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Re: Current LPIN system

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 11:59 am
by SixT9er
Something else I think needs to change is the “Kelly fare” if the house wants to entice the cabbies to bring clients then the house should be picking up the expense as it’s advertising. Also an Uber should not be entitled to a “Kelly fare” as the client called them for a ride.
Ladies having to either eat part of the fare or charge clients more to ensure they make enough isn’t a good business model.

Current LPIN system

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 8:13 pm
by SixT9er
Is the current system fair?

Fair for the Ladies, clients?

What problems do you see with the current system?

How would you change the current system?

What needs to change in order for LPIN to continue and be prosperous?

Re: Current LPIN system

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 1:11 am
by Cobia
The only thing I would change is there would be more legal houses.

Re: Current LPIN system

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:48 am
by rachelvarga
This is a very touchy subject. I don't want to offend anyone so let me put it like this.

The problem with the system is that no one is thinking ahead about the next generation. I see all these posts about how to fix things and they are very myopic in their view.

People treat the girls as stupid. How could they know anything? A lot of girls are quite intelligent. They understand their younger generation yet they are treated as stupid. They have good ideas.

Another problem is that brothels do not work together.  They do not get together to discuss ways to help the industry.  Too many egos and secrecy.

If this industry wants to flourish it has to be transparent, work together,  and listen to their courtesans.

The problem is not prices. This whole theory that prices are killing lpin is a bunch of bull.

Re: Current LPIN system

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:11 am
by SixT9er
A few of my thoughts and I'm sure I'll have others as time goes by. These are of course compiled by an outsider with only general knowledge of the industries inner workings

A few things I'd like to see changed are:

All houses should have negotiation rooms.
Reason: Negotiation rooms with surveillance protects both the client and Lady. There can be no misunderstanding of what is negotiated. Also the negotiation room puts the client on a little fairer ground. As with all business there is a home court advantage. In the Brothel industry a Ladies bed to sit on and negotiate on is a huge advantage for the Lady. Guys are easily swayed to begin with but having the Lady on the bed saying she wants you is very hard for many to resist. Granted the Negotiation room would still be a home field advantage for the Lady especially if she spends enough time there. On my first Brothel visit the Lady hiked up her dress and spread her legs sands underwear to help close the deal. Negotiation rooms are as neutral a place as a client can expect to interact with the Lady at a Brothel regarding her services.

Ladies need to be treated as true independent contractors.
Ladies should be able to book what types of parties and for whatever price they want without house interference. There should be a standard upcharge for Suites/Bungalows etc. While rules and schedules must be set by the house to guarantee house coverage and harmony micro managing Ladies should not happen

The split needs to be more fairly established
I have no problem with the 50/50 split in principle but feel if the house is taking 50% then they need to provide more than just a licensed establishment to work out of. The house should provide room and board, basic laundry services of towels and sheets etc for their 50%. Yes the house will potentially take a hit on a new Lady if they require her to stay 2 weeks on first trip and she doesn't book but there's risk in all business and I think this would lead the house to better screen potential Ladies to make sure this business is a good fit for them. Also houses shouldn't gouge Ladies for incidentals. They should only be able to mark up things like paper towels, condoms whatever 10-15%. I've heard of houses charging Ladies $10/roll for paper towels! Many Ladies come from long distances to work in the house, they shouldn't be financially raped for BS stuff just because they can't pack it in their suitcase
If the house is unwilling to provide these things then the split should be 60/40 for the Lady to offset the added expenses.

Contracts should not be allowed to be longer than 60 days. Locking a Lady into a house for a year and then controlling where they can go if you no longer want them there is BS. Ladies should have "Free Agency" to go to any house they want without fear of repercussion. Don't know if this is still out there but "Non compete" clauses should not be allowed in the contract.

Rectal swabs should be for only Ladies who offer Anal. It makes no sense to require the entire house to pay for a test for a service that many if not most don't offer. The current Law makes it so Ladies in houses who don't test can't offer legally a service that they may enjoy and or make significantly more money at if provided. This in turn has Ladies offering illegal services.

Advertising restrictions need to be lifted a bit. If condoms can be advertised why can't Legal sex? Sure there shouldn't be commercials with naked women or the implication of sexual acts allowed but having radio spots letting people know the houses exist, billboards etc done in good taste should be allowed. If something is Legal shouldn't it be allowed to be advertised at least some?

Re: Current LPIN system

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 9:28 am
by FumbleNutts
I'm a pretty simple guy, and look at things pretty simply  :)

If I look at the obvious: Ladies pay for their license, weekly tests, R&B, transportation, necessities (condoms), etc. They carry the bulk of the business expenses.

