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A Very Sad Day In Elko. ***Please Read***

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 3:46 pm
by elkogfe
Hello everyone,

I wanted to make a post about someone very dear to me, Saphire.  Please read our go fund me page.for more details the link is below.

My first day at Monas I got to meet this wonderful lady who I had no idea would be so influential in my success.

Throughout the days. weeks, months, years I quickly learned that this lady is so valuable to our business and in general is so helpful, caring, smart, industry savvy, and has amazing suggestions.  And she is fun too with many funny stories and experiences.

I often found myself in the kitchen asking her for advice on something I needed to do or if I was stuck on how to fix a problem.

She has always been there with helpful and insightful advice anytime I needed it. . Always ensuring we find a solution for the issue at hand.

Frankly,  any day that she is in the house working I felt better and felt more confident that things would run smoothly.

Her work ethic is tops too and has never missed a day of work and made virtually every lineup.

I hope everyone reads the go fund me link that Peter wrote and if you can make a donation.

A get well wish is just as important as a donation so please feel free to send me any notes or wishes so I can pass them on to her.

Further,  once we open in May I will be donating a percentage of total revenue to Saphire every month along with daily house prayers for a quick recovery.


Re: A Very Sad Day In Elko. ***Please Read***

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 11:01 am
by elkogfe
Thank you for all the donations so far!

Saphire really appreciates it