor if you know more then they do? Just get a steak knife and some paper towels and do the operation yourself.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 1:06 pm
by Wildfire
SIDEWINDER link wrote: Fake news, fake disease. What about the people who have died, are they fake too?

Hey, since some of you think you know more then doctors when it comes to Covid, next time you need an operation---Why call a doctor if you know more then they do? Just get a steak knife and some paper towels and do the operation yourself.
How do you know what people actually die of?  The current liberal controlled health care system uses the cause of death as political amination to control peoples lives. So right now everyone dies of COVID-19 in someway.

But thanks to Gavin you have no worries you are now in lockdown.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 1:24 pm
by G
SIDEWINDER link wrote: Fake news, fake disease. What about the people who have died, are they fake too?

Hey, since some of you think you know more then doctors when it comes to Covid, next time you need an operation---Why call a doctor if you know more then they do? Just get a steak knife and some paper towels and do the operation yourself.
I am just having fun with the movie clip.  I just find it to be an allegory to the news propaganda.

No one is implying that the disease is fake or the deaths are fake.  Based on the numbers posted in this thread from the CDC, there is an average of 10,000 extra deaths for this year.  Nothing is fake about that. 

Not sure why you think that some of us think that we are smarter than doctors? We are just posting numbers from the internet.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 5:39 pm
by rachelvarga
Oh shit, here we go again. I'm going to try to stay out of it but don't get personal guys. I'm going to go watch porn.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:15 pm
by MrTShirt
SIDEWINDER link wrote: Fake news, fake disease. What about the people who have died, are they fake too?

Hey, since some of you think you know more then doctors when it comes to Covid, next time you need an operation---Why call a doctor if you know more then they do? Just get a steak knife and some paper towels and do the operation yourself.
Hmmm...  We have evidence here what happens to people under the thumb of Gov. Newsom.

A person can't tell the difference between numbers from Johns Hopkins University and fake news.

A person seeks out "doctors" that stock their operating room with tools from Home Depot.

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 12:53 am
This is what it has come to in Reno setting up a hospital in the parking lot to treat patients. All the hospitals in Reno are full. ... 00-10aaa3b

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 3:30 am
by G
Yup, Nevada had a shortage of healthcare before the virus hit.

They built the temporary care area in April

Might as well use the space and spread the patients out if you have it.

Bottom line Nevada has growing pains with the influx of Californians moving in and health care and facilities are the last ones catching up.  Another important subject CBS forgot to cover, or did they forget?

Re: Starting on Sunday, we're once again in lockdown

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 6:15 am
by georoc01
Dirk Diggler link wrote: The name of this site should be changed to #CovidLife lol; that's all that gets posted about anymore....sad. I guess after Covid goes away it will be nothing but posts about cancer since cancer kills almost 10 million a year or 15 million a year from heart disease and stroke. I guess you can tell me to go and die since I never post anything positive and don't worry I will just like you someday too so the real questions is, is this how you really want to live?
Cancer isn't keeping the Brothels closed. COVID is. So yes, we talk about COVID because its the reason we can't talk about the brothels right now.

And Heart Disease is going to be going back up as COVID does significant damage to vascular health.