If I have an hour party at $500 an hour in a 50/50 house, that's $250 each. I appreciate the model that allows the higher percentage to go to the ICs. Like 60/40 - $300 Lady/$200 establishment. In my opinion the $50 more for each of those parties going to the lady is much more beneficial to them than management.

It gives the ladies more flexibility to build their clientele through what they charge, thus more can get involved, and helps the establishment by having more traffic. More traffic, more bar/food and merchandise sold. Win/Win

Re: Current LPIN system

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 4:08 pm
by Dr. Who
Even though I may be one of the old timers around here ...LOL ...I even think that the current brothel system is outdated.  Sure, you can implement some changes to make it better for the short term, but LPIN as we know it today will eventually die, either from it's own demise or by the politicians and religious fanatics who want to eliminate LPIN for good.  If the brothel owners are not willing to change their way of thinking and doing business, I'm afraid the last form of legal prostitution in the US will be history, perhaps not in the short term, but somewhere down the road.

I should hop into my TARDIS and see what the future has in store for LPIN ...10-, 20-, 30-...or more years into the future.  ;D ;D

Re: Current LPIN system

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 4:38 pm
by rachelvarga
SixT9er link wrote:
A few of my thoughts and I'm sure I'll have others as time goes by. These are of course compiled by an outsider with only general knowledge of the industries inner workings

A few things I'd like to see changed are:

Contracts should not be allowed to be longer than 60 days. Locking a Lady into a house for a year and then controlling where they can go if you no longer want them there is BS. Ladies should have "Free Agency" to go to any house they want without fear of repercussion. Don't know if this is still out there but "Non compete" clauses should not be allowed in the contract.
These no compete are not enforceable. The girls have no access to customer data or anything in the office. They need to show that by you leaving it will cause damage to the company. Girls jump around from house to house. It is a very limited pool of employers so in effect the no-compete is damaging to the girls. I would say to all girls to not worry about it.

Re: Current LPIN system

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 8:47 pm
by SexyLexieJames
SixT9er link wrote:
A few of my thoughts and I'm sure I'll have others as time goes by. These are of course compiled by an outsider with only general knowledge of the industries inner workings

A few things I'd like to see changed are:

All houses should have negotiation rooms.
Reason: Negotiation rooms with surveillance protects both the client and Lady. There can be no misunderstanding of what is negotiated. Also the negotiation room puts the client on a little fairer ground. As with all business there is a home court advantage. In the Brothel industry a Ladies bed to sit on and negotiate on is a huge advantage for the Lady. Guys are easily swayed to begin with but having the Lady on the bed saying she wants you is very hard for many to resist. Granted the Negotiation room would still be a home field advantage for the Lady especially if she spends enough time there. On my first Brothel visit the Lady hiked up her dress and spread her legs sands underwear to help close the deal. Negotiation rooms are as neutral a place as a client can expect to interact with the Lady at a Brothel regarding her services.

Ladies need to be treated as true independent contractors.
Ladies should be able to book what types of parties and for whatever price they want without house interference. There should be a standard upcharge for Suites/Bungalows etc. While rules and schedules must be set by the house to guarantee house coverage and harmony micro managing Ladies should not happen

The split needs to be more fairly established
I have no problem with the 50/50 split in principle but feel if the house is taking 50% then they need to provide more than just a licensed establishment to work out of. The house should provide room and board, basic laundry services of towels and sheets etc for their 50%. Yes the house will potentially take a hit on a new Lady if they require her to stay 2 weeks on first trip and she doesn't book but there's risk in all business and I think this would lead the house to better screen potential Ladies to make sure this business is a good fit for them. Also houses shouldn't gouge Ladies for incidentals. They should only be able to mark up things like paper towels, condoms whatever 10-15%. I've heard of houses charging Ladies $10/roll for paper towels! Many Ladies come from long distances to work in the house, they shouldn't be financially raped for BS stuff just because they can't pack it in their suitcase
If the house is unwilling to provide these things then the split should be 60/40 for the Lady to offset the added expenses.

Contracts should not be allowed to be longer than 60 days. Locking a Lady into a house for a year and then controlling where they can go if you no longer want them there is BS. Ladies should have "Free Agency" to go to any house they want without fear of repercussion. Don't know if this is still out there but "Non compete" clauses should not be allowed in the contract.

