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How to end Derogatory terms

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 12:12 pm
by SixT9er
There's been a lot of discussion on the proper term for todays Legal Pay for Play Sex worker and it has been decided "Courtesan" should be used. This is great! A much classier term than Whore, hooker or prostitute by far. Now how do the Ladies in the industry get the rest of the world to join in and start using the term Courtesan?

There was and is a lot of anger over CWMC and now it has been changed to LPIN awards but I guarantee you many are still going to refer to them as CWMC. Funny thing is the award wasn't for "Whore of the Year" never was as far as I can tell even though the "W" stands for Whore. It has been "Courtesan of the Year". I thought it should have just been changed to CCMC but I guess for what ever reasons that wasn't thought of or decided against not that it matters.

I liken the challenge of getting whore out of the common terminology to getting rid of the "N" word. I dare say the word "Whore" has been around far longer than the "N" word yet because the "N" word refers to a race of people rather than a group it has garnered much more attention for it's negativity. I still see parallels in the challenge to get rid of the usage of the words.

So how do you get society to stop using derogatory terms to describe a group of people no matter if the group is based on race or choice of occupation?

For me the first place to start is with the groups themselves. If you don't want a word spoken at your home you ban the use of it at home and no longer use it. The same should be for the words I am speaking of here. If you are a Courtesan then you shouldn't be using the term "Whore" to describe yourself or others in your profession. If you are of African American descent then stop using the "N" word to describe yourself or others. I can already hear "It's different if we use it on ourselves, its allowed, you don't understand" And that may very well be I admit I'm not Black or a Courtesan but it seems to me if you don't want to hear those words the first place you can control it is at home! I grew up in a town with a large African American population, I heard the "N" word used so often by both whites and blacks it lost all meaning. Often times when used by the whites it wasn't meant to be derogatory it was just what was said. Not saying that was ok, just saying what was. I see today on twitter Ladies often referring to themselves as "Whores" &  "Hookers" and of course Legal Prostitutes.

If you want change you need to first make it yourself. You want disrespectful terms that describe you to not be used then don't use them yourself. Show self respect and refer to yourself as you would prefer to be referred to. Once the change starts at home then it will have a much better chance of catching on outside of it. As long as the world hears the derogatory terms used by those who they are referring to, many outsiders will still think it's ok to use them too

This may be out of line or in the wrong place. Please delete or relocate as you see fit

Re: How to end Derogatory terms

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 12:15 pm
by rachelvarga
Not out of line at all.  Well said.

Re: How to end Derogatory terms

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 4:38 am
by rachelvarga
Some Brothel people use those words a lot. Especially hooker. Some of us have used it.  I'm pretty sure it's come out of my mouth. It is hard to change this because people with more visibility use them all the time. If TMZ called me I would tell them to fuck off because they refer to us as whores. If we are whores they are too.  We don't go around shoving pussies in people's faces like the Shiterratzl.

Re: How to end Derogatory terms

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 11:13 am
by MrTShirt
One slight correction...the "W" along with the "M" stood for "WhoreMonger", which really refers to the guy, not the gal.  However, as noted above, a new name is now used - "LPIN Awards".  That chapter has now been closed.

The award for the girl is "COY" - "Courtesan of the Year".  That didn't require any change.

Re: How to end Derogatory terms

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 11:36 am
by SixT9er
MrTShirt link wrote: One slight correction...the "W" along with the "M" stood for "WhoreMonger", which really refers to the guy, not the gal.

It still refers to the Lady as a Whore, yes the term is to describe the guy but what is he a monger of? In this reference “Whores” just as a Fish Monger is a Monger of fish.

So the term is offensive to the Ladies as they don’t want to be referred to by the derogatory term “Whore”

Thus “Courtesan Monger” “CM” in lieu of “WM” would have been an appropriate change

How to end Derogatory terms

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 7:27 am
by firefighter
After was shutdown for the second time in two months on 8/15/17, the awards team decided to purchase our own domains.  Interested bystander provided ideas, instruction, guidance and moral support.  LPIN Awards owes Rachel Varga a great debt of gratitude for providing web developer services; we probably wouldn't have had a 2017 contest without Rachel's assistance.  We reserved for the history of the awards and for continuing the awards contests.  LPIN Awards removed all references to Q's derogatory message board including the term "monger" because it was used to refer to their members.  The Urban Dictionary defines monger as "short for whoremonger, i.e., one who frequents prostitutes."  Furthermore, whoremonger is one word so "monger" conveys the reference to whoremonger in the LPIN community.  The awards team wanted to sever any perceived relationship between Q's rogue message board and the awards, so we decided to operate as LPIN Awards.  The LPIN Awards board and LPIN Awards Registered Voters Contests are totally independent and don't have an alliance with any other message board.  However, BrothelLife membership is recommended because it's a totally impartial, valuable and independent LPIN community message board.  LPIN Awards uses Courtesan client to refer to Courtesan or brothel customers, since monger carries an unsavory implication.

