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Well this sucks...

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 5:21 pm
by OldNick999
This came up in my notifications on my phone. I guess I’ll go get that cyanide pill now.

This is one person’s opinion, so please forgive the rather dark joke.

Re: Well this sucks...

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 7:27 pm
by Ironman
She isn't the one that will ultimately decide that. She gave her opinion.  She may very well end up being right.  However until you hear it from someone that actually makes that decision.  I wouldn't really give that video much thought. Like I said she might be right considering most people don't even give brothels a second thought. They just are not a priority. That doesn't change the fact at least for right  now she is just giving her opinion in that video. She is not even official media.

Re: Well this sucks...

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 7:36 pm
by Ironman
OldNick999 link wrote: This came up in my notifications on my phone. I guess I’ll go get that cyanide pill now.

This is one person’s opinion, so please forgive the rather dark joke.
I should have read what you wrote more carefully about the dark.joke.  Apparently the edit post feature is turned off now hence that second reply.  Anyway we will see if she ends up eventually being right.

Re: Well this sucks...

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 9:41 pm
by rachelvarga
Was she smoking crack? Okay let's look at this realistically. Nevada brothels are a blip on the radar. Most of the US thinks everywhere is illegal and doesn't know about us. It's just not an institution big enough to come in contact within the average American's mind.

The Governer has so many larger businesses barking at him that he doesn't even think about us unless it is brought up and if so it's like 30 seconds. He doesn't care if we exist. He is not trying to shut us down. He has so many people crawling up his ass that some kind of conspiracy to shut us down does not exist.

Anti prostitution advocates aren't getting any more shit done than anyone else. Everything is in disarray and just like everyone they are dealing with the same stuff. No one in government would hear them anyway.

The brothels will re-open. Counties have made no moves to permanently shut them and have no reason to when their constituents don't want them shut (Lyons County didn't want to touch it and let the people and they are okay with us)

So this girl is smoking crack and wants them closed. Looks like she prefers girls going into situations where you have a 400% higher chance of being violently assaulted.


Rachel Varga

Re: Well this sucks...

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 12:15 am
by Banginit
If they wanted it shut down, they would have done it long ago.  Its part of the fabric of Nevada.. 8)

Re: Well this sucks...

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 12:37 pm
by Underground Farmer
Looks to me like she is jealous of the girls that work in the brothels and is trying to strike out. If you check Youtube she has a video from about a year ago speaking about the evils of brothel life. (No comparison intended).

Re: Well this sucks...

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:08 pm
by OldNick999
She posted a video where she spoke about the brothel she worked at. She claimed that to make the girls work 24/7, the owner put drugs in their food. So she faked being sick, then jumped in her car and got out of there. I don’t remember if that was the only brothel she worked at or if she worked at others till deciding she hated brothels. She then went indy and had issues with that.

There are a lot of ladies that work at one brothel and decide they’re all horrible. I’m of the mind that not all brothels are the same. Girls that had issues at BunnyRanch and Sheri’s found better success at Mustang or Chicken Ranch.

If I ever get to visit Mustang, you might spot me. I’m a gothy kind of dude.

Re: Well this sucks...

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 5:11 am
by rachelvarga
Not to be mean but it takes a certain mentality to make it in this business and very few have it. So many come here and then when they don't do well it is always someone else's fault.

As for her accusations. In Pre 1990's women really had no one to turn to in this industry. They were in the desert away from the world in counties that still have those, "what do you expect when you sell your body", or "that's what they get" attitudes. Law enforcement was the same way. We know this from officers that worked back then saying Dennis was protected and they were told to not bother him. So yeah I imagine some bad shit went on. It was the perfect place for a sexual predator to own a business and it happened.

You also had a lot of guys that could do what they want and treat girls badly. Now it isn't as easy and Dennis was under a real investigation by the State when he died. He would not have been in the legislature long. It was all starting to come out and they didn't want his ass there either. You just can't hide stuff anymore. Any girl can tell people what is happening and they do.

Most of the bad owners are gone and the ones left are behaving more civilly because they don't want a #metoo movement hitting us. All the shit customers that treat women like fuckdolls are gone or they are hanging out in a place that the average person thinks is a disgusting toilet of misogyny. Attitudes toward women and sex workers are changing and the turn is already happening. You can't punish people for not kissing your ass because girls have multiple avenues of expression and really don't give a shit what some guys sitting around the forum toilet basking in their glory days have to say.