Rectal swabs should be for only Ladies who offer Anal. It makes no sense to require the entire house to pay for a test for a service that many if not most don't offer. The current Law makes it so Ladies in houses who don't test can't offer legally a service that they may enjoy and or make significantly more money at if provided. This in turn has Ladies offering illegal services.

Advertising restrictions need to be lifted a bit. If condoms can be advertised why can't Legal sex? Sure there shouldn't be commercials with naked women or the implication of sexual acts allowed but having radio spots letting people know the houses exist, billboards etc done in good taste should be allowed. If something is Legal shouldn't it be allowed to be advertised at least some?

Can you pretty please open a brothel and I can work for you. You seem to understand the things that really make this job difficult sometimes and how to eliminate those problems.

Re: Current LPIN system

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 8:49 pm
by SexyLexieJames
Rachel Varga link wrote: This is a very touchy subject. I don't want to offend anyone so let me put it like this.

The problem with the system is that no one is thinking ahead about the next generation. I see all these posts about how to fix things and they are very myopic in their view.

People treat the girls as stupid. How could they know anything? A lot of girls are quite intelligent. They understand their younger generation yet they are treated as stupid. They have good ideas.

Another problem is that brothels do not work together.  They do not get together to discuss ways to help the industry.  Too many egos and secrecy.

If this industry wants to flourish it has to be transparent, work together,  and listen to their courtesans.

The problem is not prices. This whole theory that prices are killing lpin is a bunch of bull.

I completely agree with you. We need to band together as IC's and push for a more united front to help the industry evolve and move forward. We are not enemies... there are so few legal prostitutes out there, that we all share such a sacred bond and I want to see you do well as much as myself or any girl at my own house. We should be working together to destigmatize and advance the industry, rather than take part in petty rivalries.[/size]

Re: Current LPIN system

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 2:14 pm
by rachelvarga
Thank you Lexie,

You are right. There are not many of us. We compete with independents and free porn. We need to work together.

Lexie you have been a good friend. You and Vanity and others. Thank you for your support.

Re: Current LPIN system

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 5:40 pm
by Aubrey Huff
For the most part, the system is fair. Gentleman are paying a premium, and the ladies are paying a premium for safe, disease free, and worry free sex. You aren't going to get arrested, beat up, robbed etc.

The whole issue is competition. Competition would breed better conditions, splits, and prevent the price gouging that does occur.

A 60/40 house in a place as nice as the Sage or Mustang would encourage movement.

More competition would create more jobs so there could be a mass of ladies wanting to get better working conditions.

The problem with the Hof + 1 model of today is that it encourages secrecy, waiting around for the whale, and honestly for the non top bookers creates dependency on the house because they always owe $.

Guys that don't know the ropes aren't going to pay big bucks for the low end earner, but they will pay big bucks for the bunny of the month because they don't know any better. It just perpetuates the 3 step cycle. 1) Withhold info 2) Whale party 3) Dependency of the girls.

If there were more non-Hof alternatives around Reno, I think you would really see traffic pick up and market forces would bring a lot of needed clarity and change to the system.

Re: Current LPIN system

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 11:44 pm
by RoxyGold
I think the system is absolutely fair, and to be quite honest, this is the job where I have been price gouged the least. What I spend on room and board I used to spend for parking. The 50/50 split is worth it to me for the security alone. I don't have people with their hands in my pockets if I don't sell enough drinks/merchandise in addition to just doing my job. I don't have work uniforms or mandatory charity "donations" taken out of my paycheck.

Something I would like to see, and I know it's wishful thinking, is having Planned Parenthood do our medical checkups. That way the money us ladies spend can be used to help people in need. :)

Re: Current LPIN system

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 5:26 am
by FumbleNutts
RoxyGold link wrote: I think the system is absolutely fair, and to be quite honest, this is the job where I have been price gouged the least. What I spend on room and board I used to spend for parking. The 50/50 split is worth it to me for the security alone. I don't have people with their hands in my pockets if I don't sell enough drinks/merchandise in addition to just doing my job. I don't have work uniforms or mandatory charity "donations" taken out of my paycheck.

Something I would like to see, and I know it's wishful thinking, is having Planned Parenthood do our medical checkups. That way the money us ladies spend can be used to help people in need. :)
There was a thread on the other board about creating a charitable 501c3 for LPIN. I look at LPIN more for me as helping my wellbeing. Something that could be made charitable to help with medical checkups would be wonderful and help make LPIN more acceptable in the mainstream - on top of helping ladies with a big expense.

