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Nye County Nixing Masks

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:01 am
by rachelvarga ... ssion=true

Good news for the southern brothels

Rachel Varga

Nye County to fully Reopen May 1st.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 12:31 pm
100% and without mask.  I assume this means brothels too?[/size] ... ring-may-1

Re: Nye County Nixing Masks

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 1:57 pm
by rachelvarga
I merged these two as they are pretty much the same thing.

Re: Nye County Nixing Masks

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 3:31 pm
Not a problem, I just put it in off topic in case certain fellers got their feathers ruffled trying to claim it was not brothel related. [/size]

Re: Nye County Nixing Masks

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 2:25 pm
by Banginit
Rachel Varga link wrote: ... ssion=true

Good news for the southern brothels

Rachel Varga
Very good news

Re: Nye County Nixing Masks

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 4:06 am
I just hope people realize that with brothels often having to operate under different rules then most businesses, this doesn't automatically mean brothels will be able to go back to business as usual. Also in talking to some people I know in the grocery business, many stores have no intention of dropping mandatory mask requirements right away even if their city or county say mask are no longer required. [/size]

Re: Nye County Nixing Masks

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 10:57 am
by rachelvarga
SIDEWINDER link wrote: I just hope people realize that with brothels often having to operate under different rules then most businesses, this doesn't automatically mean brothels will be able to go back to business as usual. Also in talking to some people I know in the grocery business, many stores have no intention of dropping mandatory mask requirements right away even if their city or county say mask are no longer required. [/size]
True. Private businesses can have their own rules.

Re: Nye County Nixing Masks

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 3:01 pm
by Dirk Diggler
Businesses can set their own policies, but they also have to weigh the effects those policies may have with consumers and if it will affect their bottom line in a positive or negative way.

I wear a mask now in stores out of respect for the business owners and understanding they have no choice or face fines or closure due to government overreach. Once the orwellian mask mandate is lifted I personally will not frequent a single business that continues to require it, or I will without a mask, and see if they really care to ask me to leave their property or not. I

Re: Nye County Nixing Masks

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:17 am
by Wildfire ... e-efforts/

So much for no masks in Nye County or any other county in the State of Nevada.

Dictator Sisolak has spoken.....

Re: Nye County Nixing Masks

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 3:52 am
Now I'm more confused then normal. The Nevada governor saying it will be turned over to each county while at the same time saying mask will still be mandatory? If that's not a perfect example of a politician speaking out of both sides of his mouth, I don't know what is.[/size]

Re: Nye County Nixing Masks

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 12:13 pm
by Wildfire
SIDEWINDER link wrote: Now I'm more confused than normal. The Nevada governor saying it will be turned over to each county while at the same time saying mask will still be mandatory? If that's not a perfect example of a politician speaking out of both sides of his mouth, I don't know what is.[/size]

Sidewinder, look at the 2018 election. Sisolak only carried two counties. He only won Clark and Washoe.  Republican Adam Laxalt won in all other counties, including Carson City.  And Sisolak only won the election with only 49.4% of the vote.
It's all about the power he knows all the counties except Clark and Washoe would remove the mask mandate and make it an individual's choice to wear a mask or not to wear a mask.

Re: Nye County Nixing Masks

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 2:43 am
All politicians do the same thing. Makes no difference what party they're in.  I never looked at Covid as being political. It's a health issue. 
BTW: My point was, if Sisolak is saying mask will be mandatory---Is he really turning it over to each county to decide as he claimed?  Kind of like letting a little kid sit on his parent's lap making him think he's driving the car but we all know who's really driving the car! So will Sisolak let each county decide on the brothels or will he stick his nose in the matter just like with face mask? [/size]

Re: Nye County Nixing Masks

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 5:03 am
by CronusWalker
[quote author=SIDEWINDER link=topic=3139.msg27253#msg27253 date=1618580602]
All politicians do the same thing. Makes no difference what party they're in.  I never looked at Covid as being political. It's a health issue. 
BTW: My point was, if Sisolak is saying mask will be mandatory---Is he really turning it over to each county to decide as he claimed?  Kind of like letting a little kid sit on his parent's lap making him think he's driving the car but we all know who's really driving the car! So will Sisolak let each county decide on the brothels or will he stick his nose in the matter just like with face mask? [/size]