Re: How to end Derogatory terms

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 6:15 pm
by rachelvarga
There is no way to use the word whore in a way that is non derogatory. I can't think of any situation.

We can't get rid of the assholes but we can make them feel very uncomfortable.

Re: How to end Derogatory terms

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 1:53 pm
by SexyLexieJames
I think the key to changing these words as insults is not necessarily to stop using them, but rather change the meaning. We as sex workers need to stop letting those words insult us. When someone calls me a slut, whore, ho etc, which happened a lot on social media after I appeared on Jerry Springer, I had to take a kinda smart ass approach. I would post the google definition of the word they used, which was generally "prostitute or someone who exchanges sexual favors for money" and say, "thank you for your observation. You cannot insult someone by calling them what they are. Your words do not hold any negative or hurtful connotation for me and but rather reflects upon your self hatred and insecurities." The first step to reducing the derogatory nature of those words is to not take offense to them. I hope at some point those words will just be slang or won't be used at all.

Re: How to end Derogatory terms

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 2:02 pm
by SixT9er
Lexie James link wrote: I think the key to changing these words as insults is not necessarily to stop using them, but rather change the meaning. We as sex workers need to stop letting those words insult us. When someone calls me a slut, whore, ho etc, which happened a lot on social media after I appeared on Jerry Springer, I had to take a kinda smart ass approach. I would post the google definition of the word they used, which was generally "prostitute or someone who exchanges sexual favors for money" and say, "thank you for your observation. You cannot insult someone by calling them what they are. Your words do not hold any negative or hurtful connotation for me and but rather reflects upon your self hatred and insecurities." The first step to reducing the derogatory nature of those words is to not take offense to them. I hope at some point those words will just be slang or won't be used at all.
I agree, it’s the recipient who gives the words power over them. Unfortunately that is something the majority of us as humans beings tend to do and that’s not going to change anytime soon. It would be great if we were all strong enough to just brush it off but most of us aren’t. So the next best thing would be for people to stop using them then it wouldn’t offend the many that it does.

Re: How to end Derogatory terms

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:47 am
by SexyLexieJames
Chuckar chaser link wrote:
May I say you are a dang sexy whore.  Most likely far more successful and contribute more to society than those that were trying to demoralize you on social media.
Why thank you!! I take that as quite a great compliment![/size]

Re: How to end Derogatory terms

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 3:53 pm
by MrTShirt
Lexie James link wrote: Why thank you!! I take that as quite a great compliment![/size]
Since I am typing challenged, I'll just simply say you are sexy.

Re: How to end Derogatory terms

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 4:03 pm
by Lee
firefighter link wrote: After was shutdown for the second time in two months on 8/15/17, the awards team decided to purchase our own domains.  Interested bystander provided ideas, instruction, guidance and moral support.  LPIN Awards owes Rachel Varga a great debt of gratitude for providing web developer services; we probably wouldn't have had a 2017 contest without Rachel's assistance.  We reserved for the history of the awards and for continuing the awards contests.  LPIN Awards removed all references to Q's derogatory message board including the term "monger" because it was used to refer to their members.  The Urban Dictionary defines monger as "short for whoremonger, i.e., one who frequents prostitutes."  Furthermore, whoremonger is one word so "monger" conveys the reference to whoremonger in the LPIN community.  The awards team wanted to sever any perceived relationship between Q's rogue message board and the awards, so we decided to operate as LPIN Awards.  The LPIN Awards board and LPIN Awards Registered Voters Contests are totally independent and don't have an alliance with any other message board.  However, BrothelLife membership is recommended because it's a totally impartial, valuable and independent LPIN community message board.  LPIN Awards uses Courtesan client to refer to Courtesan or brothel customers, since monger carries an unsavory implication.
Thank You Firefighter for reminding us of how derogatory actions are lousy too. Thank You Rachel Varga for Your surprise "Monopoly Buster" (this great website). It showed a Selfish Patriarch who tried to destroy what good people had spent close to a quarter century building (because He didn't get His way, boohooooo!  :'( ) that He only had one vote.

It will be a great day when the remaining good people 'over there' abandon 'His Highness' and begin solely posting here.