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Now hiring at The Dovetail Ranch

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 10:13 am
by Monica Dovetail
:) Hiring New Ladies
We won small brothel of the year the last 8 years 
Come take a tour see if it's a fit for you  ;)
I think the ladies are grown ups and can bounce around & work wherever they want to work
No contract how will you know what house is for you if you don't try another ranch? 

Re: Now hiring at The Dovetail Ranch

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 10:14 am
by Monica Dovetail
Here is a few pictures of the ranch  :)

Re: Now hiring at The Dovetail Ranch

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 10:17 am
by Monica Dovetail

Re: Now hiring at The Dovetail Ranch

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 10:19 am
by Monica Dovetail

Re: Now hiring at The Dovetail Ranch

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 10:20 am
by Monica Dovetail
Hope to see you soon  ;)

Re: Now hiring at The Dovetail Ranch

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 11:08 am
by dyanadyamonds

I've reached out a few times.
No response
Dyana Dyamonds

Re: Now hiring at The Dovetail Ranch

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 8:23 am
by rachelvarga
I think some people don't realize that if you try to control where ladies work you will just piss them off which means they won't like their job and leave anyways. The majority of a ladies customers WILL go whererver she goes so you will lose them for good.

Now if a lady works at different houses customers will continue to go to the brothel they met her at because they know she will be back so the brothel loses very little instead of a lot.

So why do some places try to use no-compete contracts? To make ladies think they can't leave because they can be sued BUT this is not true. Judges will usually not enforce these unless the lady has information that can harm the company. Employees with access to the inner workings. Madams, accountants, partners, cashier, etc.

Creating undue hardship on a contractor that has no access to anything that can harm the business will most likely cost a brothelmoney if the lady files a countersuit.

Just let the ladies work. Who cares if they move around? Nobody except the few greedy and corrupt ones.

Okay, sorry. Ladies I can say that I have talked with Monica on different occasions and she was really nice to me.

Rachel Varga

Re: Now hiring at The Dovetail Ranch

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 12:30 pm
by MrTShirt
As I have said, every guy and every girl should visit every house.
(Maybe every owner visit all the other houses just to get ideas on what they can do to better their own facility.)

Re: Now hiring at The Dovetail Ranch

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 4:38 am
by Monica Dovetail
Rachel Varga link wrote: I think some people don't realize that if you try to control where ladies work you will just piss them off which means they won't like their job and leave anyways. The majority of a ladies customers WILL go whererver she goes so you will lose them for good.

Now if a lady works at different houses customers will continue to go to the brothel they met her at because they know she will be back so the brothel loses very little instead of a lot.

So why do some places try to use no-compete contracts? To make ladies think they can't leave because they can be sued BUT this is not true. Judges will usually not enforce these unless the lady has information that can harm the company. Employees with access to the inner workings. Madams, accountants, partners, cashier, etc.

Creating undue hardship on a contractor that has no access to anything that can harm the business will most likely cost a brothelmoney if the lady files a countersuit.

Just let the ladies work. Who cares if they move around? Nobody except the few greedy and corrupt ones.

Okay, sorry. Ladies I can say that I have talked with Monica on different occasions and she was really nice to me.

Rachel Varga
Yes a lot of girls go to one house then think the are all the same 
Scared to leave thinking they are under contract
Yes we are a smaller house and we know within a week if you fit or not
All the girls who work here are super nice I been so lucky on the amount of good people we have had work here  :)