But in nevada it's being used as a political tool. The Nevada legislature has its 2 year session this year. When It started, it was closed to the everyone but the legislators themselves. the just recently opened it by reservation only, with either being tested prior to entry, or showing vaccination proof to enter, all with masks in place. even with opening they are still limiting how many people attend per day. They used the excuse of covid to either delay or alter the requirements for recall and voting requirements that impacted outcomes in a large amount. He or the advisory board have never presented any data on why brothels should be closed either. As for overriding the board, I think it more likely he would use some other leverage to make the task force board to do his dirty work. The problem that will hit will occur June 1 when he officially stated that 100% open for businesses.............

Re: Nye County Nixing Masks

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 5:30 am
by Wildfire
SIDEWINDER link wrote: All politicians do the same thing. Makes no difference what party they're in.  I never looked at Covid as being political. It's a health issue. 
BTW: My point was, if Sisolak is saying mask will be mandatory---Is he really turning it over to each county to decide as he claimed?  Kind of like letting a little kid sit on his parent's lap making him think he's driving the car but we all know who's really driving the car! So will Sisolak let each county decide on the brothels or will he stick his nose in the matter just like with face mask? [/size]
Well, Sidewinder, you live in a fantasy world because everything is political and a grab for power and control.
If COVID-19 is truly a health issue, then the individual tax-paying American citizen would have free choice to use a mask, get vaccinated without interference from the Soclicest-Communist Democrats.  And they would not be forcing businesses into doing their dirty work for them. The current government has done nothing good for its citizen. They have used COVID-19 to get more people hooked on government handouts, just like a drug dealer; once you're hooked, your their slave until you die.

Re: Nye County Nixing Masks

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 7:38 am
That's all fine and dandy but it still doesn't answer the question if Sisolak will let the counties decide when it comes to the brothels or will he stick his nose in just like he's doing with face mask? 
BTW: At this point, I think the Counties would be a better friend to the brothels then Sisolak.[/size]

Re: Nye County Nixing Masks

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 12:19 pm
by CronusWalker
SIDEWINDER link wrote: That's all fine and dandy but it still doesn't answer the question if Sisolak will let the counties decide when it comes to the brothels or will he stick his nose in just like he's doing with face mask? 
BTW: At this point, I think the Counties would be a better friend to the brothels then Sisolak.[/size]
All we can do is wait and see........

Re: Nye County Nixing Masks

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 11:23 am
by SToN3y
SIDEWINDER link wrote: That's all fine and dandy but it still doesn't answer the question if Sisolak will let the counties decide when it comes to the brothels or will he stick his nose in just like he's doing with face mask? 
BTW: At this point, I think the Counties would be a better friend to the brothels then Sisolak.[/size]
Sisolak just doesn't care about the brothels. He's apathetic. I don't think he's explicitly anti-sex work. But keeping them closed doesn't hurt him one way or the other, so he just sticks to his narrative...

Although, he's becoming more benign and starting to back off. Don't expect a huge announcement outside of our circles when the brothels DO get the greenlight to reopen. I really do think it will come down to being a county decision. And it seems most counties are on board with the brothels, aside from maybe Lyon...

Re: Nye County Nixing Masks

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 11:55 am
by MrTShirt
SToN3y link wrote: Sisolak just doesn't care about the brothels. He's apathetic. I don't think he's explicitly anti-sex work. But keeping them closed doesn't hurt him one way or the other, so he just sticks to his narrative...
Sisolak is a politician.  Why would anyone think Sisolak would gain points by helping out the brothel industry?

A politician's job is to keep his job.  Why would anyone think a politician's job is to help the people?
Having faith or hope in Sisolak is a fool's errand.

Re: Nye County Nixing Masks

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:12 pm
Well, you might have a point. That is since most Nevada votes come from either Clark county or Washoe County, any decisions Sisolak makes concerning the brothels would probably not affect him one way or the other in an election.  However, if Brothels are allowed to go by the same rules as bars and restaurants, I doubt if you'll see many mask being worn in brothels. [/size]

Re: Nye County Nixing Masks

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 10:03 am
by rachelvarga
I saw this and thought of you Wildfire.
