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Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 5:37 am
by rachelvarga
I said it over and over.  The world is changing but the industry isn't.  Case in point. The #metoo wave of women coming out that say they were sexually harrassed by men in power. I like to call it the Weinstein Effect. It tore through Hollywood,  Congress,  and now the Media.

But in porn there is nothing.  Look at this prick James Deen. Multiple women have come out and he actually got bigger. What about Ron Jeremy?.  Maybe one of the most disgusting men on the planet.  Rape,  shoving his fingers up in girls pussy and ass at conventions and all kind of stuff. How could any woman let that guy touch her is beyond belief.

Sexual harrassment in LPIN can become blurred.  Some customers become confused or don't understand that you can't touch us without permission. 90% of the time it's a grab on the ass. I tell them that it is inappropriate and not to do it again. I take into account that it's a brothel.  If I see him do it again I'll have security talk with him and decide what to do.

Brothels are another matter all together. Where I work everyone knows not to say or do anything to us.  We have a woman manager and she won't put up with that. I can't speak for other places but I will say this. When a woman comes to the middle of nowhere, not knowing anything they have to trust that they are safe. They are very vulnerable. They are in a foreign environment and can easily be taken advantage of because they either don't know if sex with certain people is "part of the job" or they are easily influenced due to being in the middle of fucking nowhere.

There was a post asking,  "Did Cathouse help the industry?".  Yes it did financially. People made millions off of that.  The one thing it also did was make us look like a bunch of dumbasses. It validated that it was okay to treat us like we are stupid. It was staged and total bullshit. Lisa Ling was bullshit. I watched it when it was filmed.  That woman is a complete idiot. Just a fluff piece.

Then you have a group of customers that purports to care about us but spend most of their time complainig about our prices or talking about us as objects. I'm sure some pay a headache tax because that's what some of them are. A headache.

The saddest thing is that the women just fight about stupid shit. Very few care about others. All these petty squabbles. Jealousy and money. They complain about everything but don't want to do anything about it.

So until that happens nothing will change.

Re: #metoo

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 10:13 am
by Midwest Couple
We hope it doesn't start a fire on this thread - but we are THRILLED with the direction the world is headed in holding powerful men/people accountable!  It's a long way from the treatment Anita Hill received about 25 years earlier and the world is a better place because of it. 

We are near a time where we personally will send our daughters out to college and the work place!  We feel much safer knowing that there's at least a little more accountability for what they will encounter and the power they will have if/when something happens.  Thank you to everyone who has spoken up and allowed this to happen. 

To the ladies of LPIN, we hope that the "Weinstein Effect[/size]" will spread deeper into your world too and allow accountability and decency to exist where it hasn't in the past! 

Re: #metoo

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 10:52 am
by MrTShirt
This is a steep hill to climb, but it has to start somewhere and some time.

This forum is the place to start formulating a "code of conduct" that all the girls will expect out of the customers (and houses and other girls).

Several items in that "code of conduct" are already mentioned above.

During this "#MeTo" movement time, an effort to redefine the State of Nevada Prostitution Code to "courtesan" and "courtesanship" would be appropriate.

Girls, let's hear your points.

Re: #metoo

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 1:07 pm
by TC
I don’t think these men, the headaches and harassers, are inherently any shallower than any other person or gender. I think their brains and souls have been until very recently been warped by the patriarchy (yeah I used the p word), while patriarchy also protects the weaker, dumber ones from ever having to reckon with that damage. I see those men not as happy simpletons but as walking tragedies (who unfortunately externalize that tragedy, harming everyone around them in the process). [/size]

I think back to when I was very young and easily impressed by a man who had a real career, or a great apartment, or other fairly standard markers of adulthood that I was just too young to have attained myself. Were I to DATE those same men now, of course I'd be interested in the *details* of work, home, etc., but the mere fact of them wouldn't impress me. Those are just table stakes for adults. [/size]

Already it is a complicated power dynamic. Enter money. Enter brothels. Young women making 20x the income of their clients. Now the two parties are on even weirder and differently unequal terms. As #metoo spreads and the brothel “life” evolves (as it should), I do (even as an outsider) see the industry having growing pains. Take the recent kerfuffles over GFE as an example. For once I fall firmly on the client’s side as someone who doesn’t think it’s a “specialty” to convincingly seem like a romantic partner—but that’s not to start a debate so much as say I see the Headaches (no one here) clinging to their old prices and definitions and meeting *any* newness with rage. [/size]

It’s gonna take time, a whole lotta precious time. It’s gonna take patience and time... to do it right. [/size]

Re: #metoo

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 1:05 pm
by rachelvarga
Looks like VICE is getting their balls kicked in over this. At least they admit they are assholes. ... sment.html

Re: #metoo

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 1:02 am
by Lee
This sick shit is no more than a function of sexual repression. So many aspects of our society promotes sexual repression and then goes "OH GASP! - Human sexual desire occurred!!" What a nest of dum-fuks (imho).

I've said it before and it just is worth repeating - The Courtesans are just the best people. They eliminate the excuse for people committing sexual attacks against one another.

I can proudly and truthfully say (again - as I have before) that if I ever have a mate, she will need to be a courtesan who happily breeds men regularly and thereby does Her part to bring peace, a form of love, and happiness into a struggling world.