Re: Current LPIN system

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 10:31 am
by Midwest Couple
RoxyGold link wrote: I think the system is absolutely fair, and to be quite honest, this is the job where I have been price gouged the least. What I spend on room and board I used to spend for parking. The 50/50 split is worth it to me for the security alone. I don't have people with their hands in my pockets if I don't sell enough drinks/merchandise in addition to just doing my job. I don't have work uniforms or mandatory charity "donations" taken out of my paycheck.

Something I would like to see, and I know it's wishful thinking, is having Planned Parenthood do our medical checkups. That way the money us ladies spend can be used to help people in need. :)

Uhg.... what do we know?  We are very limited in our experiences, and have no experience IN the business. 

But - here's what we believe!  This industry has historically been about a HOUSE bringing in clients who then get to choose from one of many working ladies.  THAT model deserves a 50/50 split as the house is driving the clientele and $$$. 

The world has changed however.  Technology and the internet has changed the LPIN business model and allowed the lady to drive clientele/$$ to the house!  In that case, the split is unfair (In our opinion). We are only commenting because of the ironic fact that Lexie, Roxy, Kitti & Rachel have each posted on this thread and EACH have a following that would most likely drive to any house to party with them.  They are now doing the marketing, the client relation management AND the service - but still get only a 50% split, AND get bitched at by us mongers when they hire out help to handle some of these items?

We'd jump at the chance to be an owner in THIS business model, no matter what they are selling. 

Just our 2 cents. 

Re: Current LPIN system

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 11:00 am
by MrTShirt
RoxyGold link wrote: ...I don't have work uniforms or.....
Well, I disagree, my Dear.  You do have a spectacular work uniform.  But not everybody gets to see it.  Just your lucky clients.

Re: Current LPIN system

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 3:00 pm
by Slednx
Under the old system, 50/50 was probably fair. Clients came because the owner had a house to facilitate the interaction with his ladies.

Today, the ladies can reel them into the house through social media with the house doing nothing but being there. For that, they should get a higher 60/40 split.

Re: Current LPIN system

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 4:28 pm
by Space Duck
Slednx link wrote: Under the old system, 50/50 was probably fair. Clients came because the owner had a house to facilitate the interaction with his ladies.

Today, the ladies can reel them into the house through social media with the house doing nothing but being there. For that, they should get a higher 60/40 split.

I can promise you right now that the house itself has almost nothing to do with where I plan to go for my first time. The most important factor to me is location. As in, what is there to do in the area if I try LPIN and decide I don't like it or it's not for me. Or if I vastly underestimate the funds required for what I'm looking for and get walked everywhere.

After that, the only thing I look to the houses for is to see which ladies are working there. If I lady I'm interested in moves to a different house, that's not going to make me less interested in the lady. I don't care about the amenities of the house. I'm not going to Nevada to visit a house. I'm going to visit some ladies.

I'm not familiar enough with the business to say what the split should be, but I will say that 50/50 sounds low for the ladies. I'll also say that the "free" drivers that take a cut out of the ladies' portion should be taken out of management's instead. That's management's employee, and management's decision to provide that "free" service, so it should come out of management's pockets.

As far the best step for LPIN in general, at the very least, I'd like to see other states enact laws decriminalizing, or at least legalizing, prostitution. This may not be the best step for the current legal sex workers financially, because as long as Nevada remains the only place to do it legally there remains a severe restriction in legal supply, but I think it would help the industry.

At that point, the majority of large houses would not be owned by one guy. Which would be good in general for sex workers who annoy management. One management team won't be able to effectively lock out sex workers from over half the available spots in the industry just because they felt like it.

Anyways, this is probably enough rabble rousing for one post.

Re: Current LPIN system

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 12:23 am
by RoxyGold
Thanks for the shout outs, you guys! Much obliged! Kitti, your idea made me think of realtors who have a "cap" where after they make X$ in commissions then the office/license holder doesn't take a cut. I'm not sure if it's yearly or quarterly (my eyes glaze over when my real estate agent friends swap stories) but I would often hear about how So And So Big Time Agent just capped. If we had a system like that, it would really give incentive to bust our butts and make a quota that would garner that kind of reward. Though on the other hand, it might inspire greed and snakiness. I dunno. :)

Re: Current LPIN system

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 12:03 pm
by MrTShirt
One way to put the crunch on the "Kelly Fair" is to use them to go to a house, planning on staying for several hours, staying long enough for that cabbie to leave.  Then, leaving later with another cab.

Another option, during the LPIN Awards, if a person has a hotel room at the Mustang, it would be a one way trip.

We clients can help send a message on the "Kelly Fair" situation.